"Guys I went to take a shower and I'm so terminally online that all I brought was my phone it's the only thing I have now I'm just sitting here naked and wet and I don't have anything"Mozumi Pichi
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It's an agency from a semi-succesful Yugioh Youtuber called TheDuelLogs.
I'm more surprised about the fact that they even got a 2nd gen tbh, he's been open about the fact that Glitchstars has been losing money so idk how he's supposed to support 4 more talents, but then again, these are former Niji talents, so I expect some good will coming towards them early
Pretty funny given its not the first time they do some dumb shit like this. I remember Pomu saying that people sent a ton of shit to her and she never got it.
Ekko is live playing guitar and singing RIGHT NOW and you're not there listening to it. What are you even doing?
(Ekko I love you but you need another PNG I've seen that smug face in like every other thumbnail)
Dating a retard for early Valentine's before he visits his mother (and before I get to harass him IRL)
And he gave me (and about 900 other people) a card!
GlitchStars waa founded by Hirumaredx(AKA TheDuelLogs) who runs channels about WOW,PokemonTCG,Magic,Yugioh and D&D
Yeah he admitted to be losing money with GLITCH STARS but still wants to support this project
Phasebeggars btfo losing 3 of their picks for invaders
Anyways Nova talking about it live
- She didn’t sell her IP to DuelLogs (probably why she’d never go to phase, haha beggars)
- isn’t a nepohire
- wanted the support of an agency to get editor support for videos and sponsor/merch support so she doesn’t have to handle it alone
- glitchstars takes 50% of ad revenue and 20% on merch of stuff that they work on, and don’t touch anything that isn’t theirs (supas/memberships)
- fires shots at people giving their IP to corpos (lol phase)
I'm sure I heard Sakana say in one of the Dizzy interviews that he's willing to allow Invaders to keep their IP, but at this point I'm questioning my own recollection.
Anyway, Nova is a far better pick for Glitch Stars then she is for Phase. Better for the card game streamer to join the card gaming company.
Hopefully Commiefornia labor laws aren't like Japan's where companies are not obligated to pay overtime to workers with administrative roles (which is why companies offering "speedy promotions" are usually a red flag).
In other news, someone's having something special cooking for Valentine's day
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