Thank you for bringing this up. You might be surprised to learn how common a sentiment this is.
One of the things that I find quite absurd is the number of people genuinely claiming that I threaten them because of the things they say. People are allowed to get away with things as blatant as saying what amounts to 'I am here to shit on your lawn, and I intend to make you watch as I do it' directly to the staff's face, and know that they probably won't be disciplined for it.
Originally I thought this was a good thing, because it encouraged people to grow thicker skins and stronger temperaments because they would naturally be exposed to a higher level of cognitive dissonance than normal and not be able to simply run to mods to get the source removed and create an echo-chamber.
Instead the echo-chamber came from the users who exploit their ability to say what they like without pushback to simply be as obnoxious and aggressive as they want, in order to make discussing anything they don't like a tiresome, frustrating and depressing prospect. These users then react to even incredibly mild rebukes and gentle reminders that there are still some limits with near-hysterical horror and doomsaying.
After a while, the only people who then remain to bring up contrary opinions are people like MerelyTourist, who is so dedicated that he simply doesn't care how much anyone else dunks on him and blithely continues posting in his own insulated bubble of self-righteous immunity.
It is not only exhausting for me, it is exhausting for anyone who cares to support me. That includes people working behind the scenes or daring to offer some form of public support. When associating with the staff in any positive way immediately opens one up to being attacked on the same grounds, why bother doing anything to help out?
This even extends to the talents I post about. It is quite obvious that when I express an interest in somebody and act supportively towards them, they get far greater negative intention and bad-faith arguments made against them than normal. This can extend to the perpetuation of outright lies, something that almost never happens with vtubers who I don't know and have never talked about. This is not healthy for the forum, and it especially isn't fair on the talents themselves.
Two points.
First: When it comes to the talents you posts about, I think you're overstating the influence you have on people's perception of them. Migos aside, Kirsche will always catch flak here because she does occasionally bring politics into v-tubing, and Mozu will always catch flak because of the piss thing. I mean, seriously, if staff members didn't like Kirsche she would get WAY more flak for stuff like the doujin of herself and such, we've branded other chuubas as whores for far less. Hell, people call Dokibird fat all the time because of a single heavily filtered photo from 5 years ago, Kirsche is getting the exact same treatment as Doki in this regard.
If people were really so obsessed with you as to anti women solely because you watch them, Soymilk would be under fire as well. But she's not, because she's done nothing particularly controversial. Kirsche and Mozu, on the other hand, would have been controversial chuubas to oshi here no matter what. They may get talked about slightly more because people want to poke the bear (see below) and admin behavior on any forum is often topical, but it's not warping public opinion of them any more than people constantly repeating the "stinky orca" bit about Chloe.
Second: It's not that you threaten people per se, it's that people
find you threatening, and that is an important difference to note. It's very hard to know where your line is at any given time, so no one really trusts you to not blow up again. To some people, this means they want to poke the bear; to others this means doomposting, etc. I'm going to be very frank with you and say that this is a problem wholly of your own creation, and is the
direct consequence of publicly flying off the handle in the past. The only way to deal with this is going to be literal years of behaving normally despite people needling at you over it. Once trust is gone it takes a very long time to rebuild it.
If the organizers of Off-kai came out tomorrow and made a public apology for being pozzed assholes towards Kirsche and Pippa, would you take their word at face value? Would your inherent trust in them be the exact same as it was the first time you heard of the convention, or would it take time and effort on their part to get that trust back? If they made a mistake towards another v-tuber 3 months later, would you write it off as growing pains or would your skepticism towards them grow?
Like, I get it. This obviously sucks for everyone involved, and I'm not unsympathetic to your situation. But this is payment coming due from your own decisions. That's just the way the world works, and holding that against people does nothing to rectify the situation. Giving it a while and taking some lumps in the meantime is going to be the only way it can get better for you and the staff.
EDIT: I will also say it's been a very weird year for v-tubing and a bunch of people are on edge anyways. A good chunk of the community is on tenterhooks as is, so things are going to be particularly sour until the dust settles a bit regardless.