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Nene's Pet Latinx
Sep 16, 2022
I discovered Holo via 2snacks' eekum bokum video, but me being me I just went "wtf is this shit?" and didn't investigate any further into it (I tend to do that and always end up late to the party because of my thick-headedness). But I guess the algo caught onto it because a couple weeks later I got one of those "complete guide to (talent)" videos that were really popular at the time and that pushed my curiosity over the edge, I looked at the channel's other vids and lo and behold one of them was a "Hololive are releasing their new EN generation this Friday!" And the rest is history.
Funnily enough I fell into the hole right as the aloe drama was going down but I only learned about it later when I decided to do my reps and learn everything I could about chuubas.
Funnily enough I fell into the hole right as the aloe drama was going down but I only learned about it later when I decided to do my reps and learn everything I could about chuubas.