"How do you say 'abortion' in sign language?"Pipkin Pippa

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Aquatic Novellite

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Sayu got VIP lounge in Coomer Club, right next to Bao&Ghost&Blaidd


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Sayu got VIP lounge in Coomer Club, right next to Bao&Ghost&Blaidd

The model's expressiveness works wonders

Onolumi and Jorunna continue their adventures in Guild Wars

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hololive Minecraft Hardcore Server - Day 3
Previous day - Next day

Another day has passed, so Pekora held the daily news stream. There's some rule adjustments and new daily missions.
(Based off of a summary from a fan Discord server. New changes are highlighted in cursive and bold. I'm also adding a few stuff found only in the rulebook.)
  • Anyone can join, regardless if JP, ID or EN.
  • Goal is killing Ender Dragon and the Wither.
  • Members need to submit a diary/report after their stream.
    • Write about the events and memories of the day
    • If the content is good, good things might happen
    • Penalty will be incurred if there is no diary
  • Other events will happen during the server's length.
  • Rewards will be given when they complete missions.
  • There are daily missions and permanent missions to do.
  • There are the Nether and other recreational facilities
  • When someone dies, there is a trial that they can hold and make a case on why they should be revived, as there is a courthouse for it, but the system will not last forever. Must provide 7 diamond blocks and have a good lawyer in order to appeal for trial, if not able to give the blocks and win the trial, it's over.
  • It is forbidden to log out in order to skip nights.
  • Added lockers - here to put the rewards and journals.
  • Players Sleep Percentage: 2/3.
The missions have been written down on a board. There are two types of missions, Permanent and Daily.
Permanent Missions are as follows:
  • Find a Western Style Mansion in the forest (basically find a Woodland Mansion) - 20 Diamonds
  • Find a Jungle Temple - 20 Diamonds
  • Find a Pillager Outpost - 5 Diamonds
  • Obtain a Trident - 30 Diamonds
  • Find Ruins (Most likely meaning Trail Ruins) - 20 Diamonds
  • Find a Pyramid - 10 Diamonds
  • Find an Ancient City - 20 Diamonds
  • Defeat the Boss of an Underwater Temple (This most likely means the Elder Guardians at an Ocean Monument) - 100 Diamonds
Day 3 Missions are as follows:
  • Another House Building Contest for those who missed out yesterday. Build a house by 11pm JST and the top 3 will get 15, 10, 7 Diamonds
  • Go pick up an ice block with someone you never interacted with - 7 Diamonds
  • Enchant - 5 Diamonds
  • Equip your whole body (have a full armor set) - 2 Diamonds
  • Get a treasure map from a ship and find treasure - 10 Diamonds
  • Defeat 3 Spiders - 2 diamonds
  • Find a ruined portal - 7 Diamonds
Rules of Underground Chinchiro (to be held at 21:00 JST)
Note: These are subjected to change (based off of how Pekora will play)
These rules are generally based off of Kaiji's Underground Chinchiro but how it'll go is as follows:
  • Players will roll 3 dice (in Minecraft's case push a button that will dispense a random number on a flag from 1-6)
  • Depending on what numbers are rolled will determine a win, loss, or number of points.
    • Rolling 3 numbers of the same is an automatic win (like 3 ones, or 3 fives)
    • Rolling a 4,5,6 is an automatic win
    • Rolling a 1,2,3 is an automatic loss
    • Rolling a set of 2+1 will give points (some examples are 2,2,6; 2,2,5; 3,3,2)
    • If you roll neither of these sets, you can roll again (ex: rolling a 1,2,5)
  • Winners will most receive diamonds. They will also bet with diamonds too.
  • Rules that were written in Pekora's Book:
    • First the "Oya" (Banker) is decided. Members other than the Oya become the "Ko" (Players).
    • Once the Ko decides on the betting amount, the Oya will then roll the dice and decide the dice combination. The Oya can roll up to 3 times, but the first dice combination with a set point to come out will be used for the game.
    • Each Ko will take turns to roll the dice. If they roll a higher set point than the Oya, the Ko wins. If they roll the same set point, its a tie. If they roll a lower set point than the Oya, the Ko loses.
    • If the Ko wins against the Oya, they win the betting amount. If they lose, they must pay the Oya.

And here's the recap itself, using this post as a base.
  • Pekora built a new wall for the member's heads to be placed as the old one was too small and more members have been joining the server. The new wall now has member's heads placed on top of a barrel with the barrel containing diamonds (these are the diamonds members have won from completing missions).
    • This was covered on her news segment. Google TL refers to them as lockers so that's what they will be called. She also notes member's diaries can also be found in the lockers (though where they have to submit it will be the same, the barrel on the left in the spawn house).
  • Nene makes sure to write in her entry for yesterday as she forgot to (Even if she played off stream she still has to write down what she did).
  • During Pekora's news stream today, she showed us the rules for Cee-lo (Chinchiro), she also mentioned the rules for sleeping changed again to 2/3 people having to sleep for night to pass.
  • Ina has so far been mainly fishing. Her goal is to find an infinity bow from fishing.
  • Server was restarted at 6:50pm JST.
  • Lamy has been fishing as well and doing various things. She gave a chest full of torches to Polka's place. She also completed the daily mission of defeating spiders. In her diary, she wrote that she made cakes and gave them to different people like Iroha, Pekora, and Ina.
  • Ina met up with Aqua and Subaru. Aqua gave her a pufferfish. Subaru asked Ina for food, and Ina gave some baked potatoes. She also gave Subaru a bed to use. Subaru "Ina you are god". Ina immediately left after that. There are more beds at Polka's place.
  • While talking, Subaru and Aqua met up with Kaela. They called her a god. Kaela told them that she wants to do the daily missions. Subaru told Kaela that Aqua wants to see a joke from her, so Kaela said "joke" and then slowly walked away.
  • Polka was close to dying as she fell in lava while mining, but fortunately she survived.
  • While Ina was fishing Kaela came by. Ina gave Kaela a pufferfish that Aqua gave to her (that I think was renamed). Ina told Kaela about her fishing to get enchantments so Kaela gave her a book with Luck of the Sea and Mending to Ina (that Kaela happened to have on her from her own fishing and treasure hunting). She renamed the rod "Blessing of Kaelakami".... and as Kaela came to her house a creeper exploded. Fortunately Kaela is fine but Ina's front house is damaged (it can easily be repaired). She told Ina that she has her own Spider farm and Zombie farm.
  • Nene gave Subaru golden armor, however the armor has a curse on it and Subaru put it on (it can't be taken off unless Subaru dies, which in this game is... otsu)
  • Aqua has been busy exploring. She found an ocean ruins and a ruined nether portal (completing a daily mission). She also found a sunken ship too.
  • Anya has joined. When Anya logged on, Ina typed in "t", Anya responded "DUDE" and Ina "tehepero". Pekora is there to greet Anya and explain the rules.
  • Later, Anya and Ina met up. Ina showed Anya around such as where the food and beds are from Polka. Ina also gave Anya her old iron and gold armor that she had.
  • Pekora also did some adventuring for diamonds (completing the daily missions). She too found a sunken ship and buried treasure. Pekora held a monologue about being a villain.
  • As Ina and Anya were at the spawn point, a creeper showed up. As Ina was trying to protect Anya and defeat the creeper, it blew up destroying a fenced part of the spawn house along with a chest full of the hololive members' heads. Fortunately Ina and Anya itself are fine, but repairs needed to be made. This will be written in their diaries.
  • In the meantime, various members spent the night fighting monsters including Iroha, Azki, Ririka, and Hajime. Members like Anya and Kanata worked on making a house for themselves.
    • The next day, a group consisting of Iroha, Chloe, Hajime, Azki, Ririka, Luna went on an adventure together. They built a bridge together and are helping Iroha out with her project (an automatic farm that will use villagers).
  • Ina went to write in her diary after watching the Chinchrio round. She was surrounded by two groups of people as she went to her locker (bocchi Ina).
  • After a round of Chinchrio, Subaru, and Nene got into deep diamond debt. Pekora told them that if they killed someone, their debts could be cleared (50 diamonds per kill). Meanwhile Polka prepares lots of golden boots for the upcoming nether gate opening.
  • After playing Chinchiro, Nene and Subaru got into debt of 55 and 80 diamonds respectively. They proceeded to beg everyone they encounter for diamonds.
  • A plan was made. Viewing the plan and the results will spoil what happened afterwards. (Shoutout to @Shuba Saber and 小林 Jun (Koyori's live TL'er) for additional details.)
    • Failing to get diamonds by begging, Subaru and Nene, with help from Aqua and Botan, make a plan to frame Pekora for killing Subaru and Nene. The goal is to clear the debts via a revival court case, while making Pekora pay for it.
      • Build a house secretly rigged with 2 TNT's for Pekora to visit for the house competition.
      • Have Pekora set off the explosions via the pressure plates.
      • The explosion kills Nene and Subaru who are still inside the house.
      • Take Pekora to the revival court, accusing her of murder to gain concessions.
      [*]Nene notes this will be her final plan in Minecraft and has written a final diary page (a Will). Subaru is also writing a Will as well (diary page). Subaru included Ina, Iroha, and Kaela in the will for helping her out in Minecraft overall, giving them thanks for their help. (not with this current plan)
      [*]The results: Pekora sets of the rigged pressure plates with Nene and Subaru still inside the house. Pekora ran away immediately when she heard the ignition sound of TNT and survived. Nene and Subaru died from the resulting explosion. Aqua, along with Botan accuses Pekora of murder also witnessing it. Pekora went ballistic and assaulted Aqua for her accusation.
    • A court trial begins on reviving Nene and Subaru, which also charges Pekora for the murders of them by exploding a house. (which she didn't commit).
      • Everyone who is currently online in the server went to watch (though Kaela is behind the door cause she came late. Afterwards Kaela left to do her own thing, likely since the entire trial is in Japanese and Kaela doesn't understand).
      • AZKi is serving as the judge.
      • Polka is Pekora's lawyer.
      • Aqua and Botan are the defenders to Subaru and Nene.
      • Nene and Subaru were brought back for the purpose of this trial. Nene testifies that she and Subaru were decorating the interior of the house. After Pekora arrived to rate the house, they died from a explosion.
      • Pekora testifies by denying that she had anything to do with the explosion. She further testifies that she got called over by Aqua to rate a house after hosting two rounds of Chinchiro. When Pekora tried to enter the house, she heard a (TNT) ignition sound and ran away, accusing Aqua, Botan, Nene, and Subaru for conspiring to set her up.
      • Botan testifies that Pekora had TNT at the time of the Chinchiro game and questions if Pekora had put down the TNT when she entered the house. Aqua remarks that the TNT hasn't been seen since the Chinchiro game.
      • Pekora denies that she is the culprit and testifies that she was missing 2 TNT's out of 4.
      • Judge AZKi remarks about the TNT. Ace Attorney Polka asks Pekora if she can show the TNT. Pekora brings forward the TNT, cue gasps throughout the courtroom.
      • AZKi ask how Pekora got hands on TNT. Pekora testifies that she got 4 TNT's from exploring a shipwreck for a mission. She further testifies that two pieces went missing during the round of Chinchiro with Aqua, Botan, Nene, herself, and Subaru.
      • Nene asks for proof that the the TNT got stolen. Pekora went ballistic, questioning why she is here in the first place, and assaulted Nene. This prompted Polka to call for order in the courtroom.
      • Aqua testifies that after the explosion, she and Botan got questioned and assaulted by Pekora. Aqua names Koyori as a witness.
      • Koyori gets summoned as a witness by judge AZKi. She testifies that she saw two members in diamond armor going towards the house, guessing they're Aqua and Pekora. She further testifies that after she overheard the explosion, she went towards the site and witnessed Pekora assaulting Aqua from a distance.
      • Pekora admits that she assaulted Aqua. She justified this by accusing Aqua as part of a conspiracy to frame her for the murders of Nene and Subaru. Nene reacted in shock to the Pekora's admission of assault.
      • Ace Attorney Polka asks for the results Nene and Subaru gut in their game of Chinchiro. They vaguely respond by saying that they lost.
      • Pekora testified with receipts that Nene and Subaru's debts were 55 and 80, respectively.
      • Ace Attorney Polka concludes that there was a motive behind Nene and Subaru's attempted assassination on Pekora, which was to avoid paying the debts. They just failed spectacularly and got themselves killed instead.
      • Nene tears up to and begged for another chance. She brought up the fact she died once already.
      • Iroha asks if pressure plates were present when Pekora went to the house. Pekora testifies that there were iron doors that opened by pressure plates.
      • Iroha concludes that the pressure plates were rigged with TNT beneath it. She further conclues that Pekora, who testified that she won 160 diamonds, was a target for assassination with Nene and Subaru being caught up in the explosion. She thinks that Aqua, Botan, Nene, and Subaru were plotting for the assassination.
      • Aqua testifies that there's no evidence for the accusation of conspiracy. She further testifies that Nene and Subaru were helping her with the building of a EXP trap tower, aka TTT (Tenku Trap Tower)
      • Iroha asks if pressure plates are involved. Pekora responded by saying that the house had iron doors with pressure plates.
      • Iroha concludes that the plates were wired up to the TNT, making Pekora a victim of a failed assassination attempt that resulted in Nene and Subaru dying.
      • Botan said that Nene and Subaru talked about killing after losing in Chinchiro. Nene and Subaru told that they would get away scot free if that happened.
      • Pekora had slipped up in her wording about killing the two of them, saying she is happy it occurred.
      • Koyori suspects Aqua called Pekora with the intent to spring the trap on them since they told Pekora they had something important to talk about, but it's even with Pekora's crime.
      • Nene testifies that she was told by Pekora that she would have to kill someone to clear her debt. Aqua and Ace Attorny Polka question Pekora on it.
      • Subaru testifies that Pekora told her that killing other members would earn 10 diamonds each. Ace Attorney Polka questions Pekora again. Pekora denied saying it.
      • Pekora further testifies that even if she had said it, it's the fault of Nene and Subaru to have believed it.
      • Ao remarks that she heard Pekora saying that it's time for someone to die. Koyori testifies that she saw a ominous line in Pekora's diary that said that no one had died that day.
      • Nene says up that the Hardcore is about helping to survive a week. Polka responds that it's no use for Nene as she doesn't think she sill be revived.
      • Aqua proposes that Nene and Subaru to be revived with their debts cleared. Pekora accuses the conspirators (Aqua, Botan, Nene, and Subaru) that they brought her to court to relieve their debts.
      • Ace Attorney Polka suggest that Pekora might also be involved in this mess. Pekora denies it and says she's innocent.
      • Ace Attorney Polka says that Pekora is a remorseful person and is willing to pay settlements by herself to everyone involved. Pekora assaults and ridicules Polka.
      • Anya comes forward by saying she was present (in a corner) at the Chinchiro game with Aqua, Botan, Nene, Pekora, and Subaru.
      • Anya gets summoned by judge AZKi as a witness. She testifies that she overheard that after the Chinchiro game, Aqua and Subaru were talking about their debt troubles. Nene slowly walks away, catching the attention of Pekora. Anya further testifies that she heard "Let's set Pekora up.". This revelation sent shock through the courtroom.
      • Anya further testifies that she saw Aqua, Botan, Nene and Subaru talking with each other. Koyori remarks that she witnessed that as well. Subaru responds that the gather could've been about decorating the house.
      • Botan argues that the deaths of Nene and Subaru was unintentional. She suggests to be lenient towards them and maybe clear the debts as well.
      • Judge AZKi calls for votes on reviving Subaru.
        • It's a deadlock with the votes being split even at 5-5. Anya suggests that Subaru will give her 10 diamonds to break the deadlock in favor of reviving her.
        • Pekora reminds everyone that they'll need to contribute to pay 7 diamond blocks in order to revive Subaru. Ao and Ririka put their hands down, flipping the vote to 7-3 against reviving Subaru. Judge AZKi sentences Subaru to permadeath.
        • Subaru's last words were about her having had a good time on the server and being satisfied about it, accepting her fate.
      • Judge AZKi calls for votes on reviving Nene.
        • A bunch of votes against reviving start rolling in. Nene laments that her legacy on the server would be the SAO bridge and begs for another chance. Chloe reminded her that she already died once.
        • Pekora then said that the price of getting 7 diamond block would be fairly straightforward if everyone works together. Subaru remarks that this info comes after she was already voted to not be revived.
        • Pekora slips up by confessing to have killed Nene and Subaru. Cue shock and laughter throughout the courtroom.
        • Realizing she screwed up, Pekora argues that she just used a bad choice of words. When that didn't impress, she bargained that she just unintentionally killed Nene and Subaru and to be generous by donating 3 diamond blocks from her gains to the revival of them. Nene acted smug at Pekora for confessing.
        • Koyori suggests that Aqua and Botan should pay the price as well.
        • Aqua offers to donate the loot of the EXP trap tower she planned to build before the case. Pekora suggests that Botan, Nene, and Subaru will have to help her with the construction as punishment.
      • Judge AZKi gives a final verdict. Subaru and Nene get their revives. Aqua, Botan, Nene, Pekora, and Subaru all get sentenced to forced labor by building the EXP trap tower.
    • Anya, Luna, Kanata, Raden, Koyori, and Polka went right back to Chinchiro afterwards.
  • Ririka died! Ririka got stuck in her fishing trap and she drowned, however cause she and Hajime were messing around right before. Hajime in trying to free Ririka from the fishing trap, hit her with her axe and that killed Ririka.
    • AZKi, Iroha, and Chloe went to Ririka's house (Where she died) to investigate. The ReGLOSS members discussed about what to do. There will be a trial for Ririka tomorrow. Kaela sent a message saying that she will help in reviving Ririka by providing the needed diamonds.
    • Ririka's revival trial is scheduled for the following day.
  • Currently Kaela is working on making a villager trading post. She's doing villager gacha for books.
  • AZKi, Iroha, Chloe, and Hajime are ALSO working on making a trading post system with villagers. They're also helping to make an automatic farm for the server too.
  • Chloe asked Kaela to get some bones for her. Kaela happily provided. Right after Iroha and Azki asked Kaela to do the mission to get an ice block with her. Kaela agreed. They'll go together along with Chloe, Hajime, Polka, and Luna.
  • After that 3rd round of Chinchrio, Anya, Ao, and Raden went into the mines to get diamonds.
  • After that, Anya explained to Kaela about this ice block mission and now EVERYONE (who is streaming) are going to do the mission to get an ice block (They found Koyori and also tagged her along on this mission).
    • Kaela whispered that she wished Ririka was there with them to do this mission together.
    • During this mission as they were collecting ice, one of polka's cats got stuck in a boat and due to how Minecraft water works, the boat sank. They were able to free the cat from the boat, but it got stuck underwater underneath the ice and it drowned. Her 2nd cat got stuck in the water but polka was able to free it this time using teleportation.
    • On the way back Kaela, Anya, Raden, and Ao made a grave for Ririka using an ice block and a sign. Polka also made a gravestone for her cat at the ice spot where it died.
  • Ao, Raden, and Anya asked Kaela to help in collecting diamonds to revive Ririka. Kaela did but she's worried that by giving the diamonds to them something bad will happen and they will die. She wants all of them to stay alive.
  • Polka is also working on placing beds all over the server so people will have a place to sleep. She also worked on extending Nene's bridge, making it larger to walk across.
  • As Kaela was heading back to her place she was stopped by Hajime. Hajime jokingly asked for diamonds, and Kaela who was carrying a full stack gave a few away to her. There was some passion English and Japanese occurring between the two of them.
    • It somehow escalated to Kaela keeping Hajime on a fishing line to keep her safe (since she gave Hajime some diamonds she hopes nothing bad will happen to her). Hajime at one point asked if Kaela was a psychopath.
  • As members write in their diaries, Anya changed the signs at the spawn house so theres also an English translation below for the EN/ID members (as a few plan on joining within the next few days).
  • Kaela's actual plan for this stream (before she got roped into the other member's business) is to make perfect enchantments so she can be prepared for the Nether Trip tomorrow.

Notes for the Chinchiro Event
  • Ina notes she mostly just wants to watch others gamble. She went to the corner, muted herself so the others don't hear, and is observing. After a round, Subaru spotted and talked to Ina.
  • Pekora has a list prepared of participating members (seems like it'll go in rounds) She starts by explaining the rules.
  • 1st Set of members:
    • Subaru
    • Aqua
    • Nene
    • Botan
    • Pekora
  • Anya at some point went down to watch the group play. Sitting in the corner like Ina too.
  • During one of the final rounds, Nene rolled a 1,2,3 and lost 128 Diamonds (RIP)
    • Diamond Results:
      • Subaru: 80 to Pekora, 35 to Aqua, 10 to Nene
      • Nene: 55 to Pekora
  • 2nd Set of members:
    • Chloe
    • Ririka
    • Hajime
    • Iroha
    • AZKi
  • Ririka as the dealer rolled a 1,2,3 which is an automatic loss. Chloe rolled with a 2,2,2 meaning she wins and Ririka has to pay her 150 Diamonds.
  • 3rd Set of members, with English translations provided by Anya. Polka is running this round since Pekora had to end her stream (she needs to rest her voice):
    • Anya
    • Luna
    • Kanata
    • Raden
    • Koyori
    • Polka

Kiara is joining in from the next day and onwards. [Archive]

EDIT: Fixed formatting and added a few more clips.
EDIT 2: Re-wrote the section related to the case.
EDIT 3: Fixed the embedded links.
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Joined:  Oct 22, 2022

Guys I think Ollie will be gone atleast next year. I hope it's just a vent tweet.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
See, this is a wholesome conversation (maybe?)

And here comes fucking nenechi.


I would think normally " haha silly google translation is doing it again " but judging by all the replies mentioning dick im not so sure anymore.

Gaotye (bilibili DD)

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Spooked But Lobotomized

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I can't believe Ao had a woman moment and yelled at her fans for the way they depict her

For the mosre autistic of you in the crowd, yes I am simply poking fun


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It translates to 'three more years', maybe in the next three years she won't renew her contract?

Wait I'm a fuckin dumbass, cuase the Twitter translate says 3 years later cause I thought she was 3 years in the company then I remember she debuted in 2020. I need some anti anxiety medication man.
Lmao, the girls with their vagueposting makes people do a triple take. I mean it really can mean anything not only for work related thing, maybe a mortgage or loan, or the deadline for their marrying age.
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Shuba Saber

Early Adopter
Joined:  Oct 22, 2022
See, this is a wholesome conversation (maybe?)

And here comes fucking nenechi.

View attachment 70035

I would think normally " haha silly google translation is doing it again " but judging by all the replies mentioning dick im not so sure anymore.

"Chinchiro" is the JP name of Cee-lo, the gambling game they're playing in the Hardcore server. It looks really similar to "chinchin-guchi" which is literally dick mouth. Lamy was saying that she might do some gambling before Nene came in and started dick mouth shenanigans.

It happened yesterday too:

Towa's joining today too! They're all doing different things so I'm not sure if they'll meet up but it's cool that all of Startend is here now:


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Joined:  Oct 22, 2022
It translates to 'three more years', maybe in the next three years she won't renew her contract?
Wait I'm a fuckin dumbass, cuase the Twitter translate says '3 years later' cause I thought she was 3 years in the company then I remember she debuted in 2020. I need some anti anxiety medication man.
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Kuri Rinji

Marlon Reis
Joined:  Aug 27, 2023
Sayu's fans are in his fucking walls.



Previously known as Tatsunoko
Early Adopter
Joined:  Oct 8, 2022
Kaela's been steaming for over 11 hours now I love her so much. Don't understand why other hologirls can't do the same
I have to admit my man, I love Watame but I sometimes have a hard time watching Watame's streams when they get that long. Granted, more recently I feel like her streams haven't been that long outside of the occasional 7-8~ hour one. It helps that she's finally somewhat caught up with superchats for the first time since her Anniversary 5 months ago.

Cliptax from the old clip bank:

Fauna's "we're not friends" isn't even something I'd consider a yab/woman moment. That was her killing any high levels of parasocialism for good with a clear and concise statement and she very quickly moved on. She didn't vague tweet about it or anything on her alt like Kronii.
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Joined:  Apr 15, 2023
I have to admit my man, I love Watame but I sometimes have a hard time watching Watame's streams when they get that long. Granted, more recently I feel like her streams haven't been that long outside of the occasional 7-8~ hour one. It helps that she's finally somewhat caught up with superchats for the first time since her Anniversary 5 months ago.

Cliptax from the old clip bank:

I think it's telling that Watame is my JP Oshi and Kaela's kamioshi

Has she joined the Hardcore server? I wanna see if she does. I know Aki joined


Previously known as Tatsunoko
Early Adopter
Joined:  Oct 8, 2022
I think it's telling that Watame is my JP Oshi and Kaela's kamioshi

Has she joined the Hardcore server? I wanna see if she does. I know Aki joined
Yeah, she joined the first and second day, and took a day off yesterday but she'll be back in about an hour. Hopefully Ina will still be online by then. Love me some Watame x Ina.

Do they usually make more from merch than streams/donos?
Something often overlooked is Memberships. Gura still has a ton of memberships. For example:


Polls usually have more member input than regular posts, so she probably has quite a bit more than that. But for the sake of simplicity, let's take that chunk of her memberships and multiply it by the best-case scenario (to compensate for undershooting the amount of members) of €5 memberships. That's €27.500 a month. Even if YouTube and Cover take a large chunk of that, that's a nice chunk of money to live on. And that's without anything like merch, super chats, ad revenue, etc.
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Joined:  Feb 16, 2024
Some clips from the MIchi interrogation stream (its been like 2 weeks but they are funny so why not)

Kuro get's Kyo and Quinn mixed up since the both start with a Q

Michi tells the Origin story of the fucked up rabbit on her head, Kuro was there when he was made so he fact-checks her live


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Joined:  Feb 1, 2024
That being said they also might have been spurging on streaming equipments like mic, audio shit when they know they are accepted into holo and can afford them now. If you ask me I'd say low to eh. Unless there is a progression system where you earn more the longer you stayed.
I don't know if it's standard but streaming equipment should be subsidized if they're in a corpo.
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