Just hope the Boston frog wil land on her feet, only talent that I enjoyed from this corpo

I wonder if Eri will return to streaming after her failed manager arc?
This is true. Though those "CN operations" barely even manifested, and the NOA dude was outed for talking a bunch of bs and basically only saying what he said to brag, same deal as Harry from Nexas. These nobody entrepreneurs love to use their "Connections" aka business dealings with other bigger and actually successful companies to prop themselves up.Go look over at the NOA Talent thread if you want proof. The CEO of the parent company has direct ties to Hololive via their CN operations, and in turn directly interfaces with management staff in NOA Talent. Do you know what Guanxi is? The ties are all there for anyone to easily research themselves.
Probably, but most people in any industry aren't that far removed from each other, that doesn't mean they all talk to each other or that one of them being a moron makes everyone else a moron. This has nothing to do with EIEN going under either, you have no proof of Holo connections to EIEN as far as I'm aware.None of these people are ever more than two steps removed from each other.
Or maybe you're reading too much into it.The moment you start actively looking into this stuff, it unfolds like a conspiracy board.
No, they often use previous contacts, such as calli using fake-type and introducing him to the company to produce music for korone. This however doesn't mean the company will always collab with ANYONE the talent had connections to, we've seen many times where previous ties the talents had have been severed or kept on the personal side because Cover isn't totally mindless. This again, has nothing to do EIEN and we have no proof that anyone connected to EIEN or Vreverie or Prism or Kawaii or Tsunderia, specifically their rotten management teams are now working for Cover, if you can source proof of this I would be genuinely interested.Do you really think that all of the connections with fans, artists, VAs and moderators that HoloEN talents had when they were independents just... vanish when they join Hololive? Do you think they just stop talking to their old model mothers/fathers? Do you think they get into Hololive by pure luck, or might just be recommended by managers who used to work in other areas of the industry to gain experience before moving up to Hololive level?
They have a team who's sole purpose is to do this, which Calli stated has grown a lot. They obviously reject a good chunk of the auditions instantly due to them not being viable. Again this is just you speculating from what I know.Variance Project got a thousand auditions in two months. Imagine how many Hololive gets with unlimited audition time. Do you think a Japanese company is going to have the permanent English-speaking staff needed to go through all of those auditions one by one and analyse them for validity? If not, where exactly do you think those staff would be hired from?
You have one data point in the NOA stuff, and it's true, no point in denying it. Everything else is speculation, it may be informed speculation, but you have no certifiable proof of any bad actors from other companies joining Cover which is supposed to make us care more than we do when these microcorps go under.If you have a plausible counter-argument that refutes all of these data-points, I'm interested to hear it. I'm simply hammering on this because I feel there's a level of willful disbelief in the concept that Hololive is just another corporation like any other, and that it hires from the same group of people that every other corporation out there does, as well as from the same pool of technical support staff.
And how does this actually affect Hololive, like you were originally claiming? Hololive talents get like a couple of new people in their 4-5 view streams? Hololive gets a chance to hire some managers that worked for a failed vtuber corpo? Someone at Hololive who has a casual acquaintance at EIEN spends ten seconds to shoot off an, "are you okay" DM before going about the rest of their day?Go look over at the NOA Talent thread if you want proof. The CEO of the parent company has direct ties to Hololive via their CN operations, and in turn directly interfaces with management staff in NOA Talent. Do you know what Guanxi is? The ties are all there for anyone to easily research themselves.
None of these people are ever more than two steps removed from each other. The moment you start actively looking into this stuff, it unfolds like a conspiracy board. Do you really think that all of the connections with fans, artists, VAs and moderators that HoloEN talents had when they were independents just... vanish when they join Hololive? Do you think they just stop talking to their old model mothers/fathers? Do you think they get into Hololive by pure luck, or might just be recommended by managers who used to work in other areas of the industry to gain experience before moving up to Hololive level? Variance Project got a thousand auditions in two months. Imagine how many Hololive gets with unlimited audition time. Do you think a Japanese company is going to have the permanent English-speaking staff needed6K to go through all of those auditions one by one and analyse them for validity? If not, where exactly do you think those staff would be hired from?
If you have a plausible counter-argument that refutes all of these data-points, I'm interested to hear it. I'm simply hammering on this because I feel there's a level of willful disbelief in the concept that Hololive is just another corporation like any other, and that it hires from the same group of people that every other corporation out there does, as well as from the same pool of technical support staff.
I completely forgot EIEN even existed.So aside from Proctor dying on the hill that SURELY THIS WILL AFFECT HOLOLIVE, was it really necessary to vaguepost so hard about Eien dissolving, going so far as to have a reserved space for it on the banner? I haven't given a shit about the company since Riifu jumped ship, were they some Vrev-style evil corpo that deserves to be gravedanced on? Or was this just Proctor jerking himself off again over his super secret insider info?
In a perfect world, proctor have a manly voice, still has his farm and doesn't vaguepost.So aside from Proctor dying on the hill that SURELY THIS WILL AFFECT HOLOLIVE, was it really necessary to vaguepost so hard about Eien dissolving, going so far as to have a reserved space for it on the banner? I haven't given a shit about the company since Riifu jumped ship, were they some Vrev-style evil corpo that deserves to be gravedanced on? Or was this just Proctor jerking himself off again over his super secret insider info?
Imagine a whore with a heart of gold meme being real in 2024.Zumi tweeted and deleted but I was able to screenshot it first here's confirmation that Stronny is helping them all behind the scenes
View attachment 80984
I'm sure there are some decent managers in the EN sphere that are hamstrung by their companies and coworkers. I could see them getting hired by Hololive if they have the skills.I can see there being connections/friendships between talents, artists, modelers, etc in the EN vtuber space that are in and not in Hololive, however I sincerely doubt Holo is hiring managers from the small corpo scene, if only because the managers in said space tend to have abysmal track records. Holo has it's fuck ups that happen, but it's a far cry from what we've seen in the small corpo space. Also Holo has shown to get rid of/shuffle away/out bad or otherwise problem managers, so bad management wouldn't last long unless it's coming from the top.
For real Stronny has really earned a lot of points in my book between establishing Vallure and now helping her would have been corpo mates.Imagine a whore with a heart of gold meme being real in 2024.
Might not be wholly free of motives, but lol.
ThanksShibi donated to the Thrones of all 3 that are leaving @Scoots, here's Kilia's: https://throne.com/ekkomori/gifters),
I barely watch Hololive aside from the homos. I mostly watch indies and small companies. EIEN was just forgettable.I get the "point" of not caring about smaller corpos, but my mind has trouble weighting who is more annoying: the holoEN race purity wizards or the dramafaggs. Not that it matters, this was just my opinion.
I admit I do not have deep knowledge of the structure of the small corpos, but from the cursory knowledge I have it seems to largely have the owners and their friends/co-founders being the only management in the small corpos. There's also making one of the talents the direct manager, like Lumi was in Cyberlive. Phase Connect is the one that I know of that specifically hired managers, and that was after Fishman tried doing it himself and nearly had a talent revolt because of his performance. So I at least personally doubt there are overly many good managers in the space being hamstrung by the company itself.I'm sure there are some decent managers in the EN sphere that are hamstrung by their companies and coworkers. I could see them getting hired by Hololive if they have the skills.
Doesn't mean there's a secret collusion between Obscure English Vtuber Company #54 and Hololive though.
Zumi tweeted and deleted but I was able to screenshot it first here's confirmation that Stronny is helping them all behind the scenes
View attachment 80984
Guess I need to stop being a Twitter lurker cause she's still protected so my lurking ass still can't see anything. On the topic of VAllure, Shibi's nsfw alt is celebrating the news and claiming she'll "let them tell their own story" so hopefully we will be getting more info from the EIEN girls. Maybe it really does all them from the Riifu feud and that's why the VAllure girls are being so supportive of the 3 who were already leaving, but Proctor's been making a pretty big deal of this event what with the header and tying it to Hololive so I wouldn't be surprised if things behind the scenes turn out to be worse than we thought once one of the EIEN girls decides to talk about it. Or maybe I'm just a gullible newfag reading too much into Bossman's vagueposting and I should just call him a femboy instead who knows.