"Kronii-senpai is a little bit of a sweatlord, not gonna lie..."Magni Dezmond

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  1. Balls Dipped in Ice

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Gavin Bettool is a honorary black man. Bettel got called a nigga by his black friend on his GTA5 RP stream. I wonder if the vod I'll stay up.
  2. Balls Dipped in Ice

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Considering how many female indie vtuber he collabs with, and his comment about not knowing what it was like to be a vtuber, It seems like he got into Holo being completely unaware about the whole unicorn culture, was annoyed that most women wouldn't collab with him, and got triggered by all...
  3. Balls Dipped in Ice

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Why show your face when you look like that?
  4. Balls Dipped in Ice

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Very sad I missed this, seems like the VOD got nuked because someone called someone else by their real name. According to /mans/ it was Bettel2 calling Hakka, or the other way around. Did anyone save the it? /mans/ are being faggots refusing to release it claiming dox.
  5. Balls Dipped in Ice

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Love this VN. Coomer-shit aside, it's a pretty good "death game" story. People shit on it because all they know about is the hentai adaptation that cut all the story and just had the h-scenes. Anyways, Dizzy is based. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain...
  6. Balls Dipped in Ice

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Professor Lando (formerly Magni Dezmond) talked about becoming a VTuber in his last stream. He showed some (very femboy) characters design he had in mind and rambled a lot on the subject. Nothing seems definitive and he said that if this were to happen it wouldn't be anytime soon. He also...
  7. Balls Dipped in Ice

    Holostars English '-ARMIS-' Announcement/Debut Containment

    Haven't followed StarsEn since the graduations, just checked a few of Bettel streams here and there. I'm surprised they are already doing another gen, and announcing them 1 day before the debut seems weird. I may check out their debuts if there is nothing better to do, but I don't really care...
  8. Balls Dipped in Ice

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    I got this clip recommended to me, and I had no previous knowledge on who Dullecy was. After watching the clip I was like "Oh, that's nice. Congratulations, bro." Then I checked the cosplayer's twitter and I was like "Holy shit. Congratulations, bro." Then I checked Dullecy's twitter and I...
  9. Balls Dipped in Ice

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Seems !Flayon is not a manlet and actually buff? Tweets from !Bettel and his twin.
  10. Balls Dipped in Ice

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I love seeing all the clips of Matara fucking up the names, because I would 100% fuck up in the same way if I were in a similar situation, I'm retarded with names. I'm so impressed when a talent leaves a company, changes names, and is able to communicate normally without fucking up at all. Like...
  11. Balls Dipped in Ice

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    R-rated Nowa is very entertaining, but I can see some of his holo fans dropping him due to all this degeneracy.
  12. Balls Dipped in Ice

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Why are people's last tweets always so ironic? This happens way too often to be a coincidence, it's like a twitter curse. Like that Giantbomb guy, his last tweet was something like "its not like i'm going to die", then he actually died.
  13. Balls Dipped in Ice

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    >tfw Vesper will never Hit the Woah for his senpai bros
  14. Balls Dipped in Ice

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    It would make sense if they received a better contract offer from VShoujo, tried to leverage that offer to get a better contract from Cover, Cover refused to match so they accepted the offer. I hope that's what happened, I just want more magnoir streams
  15. Balls Dipped in Ice

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Well, fuck. There goes any reason for me to care about Tempus. I still enjoy Bettel and Axel, but they aren't strong enough to carry a branch.
  16. Balls Dipped in Ice

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    "(Bettel2) met Magni on the moving arc" Bettel actually acknowledged seeing Magni recently. (timestamp: 3:32:26) We are so back.
  17. Balls Dipped in Ice

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    The length of their suspension/hiatus is what really makes it strange. Has there ever been a Holo suspension that lasted more than a month? I really don't see a suspension going for longer than that. Also, considering Lando is now streaming regularly, is also probably not health related...
  18. Balls Dipped in Ice

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    It's most likely just debut month timeslots. Tempus was like that, first few weeks they had to stream on specific timeslots, after they got more freedom they started streaming in their preferred timeslots.
  19. Balls Dipped in Ice

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    >Houseki no Kuni OP (ED?) Oh no, she is based
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