"I'm relax, I'm relax, uuh magma is my house!"Roboco

CyberIdol & Q_Quillz/AmeliaDxrk/AstreRxse/MikoDayoooo/others: Serial "agency" founder and art scammer (not very good at either)


I'll see the truth, m'lady
Joined:  Nov 18, 2022
Proctor Edit: This drama has reached far beyond this forum and has affected seemingly dozens of isolated groups. Many people with zero knowledge of anything but their own small part in it and equally little knowledge of this site are turning up here to get the larger story. Please be nice to them and do not waste pages aggressively speculating on who they are and whether they have ulterior motives without evidence.


Even if the intentions of Q_Quillz, CyberIdol/Cyber Idol’s “CEO,” are good, her past behavior (including managing a previous agency and being a member of vtuber groups herself) and lack of experience have set the agency up for failure - in fact the whole thing might be some sort of odd scam. Q_Quillz (hereinafter “Q”) has gone under at least a dozen different identities online, most of which are connected to sketchy art and model sales. Anyone interested in legitimately growing their career in this industry should stay very far away from CyberIdol, and keep an eye on Q and whatever other identities she's using now or will use in the future.

Leave Britney alone!

The ultimate goal of this post is to dissuade people from working in an agency where Q_Quillz is in a leadership position as we do not believe she has the skills to take on such a role and as such the agency has a very high chance to fail. Similarly, those considering hiring her or being hired by her to do anything related to artwork should probably reconsider. Believe it or not, the goal of this post is not to beat up on or bully Q. Q seems to have at least some experience streaming, singing, and possibly creating legitimate art, and it’s hoped that Q will funnel her energy into contributing to our hobby using those skills, not in trying to be in a leadership position where her failure will affect those who work under her. Please do not contact Q directly, and please do not reply to her tweets. Please do not send her a link to this post - she already knows it exists.

Though this OP has undergone several hours of research and writing, it is still incomplete - we may never know the full extent of Q’s behavior in and around this industry. But what’s in here so far should be more than sufficient to warn people away from CyberIdol.

Have any tips about this agency or associated people, but want to stay anonymous? Feel free to email me at vtmurray@proton.me or DM me on Twitter at MurrayShinaide (email is preferred because who knows how Twitter DMs work anymore). I will guarantee your anonymity if you so request.

How it began

Very early in the morning of Thursday, October 11, a new Twitter account for a vtuber agency called CyberIdol_EN posted a tweet announcing they were beginning recruitment. That tweet would be shared to the Asylum several hours later by @Bannedvtmemes, asking prophetically “How long until they're outed as a black company?” As this was soon after the rapid, catastrophic implosion of AkioAIR due to a series of idiotic decisions by management, the community was particularly sensitive to mismanaged fly-by-night agencies at that time, and CyberIdol's announcement and information revealed in subsequent Marshmallow tweets raised some red flags:

  • The company couldn't decide if their name was "CyberIdol" or "Cyber Idol" and used the two interchangeably, sometimes in the same piece of media (like the video accompanying the recruitment announcement tweet).
  • The name itself is similar to two other agencies: CyberLive (which is now defunct) and Idol.
  • The company's entire existence was a Twitter account, a Marshmallow page, and a Google form. There was no web site and no accounts on streaming services. The company did not have a logo.
  • The artwork the Twitter account used for its avatar at the time was of an unknown character appeared to have a watermark saying "Sample" over it.
  • The agency account proudly proclaimed they would not be hiring minors (as was the first domino in AkioAIR's collapse), but it was later discovered the artist they gloated about hiring was a minor. CyberIdol claimed they were unaware of this and cut ties with this artist.
  • We'd later find out their recruitment style was very bizarre; talents for all four characters (based on Alice in Wonderland characters) were found within 48 hours, but they would have a couple months to decide whether they wanted to sign the contract. What would happen if a talent decided not to sign shortly before debut was not discussed - would the company scramble to recast the character?
  • Additionally, the company claimed to take a 30% cut, but rather than taking in the money from the talent's channel, taking their cut, and then distributing the rest to the talent as normal agencies do, they would instead have the talents take all channel income and then send the agency a check for their fee. While this approach has the benefit of making sure the agency won't run away with the money if and when they collapse, it's a very non-standard approach and leaves them vulnerable to cheating by the talents.
  • Given the lack of information about the company, including no mailing or physical address, it could not be determined of CyberIdol was in fact a registered company (it was later admitted by Q on the Proctor stream (see below) that it was not registered).

Most interestingly (in my opinion), no names were given for the company's management. In response to a Marshmallow asking for more info, they tweeted "The CEO will soon be revealed!" Why does the CEO need to have a grand reveal?

We would soon find out, as later that day the Twitter account tweeted that their CEO was… well, not a real name, but another Twitter handle: Q_Quillz. Now here's where things went kind of crazy because if this "CEO" had decided to create a totally new Twitter account, subsequent discoveries about this person would probably not have been made, or at least it would have taken longer. However, instead, the Q_Quillz account was a previous account which had had its handle changed and its original tweets removed, but reply tweets, as well as all of its followers and following accounts, remained (deleting those tweets may have been the reason the “debut” of the CEO was delayed). With that remaining information it was discovered almost instantly that the previous handle was AmeliaDxrk, and then from there, with judicious application of autism and archive searching, other identities were found.

The Proctor stream

On October 16, the administrator of this site, @The Proctor, did a stream about the CyberIdol drama prominently featuring the discoveries enumerated in this OP. Later in the stream, CyberIdol “co-founder” Empraize joined, apparently assuming that we wanted to lambast her about her association with CyberIdol, but Proctor was quite civil with her and asked her questions about her experience. I later joined to ask more questions, and soon after Q herself joined. The conversation was quite civil throughout as Empraize and I in particular tried to demonstrate to Q that, even if we ignore what she may have done under her various previous identities, she lacked the management experience to operate an agency, and if she failed, she would be hurting her talents as well as herself. In the end she seemed to concede the point and said she would give up the “CEO” position to someone else. However, after leaving the call, she started a Twitter space in which she seemed to indicate she felt ganged-up on and bullied on our stream, and posts the next day indicated she was reopening auditions for characters. (TardaTod would later join the stream after Q left and reiterate his falling-out with Q as MikoDayoooo.)

Jimmy’s buyout, the Murray stream, & aftermath

On October 21, the CyberIdol Twitter timeline was wiped and replaced with a single tweet announcing that CyberIdol was now “under new management” by a Twitter account with the handle of “Elevation.” Social media links quickly linked this account to Twitch and Twitter accounts using the Lahtome handle. The Lahtome Twitter account had been previously discovered to have been renamed from YamakaKiyo. Given this it was initially assumed that Elevation/Jimmy was yet another Q alias, but the fact that the Elevation Twitter handle had been in use since 2012 didn't quite fit. Jimmy, Q, and Jimmy's significant other all claimed that this was not the case, and Jimmy reached out to me in Twitter DMs to appear on a stream hosted by me and clear things up. Shortly before the stream, Jimmy, Q, and I appeared on a call and I was sufficiently convinced that Jimmy and Q were different people.

During the stream, Jimmy explained that he was a former fleshstreamer interested in becoming a vtuber and had initially met Q when he purchased her MikoDaYooo from her. He had then purchased the YamakaKiyo account from Q and rebranded it to kickstart a Twitter presence with followers already interested in vtubers. Later he purchased the entire CyberIdol "company" from Q with the intention of running his own agency using his experience in accounting and Q's experience in the vtuber field. However, before the CyberIdol tweet about the new management the day before, he had been unaware of the baggage associated with the brand and of Q's previous activities. Despite all that he had learned since thin, however, he said that he intended to continue developing CyberIdol as an agency with Q as a sort of manager.

The following morning, October 23, a graphic designer going by Reiki posted a Twitter post and Google doc claiming Q had issued a PayPal chargeback on the commission fee he had charged for some artwork, despite Q using that artwork in the past. As Q had initially reached out to Reiki using a Discord handle of "yamakakiyo_" and the YamakaKiyo Twitter handle now pointed to Lahtome, Jimmy's Lahtome identity was implicated in this. This appeared to be the last straw for Jimmy as he soon after renamed the Lahtome handle back to YamakaKiyo, created a new Lahtome handle, and announced on the new handle and the CyberIdol account that he was no longer associated with CyberIdol. At some point after this the CyberIdol account would be deleted altogether.

A list of identities for Q_Quillz follows, with a summary of what they seemed to have gotten up to and how they tie back to the Q_Quillz identity. It should be noted that a common thread among almost all identities is offering art commissions and sometimes the same artwork is used as portfolio pieces among different identities. However, the artwork tends to have an inconsistent style from piece to piece and there is evidence of her both using AI art generators and passing off the artwork of others as her own. It is unknown if she actually has any artistic talent.


Q_Quillz claims to be the “CEO” of CyberIdol, as mentioned above. She cofounded it with Empraize, someone who had previously commissioned Q for artwork and by Emp’s own admission knew very little about management or vtubing, but deferred to Q’s expertise. Empraize said she had effectively no tasks in the operation of the “company” and would later disassociate herself from the company as Q’s inexperience and past became apparent. After this thread was created, Q would make a Google doc addressing the OP and claiming not to be some of the identities below. However, the document has inconsistencies which put it in doubt. The tweet announcing the Google doc has since been deleted but the document itself still remains.


Previous handle of Q_Quillz's account. Archives of her Twitter account found this Carrd account with artwork, commission prices, and, for the purposes of finding further accounts, an email address, and (in the tab/window title) another username.

AstreRxse/Astre Rxse

The username in aforementioned Carrd page. She created a lot of content with this username, including a DeviantArt account and, around November 2022 livestreams which seem to have been lost to time. Around October 2020, AstreRxse apparently went by male pronouns and something happened to make his/her Discord friends think that he/she died, causing this bizarre tribute video to be made. Note that the link in the description as well as the username in the pinned comment now link to a channel with the name "MikoDayoooo." AstreRxse was apparently involved in buying and selling accounts for mobile games, including quite recently and sometimes with disturbingly large budgets.


Under this account, she has recently been active as a vtuber. Her channel currently only hosts a song cover. An associated Twitter account has had recent activity and oddly both offers commissions and has gotten commissions from others. The Miko identity recently had a controversy where she tried to cancel the unfortunately named TardaTod, the leader of a vtuber group called Project Enigmata, after he complained about her being absent without sufficient explanation from group activities while she was recovering from an injury (she would later claim it was a suicide attempt), even publishing a Google Doc about his insensitivity. However, Tarda would later successfully shift public opinion by publishing his own screenshots showing that Miko had not been transparent to Tarda about why she had been injured and had given inconsistent timelines about when she'd be able to return.

Beatrice Sinclair/YamakaKiyo/RiriTaffy

Under these identities, Q seems to have operated a man-in-the-middle scam on both artists and clients wishing to commission artists. The scam seemingly operated like this:
  • Q posed as an artist seeking commissions, using stolen artwork as portfolio pieces.
  • A client seeking artwork approached Q and worked out a commission deal.
  • Q then took the project to a legitimate artist and commissioned them to do the client’s project, pretending it was her own.
  • Q arranged for the (legit) client to pay the (legit) artist directly via PayPal, so the name and email address from which the payment came did not match “Beatrice.” Unfortunately artists did not take this as a red flag and began working on the project.
  • The artist, thinking “Beatrice” was the real client, would send her updates of the artwork as it progressed and send her the final project in some cases. Meanwhile, Q would ghost the legitimate client.
  • For some of the clients, at some point they would get frustrated from a lack of updates from “Beatrice” and initiate a refund through PayPal, which went to the legitimate artist. The artist would then contact the client and the ruse was discovered.
  • Meanwhile, Q would pass the artwork off as her own and in some cases resell it.

At some point during this scam, she claimed to operate a vtuber agency called Aura Tech Studios. It appears she was trying to use this scam to obtain models for the streamers in this agency. I don’t believe any of these vtubers debuted.

Several victims of this scam would publish Google Docs discussing their victimization: anmaretsu, ImKurinn, Kyoko_nya, cuwddleVT, CookieDoe_vt.

Bizarrely, a Twitter account associated with this identity, BeatriceSinCH, would claim to be a vtuber who departed from an agency called VTLive with many complaints elaborated in both a Twitter thread and a Google Doc.

In late October, after the Murray stream, Q would very briefly open a Twitter account with the handle "YamakaKiyo_" and claim that her "2 main accounts" had been hacked. It linked to her Chess Thalia YouTube account.

Marcella (The DestinyVLive fiasco)

Under this identity, Q was the manager of an agency called DestinyVLive/Destiny VLive/DestinyVLIVE/Destiny VLIVE/Destiny V Live (as with CyberIdol/Cyber Idol, the branding was inconsistent). Q apparently cofounded the agency with a “CEO” who was later found to be a minor at the time, and it appears this CEO actually did very little if anything and Marcella/Q was actually in charge. As with CyberIdol, talents were recruited and accepted in a relatively short amount of time.

In January 2023, Marcella announced she would be taking a two-week break due to health concerns, but she ended up being gone around two months. Talent debuts, originally planned to happen in late February, were delayed as a result of this.

On March 31, 2023, the designs for the talents were leaked by the Senzayus account as example artwork (see below). Some of these designs and models were funded entirely by DVL, but in some cases they were funded partially or entirely by the talents themselves. This was noticed by the talents and they found the situation fishy and agreed to quit en masse on April 4.

Around May 15, the DVL Twitter account announced they were reopening recruitment, but the former talents convinced her to cease recruitment. On that date, former DVL talent LilithEinhorn posted a Twitter thread about her experience, and Marcella posted a TwitLonger seemingly in response claiming to have been a hacking victim, as well as having paid for talent models out of pocket (as mentioned above this was not true for all of the models).

A cynical interpretation of what the entire DVL experience was about was that Q recruited talents for an entirely sham agency and prompted them all to commission artwork for their models, in some cases at the talents' own expense, then resold that artwork and/or used it for portfolio pieces to solicit commissions. However I do not have sufficient evidence to say that was her scheme for certain.

To this day Q admits to being an artist that worked with Marcella under the AmeliaDxrk identity but not Marcella herself. However, I have seen a preponderance of evidence by those who wish to remain anonymous which ties Marcella back to the Beatrice Sinclair, RiriTaffy, and AstreRxse identities. I cannot share it but either it is credible evidence or multiple people have successfully pulled a somewhat high-effort gaslighting campaign on me for no apparent gain.

LittleAutumn5/Etolie Rea/MaryIsALoser12/MaryIsATroll

LittleAutumn5 had the email address from the Carrd in her Twitter profile at one point. MaryIsALoser12 apparently stole LittleAutumn5's art and passed it on as herself at one point and was then accused of being a sock puppet of LittleAutumn5 who started drama with herself for attention.


This may not be an alias of Q and merely an associate on various projects, though it seems very likely to be Q herself. The only account their Twitter account is following is Q_Quillz. As mentioned above, it tweeted artwork of the DVL talents prior to their debut as portfolio pieces.


This was a short-lived witter account of someone who would have been a CyberIdol talent, probably representing the White Rabbit character. First discovered on October 18 and deleted by the 20th. It is unclear if this was operated by a talent, by Q, or by someone else.

Chess Thalia/KyuubiJamb

After selling CyberIdol to Jimmy (see "Jimmy's buyout" section below), Q renamed her Twitter account to this handle, using the artwork for the Cheshire cat character in the profile picture and avatar. Empraize then revealed that this was the character she originally was going to play. At some point before October 27, Q created a YouTube channel with Chess Thalia branding and a video featuring a cover song sung with a cat model, albeit one that looked quite different from the Chess artwork.

On October 30, a "thalia_jpn" handle would be found where she would once again solicit art commissions, this time primarily in Japanese. A "Thalia_Chess" account was also found which turned out to have been an account from March 2022 and renamed from "KyuubiJamb" at some point. This account was previously unknown to us.

In addition to Q herself, the following people are important to this story:

Empraize: "Co-founder" of CyberIdol. Empraize had initially become friends with Q after commissioning some artwork from her. She was invited by Q to work on CyberIdol despite having no business or vtubing experience. She decided not to work with Q after her scammy past was revealed.

Jimmy/Elevated: Current owner of the CyberIdol "brand." Purchased a model and Twitter account from Q in the goal of starting up his own vtuber identity prior to buying the entire "company." Later disassociated himself with the brand.

Dalhlia Starbright, LilithEinhorn, Sera Hymn: Current identities of some of the streamers who were to be members of DestinyVLive, another agency operated by Q prior to CyberIdol.

But why?

Throughout my research on this, one question which has been bothering me is "why?" The word "scam" comes to mind looking at what Q has done, but in almost all cases the reward seems to be quite small to non-existent. Given that, I'm inclined to believe that Q's primary motivation is clout; that she likes the attention she gets by being involved with a corpo or passing herself off as an artist, and (given the history of making drama-posts when leaving the agencies she doesn't directly control) being the focus of drama. However, there is also the possibility that even though the profit margins in the cases we've seen so far are small, she's making up for it in volume and even all of the stuff above is just the tip of an iceberg of scams. We may never know the truth. But whatever it may be, stay far away.

Oct 16: Add Beatrice Sinclair scam. Add "the big question."

Oct 19, morning: Add DVL stuff. Update Q_Quillz section. Add Proctor stream summary. Update TLDR and add “leave her alone” section. Section headers.

Oct 19, afternoon: Correct that not all DVL models were funded by the talents.

Nov 3: Add ChristoffHare, add Chess Thalia and related itentities, add "other people" section, add events around Jimmy buyout and the first Murray stream

Special thanks to @Todd's Mistake, @Short, @MagicHammer and the other autists who have been digging on this topic - if your name should go here and it's not let me know. Thank you also to all the people who have shared their experiences on Twitter and Google Docs, and anonymously with me directly.
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Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
My name should be up there Source : Trust me bro

Thanks for doing this write up with all the socks it was beginning to all blend together especially with the two or three other corpos that suddenly started imploding around the same time.

Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
The biggest pull in all this is a second doc from the tail of the one posted by Dahlia Starbight

Google doc

PDF backup

From an artist, anmaretsu/Jinx ( https://twitter.com/anmaretsu ) that gives a big insight into exactly what MikoDxyo's pulling through all this and how her scam process seems to work and how she's tried to do this in the past. From what I gleaned and think I understand is that MikoDxyo overall might be barely even a legal adult afterall given there's claim she brought up at some point having gotten into a vtuber agency while underage, which all that's happened recently for her has to be this year. Unless, like attempting suicide, she's lying about being a child and hopes that'll get her out of multiple possible counts of fraud and theft if this ever fully catches her.

Fucking... omegalul is pretty much all I got.
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
TLDR: CyberIdol/Cyber Idol does not appear to be a legitimate agency. They are making many mistakes of the sort that would be made with someone with little to no business experience and are being cagey about the identity of their management. Their "CEO" Q_Quillz has gone under several different identities and appears to be involved in art and model theft and/or selling AI art and very recently tried (and failed) to cause drama with a vtuber group she was a member of. Anyone interested in legitimately growing their career in this industry should stay very far away from CyberIdol, and be aware for Q_Quillz or whatever other identities she's using now or will use in the future.

Note: This OP is incomplete and somewhat rushed but we wanted to get it out there in the interest of helping people avoid getting entangled with this company. It will be fleshed out in the coming days and as new information is revealed.

Have any tips about this agency or associated people, but want to stay anonymous? Feel free to email me at vtmurray@proton.me or DM me on Twitter at MurrayShinaide (email is preferred because who knows how Twitter DMs work anymore). I will guarantee your anonymity.

Very early in the morning of Thursday, October 11, a new Twitter account for a vtuber agency called CyberIdol_EN posted a tweet announcing they were beginning recruitment. That tweet would be shared to the Asylum several hours later by @Bannedvtubermemes, asking prophetically "How long until they're outed as a black company." As this was soon after the rapid, catastrophic implosion of AkioAIR due to a series of idiotic decisions by management, the community was particularly sensitive to mismanaged fly-by-night agencies at that time, and CyberIdol's announcement and information revealed in subsequent Marshmallow tweets raised some red flags:

  • The company couldn't decide if their name was "CyberIdol" or "Cyber Idol" and used the two interchangably, sometimes in the same piece of media (like the video accompanying the recruitment announcement tweet).
  • The name itself is similar to two other agencies: CyberLive (which is now defunct) and Idol.
  • The company's entire existence was a Twitter account, a Marshmallow page, and a Google form. There was no web site and no acocunts on streaming services. The company did not have a logo.
  • The artwork the Twitter account used for its avatar of an unknown character appeared to have a watermark saying "Sample" over it.
  • The agency account proudly proclaimed they would not be hiring minors (as was the first domino in AkioAIR's collapse), but it was later discovered the artist they gloated about hiring was a minor. CyberIdol claimed they were unaware of this and cut ties with this artist.
  • We'd later find out their recruitment style was very bizarre; talents for all four characters (based on Alice in Wonderland characters) were found within 48 hours, but they would have a couple months to decide whether they wanted to sign the contract. What would happen if a talent decided not to sign shortly before debut was not discussed - would the company scramble to recast the character?
  • Additionally, the company claimed to take a 30% cut, but rather than taking in the money from the talent's channel, taking their cut, and then distributing the rest to the talent as normal agencies do, they would instead have the talents take all channel income and then send the agency a check for their fee. While this approach has the benefit of making sure the agency won't run away with the money if and when they collapse, it's a very non-standard approach and leaves them vulnerable to cheating by the talents.

Most interestingly (in my opinion), no names were given for the company's management. In response to a Marshmallow asking for more info, they tweeted "The CEO will soon be revealed!" Why does the CEO need to have a grand reveal?

We would soon find out, as later that day the Twitter account tweeted that their CEO was… well, not a real name, but another Twitter handle: Q_Quillz. Now here's where things went kind of crazy because if this "CEO" had decided to create a totally new Twitter account, subsequent discoveries about this person would probably not have been made, or at least it would have taken longer. However, instead, the Q_Quillz account was a previous account which had had its original tweets removed, but reply tweets, as well as all of its followers and following accounts, remained, and then its handle changed. With this information it was discovered almost instantly that the previous handle was AmeliaDxrk, and then from there, with judicious application of autism and archive searching, other identities were found.

A list of identities for Q_Quillz follows, with a summary of what they seemed to have gotten up to and how they tie back to the Q_Quillz identity. It should be noted that a common thread among almost all identities is offering art commissions and sometimes the same artwork is used as portfolio pieces aming different identities. However, the artwork tends to have an inconsistent style from piece to piece, so it's hypotheiszed the art is stolen and/or AI-generated. To the best of my knowledge this has not been confirmed however.

Q_Quillz: Claims to be the "CEO" of CyberIdol. We don't yet know if CyberIdol exists as an actual registered business identity.

AmeliaDxrk: Previous handle of Q_Quillz's account. Archives of her Twitter account found this Carrd account with artwork, commission prices, and, for the purposes of finding further accounts, an email address,and (in the tab/window title) another username. The Instagram account with this nickname has the name "Amelia Blavyk" on it (Instragram is notoriously difficult to archive with common archive sites but here's a screenshot if you can trust it) but this is most likely not a real name.

AstreRxse/Astre Rxse: The username in aforementioned Carrd page. She created a lot of content with this username, including a DeviantArt account and, around November 2022 livestreams which seem to have been lost to time. Around October 2020, AstreRxse apparently went by male pronouns and something happened to make his/her Discord friends think that he/she died, causing this bizarre tribute video to be made.Note that the link in the description as well as the username in the pinned comment now link to a channel with the name "MikoDayoooo." AstreRxse was apparently involved in buying and selling accounts for mobile games, including quite recently and sometimes with disturbingly large budgets.

MikoDayooo/MikoDayoooooo: Under this account, she has recently been active as a vtuber. Her channel currently only hosts a song cover. An associated Twitter account has had recent activity and oddly both offers commissions and has gotten commissions from others. The Miko identity recently had a controversy where she tried to cancel the unfortunately named TardaTod, the leader of a vtuber group called Project Enigmata, after he complained about her being absent without sufficient explanation from group activities while she was recovering from an injury (she would later claim it was a suicide attempt), even publishing a Google Doc about his insensitivity. However, Tarda would later successfully shift public opinion by publishing his own screenshots showing that Miko had not been transparent to Tarda about why she had been injured and had given inconsistent timelines about when she'd be able to return.

LittleAutumn5/Etolie Rea/MaryIsALoser12/MaryIsATroll: LittleAutumn5 had the email address from the Carrd in her Twitter profile at one point. MaryIsALoser12 apparently stole LittleAutumn5's art and passed it on as herself at one point and was then accused of being a sock puppet of LittleAutumn5 who started drama with herself for attention.

YamakaKiyo: (Will flesh out later) https://thevirtualasylum.com/thread...hanced-segregation-techniques.115/post-221159

Senzayus: Either a sock or an associate of AstreRxse. The only account their Twitter account is following is Q_Quillz. Operated a vtuber agency called DestinyVLive which collapsed, and AstreRxse/AmeliaDxrk was apparently the artist for their models.

(That will have to be all for now 'cuz I've got stuff to do. I know there's a lot that I missed but feel free to highlight the more important things. Special thanks to Todd's Mistake, Short, MagicHammer and the other autists who have been digging on this topic - if your name should go here and it's not let me know.)
Good writeup, I kinda lost the thread of what was even going on with this because of the amount of news that came out all at once but this is a great summarization of it. It disturbs me to see this person has so many online identities since that can only mean two things: Either they are extremely calculating, paranoid and careful with their identity or they are some kind of schizophrenic with a bunch of emotional disorders, or both...


Well-known member
Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
Hold up...

That Dahlia person's tweet has a second reply by them, linking to another google doc expose.
Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ItLoHAkDNhIfODyHDxzW2BQ7xUjuBIUaLtcTqLZ-o0Q/ (PDF backup: https://files.catbox.moe/xrdl4s.pdf)

But what's this at the end of the doc?
View attachment 50594

It's a link to a second doc! https://docs.google.com/document/d/17RuGEZqSYy2xZlY6GWhHfJO9_Dx-wXDF-X5t_cSYKjQ/ (PDF backup: https://files.catbox.moe/wixzrc.pdf)

I believe this second doc sheds more light on the motive. They took commissions using someone else's art as examples, gave someone else's PayPal to send the fucking payment to, who was then left holding the bag and about a grand down the hole when chargebacks started coming in. There's probably more in the second doc, my eyes just started glazing over at some point.

21st Century Pipkin Man

rabbit's foot, vomit drawer
Joined:  Jan 18, 2023
Sorry, didn't realize this had its own thread by now. @Seth, I edited my post to add some stuff since you quoted it, so I'll paste it below

Hold up...

That Dahlia person's tweet has a second reply by them, linking to another google doc expose.
Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ItLoHAkDNhIfODyHDxzW2BQ7xUjuBIUaLtcTqLZ-o0Q/ (PDF backup: https://files.catbox.moe/xrdl4s.pdf)

But what's this at the end of the doc?

It's a link to a second doc! https://docs.google.com/document/d/17RuGEZqSYy2xZlY6GWhHfJO9_Dx-wXDF-X5t_cSYKjQ/ (PDF backup: https://files.catbox.moe/wixzrc.pdf)

I believe this second doc sheds more light on the motive, as it seems like she found a good amount of success in running her scam.

Beatrice Sinclair / RiriTaffy / Etoilerea / rice beater2000 / Beat rice / beat_rice2 / BeatriceSinDAYO:
-This person, under the alias Beatrice, commissioned work from the person who wrote the document(Jinx / Anmaretsu). This seems to have happened over the span of 5.2023 to 8.2023. The commissioned work included a logo for a vtuber company "Aura Tech Studios" - another abandoned agency.
-They presented the WIPs and finished work as their own and sought commissioners, and basically creatively subcontracted the work to Jinx. They even had their customers send payment to Jinx's PayPal. Eventually, things start falling apart, and Jinx is left holding the chargebacks to the tune of $800-1000.
(Note: It is not explicitly stated what Jinx did with the money from Beatrice's customers - I assume they had to forward it to Bea's own account fairly quickly for any of this to make sense?)
-Again made unspecific health claims to Jinx try and get out of trouble, exactly like the case with Miko that brought her to our attention.

Some tidbits on the subject of our thread:
-They used an account named "Aneta Bessinger" for one of the payments she made to Jinx. It's unconfirmed if this name belongs to the scammer or a relative.
-According to someone called Cookie Doe, this person had some recent drama about joining a vtuber agency while underage.

Attempted longer writeup on the google docs document in the spoiler
-Originally commissioned an artist called Jinx / anmaretsu 12.5.2023. Beatrice would ask for daily updates, including WIPs. Beatrice posted these on a twitter/tiktok under Riritaffy as their own, and used them to attract people to commission them. By the point the artist was about 30% done with rendering, Beatrice sent them new lineart and asked Jinx to start over using it. (personal note: Most artists would rightfully throw a shitfit if you did this. They probably only go for young/inexperienced artists)
-Jinx then took another commission from Beatrice. Jinx allowed them to pay half after the sketch, half after it's done. Beatrice used an account named Aneta Bessinger, but it's unconfirmed if this is her real name. The second payment was paid using a different account, and specifically mentioned that it was paid using goods and services - implying the first one may have used family and friends, which does not allow for PayPal chargebacks.
-Beatrice sent Jinx an original song, and asked to commission more art for the MV. Jinx agreed. Beatrice made several changes to specifications after Jinx started work. Notably, Beatrice asked Jinx to sketch out several AI generated images.
-Beatrice commissioned Jinx for emotes. The examples that Jinx sent were later "stolen" by Beatrice, which I assume means posted as her own or passed off to a client.
-Beatrice commissioned Jinx again, this time for a model for her friend Luna and a logo for a vtuber company called "Aura Tech Studios".

This is where Beatrice goes from being shifty to an obvious scammer, as things start to fall apart:

-During work in this commission, Jinx had to take a week to visit family. Five days into the trip, 5.8.2023, she receives an email asking for a commission refund from an unknown email address to her PayPal account's email.
-The next day, they receive another request, except this one's a dispute from a person known as Dollie. Jinx talks to Dollie, and finds out that Dollie had commissioned Beatrice for a model. Beatrice had used Jinx's art for examples, naturally. The model itself was traced from work Jinx had done for Beatrice.
-At this point, Jinx also finds out Beatrice was selling a model she had commissioned for $400 despite agreeing that she couldn't sell it for more than what she paid Jinx for it($300+$50).
-By now, Jinx had received $800-$1000 of refund requests from Beatrice's "customers". Beatrice was no longer responding to Jinx's messages, but was responding to other people.
-Another scam victim, Lady Nox, asked Beatrice if a twitter account belonging to Jinx was Beatrice's. Beatrice said yes, so we have full on impersonation at this point.
-Lyric, also scammed by Beatrice, confronts her about using stolen art. Beatrice's answer is that she was self conscious of her art and used Jinx's. She continues to attempt guilt tripping Lyric into letting her finish the commission. Of note are these claims, again using nebulous health claims as an excuse like we've seen before: "I apologize as I spend most of my time in and out of the hospital due to my health" and "Not even to mention I needed money to pay for my treatment"
-It seems that Beatrice has answered to Jinx at this point and apologizes about stealing the art, and asks Jinx to finish the aforementioned Luna model commission. Jinx refuses to hand over the model until she receives confirmation that the money her PayPal account has received will not be refunded. Jinx also asks her to not sell the model for over $350 as they had agreed - Beatrice claims they gave it away to an unnamed friend for free, and said friend is to blame for trying to flip it for $400 on a Twitter account called "BeatriceSinDAYO". Beatrice claims to have had access to this account at some point, but had since lost the password. (personal note: I was half expecting Beatrice to offer to sell Jinx the Brooklyn Bridge at this fucking point)
-Jinx receives one more refund request, implying that Beatrice really isn't doing shit to make things right.

Edited to add some more findings from the second doc. This person is an impressively persistent grifting sociopath, but luckily completely retarded as well.
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I'll see the truth, m'lady
Joined:  Nov 18, 2022


I'll see the truth, m'lady
Joined:  Nov 18, 2022
Okay, I updated the OP with the Beatrice scam info, which was quite a wild ride. I also added a section about how I think Q is motivated more by clout than money, but I could be totally wrong.

I'm going to work on the DestinyVLive stuff next. I had one of the former members slide into my DMs and she graciously let me pester her with some questions tonight. I'm going to try to contact another one of them tomorrow. I'm trying to find parallels between how that operated and what Q might be trying to do with CyberIdol.


I'll see the truth, m'lady
Joined:  Nov 18, 2022
Shortly after my post, Q started a Twitter space addressing Dahlia's claims of her involvement with DestinyVLive. I want to got to bed but I'll drop quick notes:
  • She recognized my name and at one point brought me on to speak, so my criticism must be on her radar. I've never used Twitter Spaces before. I tried to speak after she made me a speaker, but she couldn't hear me. I switched to a different pair of headphones and she still couldn't hear me. I'm not on the recording of the Space so I must have boomered something up or maybe it doesn't work with my browser. Damn.
  • Due to the controversy, a talent has dropped. Q said she will fill the role of that talent unless they can find another person quickly. Given that debuts aren't until January and she already has a stack of applicants I don't see why finding a new talent would be that difficult.
  • We got some answers about registration. She claimed the company is based in Arizona. However, no "CyberIdol" or "Cyber Idol" comes up on the Arizona Corporation Commission's site. When confronted with this she said the company isn't registered yet but will be before debut.
  • She claimed to be associated with Marcella, but wasn't Marcella - she was just an artist in DestinyVLive. One of the questions I will ask my new DestinyVLive moots tomorrow is what evidence we have that Marcella is in fact Q, since if we have that info I might have missed it somewhere. She's saying that MaryIsALoser12 is a different person who used AI art to create a model and claiming Q had created it, and when called out on it she says Mary called her racial slurs, threatened to dox her, claimed Q doxxed her, and other nastiness, if I'm understanding this correctly. She claims to have a restraining order against Mary.
  • She will drop evidence of her claims in a Google doc tomorrow.

Her being able to disprove that she is the one behind any of the stuff above would be an interesting turn in the story, but even just CyberIdol itself and what she has done as Q is still worthy of a little attention, I think.


Oh well...
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023

21st Century Pipkin Man

rabbit's foot, vomit drawer
Joined:  Jan 18, 2023
lol ok sure

Not that it matters since they are the same person and this dox was most likely fake.

some more proof of the "dox"


"Etoile" is a misspelling of Étoile, which is french for star. A quick search suggests that Étoile has been unpopular even in fr*nch speaking countries to the point of not existing in the past few decades. Charts for the United States last tracked its popularity in 1942.
There is zero chance this is her legal name.


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023
It looks like around the time anmaretsu did their callout doc, other artists were sharing their own bad experiences too. I'm combing through them.

i fucking did a double take on that lyrica like what the fuck why is lola back in her fucking RM did niji implode while i was sleeping

also is someone keeping count on the black companies we can probably make a pentagon at this rate

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
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I'll be streaming my commentary on this whole thing in five hours;

Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
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Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
The google doc is out now, btw, featuring a bunch of unverifiable claims and some extremely awkwardly worded screenshots that have got to be fabricated. Very convenient that all this skulduggery can be blamed on an invisible scapegoat that cannot be proven to exist.



Apparently Dahlia Starbright's been made to recant her statements against Q/Cyberidol and her org's main twitter also voiced in about the apology. So either 1) they've got some hard proof to validate claims that they've not seen fit to make public. 2) V-Starlight is staffed/run by idiots that believe "trust me bro".

The biggest thing I have to wonder about is the claims regarding the watermark on the avatar art and it's legitimacy. Claiming they didn't notice the watermark, but that it's totally a paid for commission. So, then, why don't you have the finished art without the watermark? You did pay for a completed product, didn't you?

As I wrote this, the post with the google doc has apparently been deleted.

e: Secondary point of interest in what's on the google doc, "Q" message about not wanting to be messaged "I just scammed someone out of 1k" is timestamped several months before said apparent message, so unless Q is a time-travelers, too retarded to block someone they don't want to hear from or "Marcella" just likes to keep posting proof of their criminal activity they can be charged with to someone who has ostensibly given the indication they will report them, then MikoDxyo's not even able to keep their false evidence straight.

I like the part of the supposed texts exchange where "Marcella" calls "Amelia" a 'blackie looking ass ni‎gger' though. :smugpipi: Maybe we could get this Marcella an account here, she'd fit right in, especially being a forum for fictional women being played by menhera broads.

I'd also be taking the proof of payments with a grain of salt since it does seem like at some points in the past, MikoDxyo's made some minor payments to at least get some art started at times, but the grift kicks in afterwards. Keep in mind there's proof that she's involved in account trading for mobile game shit and allegedly at some point had a $5k USD budget to make purchases in this end, so it's not out of line to presume there is some level of "Spend $100 to make $300 back" to all this.
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Joined:  Oct 8, 2023
if anyone comes here after the fact, this was q's profile picture.
(this is q's header image, which is a cropped version without the watermark & archive of twt profile)


the new dahlia stuff

however she currently has no apology post about this or anything, unless im blind?

Edit: they fucking deleted the post minutes after i archived it lol

Yep, there was one from Dahlia but it also vanished. I unironically have to say "Trust me bro", I definitely saw it.
it makes sense, she now just rt'd or re-rt'd a bunch of posts about the scam. looks like they internally resolved it and agreed that dahlia was right
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21st Century Pipkin Man

rabbit's foot, vomit drawer
Joined:  Jan 18, 2023
The google doc is out now, btw, featuring a bunch of unverifiable claims and some extremely awkwardly worded screenshots that have got to be fabricated. Very convenient that all this skulduggery can be blamed on an invisible scapegoat that cannot be proven to exist.



Apparently Dahlia Starbright's been made to recant her statements against Q/Cyberidol and her org's main twitter also voiced in about the apology. So either 1) they've got some hard proof to validate claims that they've not seen fit to make public. 2) V-Starlight is staffed/run by idiots that believe "trust me bro".

The biggest thing I have to wonder about is the claims regarding the watermark on the avatar art and it's legitimacy. Claiming they didn't notice the watermark, but that it's totally a paid for commission. So, then, why don't you have the finished art without the watermark? You did pay for a completed product, didn't you?
This is a fucking chatgpt written apology, and the last part they actually wrote themselves makes me far more confident that all of this is one and the same person.

E: The tweet by V-starlight was literally deleted while I was making this post. Good job on archiving it @swimmingsharks

Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
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if anyone comes here after the fact, this was q's profile picture.
(this is q's header image, which is a cropped version without the watermark & archive of twt profile)

View attachment 50870

the new dahlia stuff

however she currently has no apology post about this or anything, unless im blind?

Edit: they fucking deleted the post minutes after i archived it lol

Yep, there was one from Dahlia but it also vanished. I unironically have to say "Trust me bro", I definitely saw it. If I'd have suspected that it would all start getting deleted immediately I would have shot first, post later.

e: Cyberidol twitter's got a space that's just started with the girl crying.

This dude's been named by the woman on the space as the co-founder.
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Joined:  Oct 8, 2023
e: Cyberidol twitter's got a space that's just started with the girl crying.

This dude's been named by the woman on the space as the co-founder.
i'm honestly creeped out because i was just looking into whoever this guy is -

and why dahlia is also following him? could the account have been part of DestinyVLive stuff? i dont know but it feels worth knowing (also he consistently commissions art which reminded me of q's apparent scam method where she would commission other artists with money she got from people scammed)

opening a space while crying is just another unprofessional* display by q on top of the others & it prevents considerate people me from asking questions because she's sobbing

dahlia joined the space
e: she replied with this

and emp_raize is white knighting


e: god, i cant wrap my head around why she had to rebrand her account riddled with prior controversy instead of making another account? if she wanted to make a proper agency, she couldve just done that, and nobody would know.
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Proctor should probably postpone the stream, it seems there's a whole heap of shit coming out as we speak.

Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
Dear Q,

Don't read the bad man place live on air while having your world shattered by one guy.


The other doc you pulled only because it's obviously chatGPT.
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