"I want to make it a matter of course for both society and Vtubers to change jobs to a place where they can sell themselves high 👀, if you are an agent with better contract conditions than Vshojo, please contact us 👀👀👀👀LOL; I mean, VshojoJP is treating me very good right now but if there is an agent that can give me a WAY MORE BETTER contrat, like giving me 1M$ per month sponsership, and if Vshojo couldn't afford more, hell yeah I'm down😏Contracts are BUSINESS after all!😀"Kson
I think AI art being used for vtuber stuff is kind of funny. It's all another layer to the world of vtubers. Having AI generated art as backgrounds or in videos adds to the virtual reality of it all. I would enjoy it for the novelty factor of the whole thing, it's like a kind of intentional kitsch.
The background in the Pekora screenshot doesn't look great, but the problem is the quality, not the fact it's AI. Eventually AI art will be indistinguishable from man-made art and it'll be completely redundant paying and having to wait on artists to turn over art for these one-shot novelty scenarios, so I hope they don't back down and apologise now or they'll just be causing themselves problems later.
I don't see why any corporation, regardless of size, shouldn't use AI. They don't owe anyone commission work.
At this point it's not worth the hassle to kick that hornet's nest. You have a prompter grift "community" hellbent on hating artists for <insert cause> and in the other corner, the perpetually offended dangerhairs who, although not real artists, are ready to take the screeching and slapping fight to them- What I'm saying is just fucking hire an illustrator Cover, you can afford it.
Idk, seems like someone googled a free-use fantasy background and that was the best one they saw and just didn't notice it was AI? If it was in the streams themselves, it was likely the girls or their managers that found it. The background doesn't exactly scream AI if you don't look at it very hard.
artfags deserve the rope. Specially because if they were the ones footing the bill they would be doing the exact same. A background for commercial work even if it's for like 5 mins of screen time would start at an easy 200 upward. There's also the other side that maybe they did commission bgs but the artist had the tummy hort and couldn't deliver for shit so they had to push through and said fuck it.
I hope they at least don't cuck out and apologize for using le evil AI art that steals from all those poor artist souls.
Daiya live with some grunge karaoke:
Also holy shit, this schedule:
Reminds me of the time Kanna took a 2-week vacation from work and streamed 14 times for each of those weeks, before "slowing down" to just 8-10 times a week.
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