And I don't disagree! But the problem is we CAN'T fire back as hard as others do because the second we do we get accused of potentially abusing our power, which just stirs the whole hornets nest and I have to just stop talking because people are so agitated they don't even want to listen to anything I say. Like, MAN. I like
@El Rrata . But I'm trying to reasonably bear my soul here about a genuine problem with myself and the current state of the forum. And I'm hit with a Migo? Like, okay, it's a fucking sticker. I get it. But it just feels like - again - genuine expressions of what I'm trying to say is a very real impending problem for this website aren't taken seriously.
I'm a 40 year old man. I have an autistic toddler. My job has been going wild, and I only have so much free time in the day. I think this website provides a decent refuge to talk about this kind of stuff. But I only have a finite amount of time to do things you know? So when I decide "Do I want to administer and participate on a website where it feels like nothing I say is actually cared about and discussed anymore" so I just lurk in the off-topic threads like the Video games thread, or do I just want to ignore this place and play some Monster Hunter and shit talk with my friends on, what kind of a choice do you think I make?
I basically haven't touched the general thread for PROBABLY 600 pages. Not because I stopped watching vTubers. I watch them every day. It's because any passion for chatting with you guys has just tanked. And I try to say things and it feels like any attempts to talk where I let the walls down and have a heart to heart with you goobers is met with derision. Us admins are only human, and we have normal emotions like the rest of you guys.
Like I said. My solution has been - unfortunately - to detach for the better part of 4-5 months. I don't like it. I feel bad. I wish I had a desire to talk to people. But a few bad eggs can ruin the whole experience. And it's currently where I'm at.