"My pee is probably more like a knuckle cluster"Yukoku Roberu

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
True & Honest Holofan
Joined:  Sep 23, 2023
During the Minecraft Summer Festival 2023, Kanaken (Kanata, Chloe, and AZKi) ran into diamond debt for Neko Neko Finance. They made a deal to record a ASMR scenario for Pekora, who won big, to get her to pay of their debt.

Six months later, the ASMR got delivered. [Standalone]

Kanata, Chloe, and AZKi also made a paid ASMR voice pack and gave one to Pekora.

Noob chess matches between Miko and Fubuki, where Miko mistakes the King for the Queen.

llamatar said:
Blitz 5|0: Sakura-Shirakami 0.5-1.5

0:00 Sakura Miko (1000) vs. Shirakami Fubuki (1000)
0-1 | Mirishira Chess 2023 / The Outlast Trials / 29 Dec 2023 | Round: 1
1. h4 e5 Miko becomes「」from No Game No Life
2. e4 d5
3. Ke2!! Nh6 Miko plays the Delayed Bongcloud, beginning an unprecedented king rush offensive
4. d3 dxe4
5. Ke3 exd3
6. Ke4 Ke7! Miko's king becomes a "queen". Fubuki bongclouds in return
7. Kxe5 Nd7+ Somehow, Miko's king reaches the 5th rank, preventing Fubuki's king from approaching further
8. Kd5 Nb6+
9. Kc5 Nc4 Fubuki blunders knight
10. Kxc4 Rb8
11. Kc5 Ke6+ Fubuki misses mate in 4 with 11... b5 12. Ke4 Qd4+ 13. Kb3 Qc4+ 14. Ka3 Qa4#
12. Kc4 Ke5
13. Qh5+ Nf5 Miko's queen becomes a "king"
14. Qxf7 Ke4? Fubuki misses mate in 2 with 14... Qd4+ 15. Kb3 Qb4#. Also, how did Fubuki's king get to the 4th rank?
15. Qxf8 Qxf8 Miko blunders queen
16. Kb5 Qd6 Fubuki misses mate in 5 starting with either 16... Nd4+ or Bd7+
17. Kc4 Ke5 Fubuki misses mate in 4 starting with either 17... Be6+ or Qc6+
18. f4+ Kf6 Well, basically, there are many long forced mate sequences each move until move 24
19. h5 dxc2 (It's not expected for beginners to spot these; it just shows how bad it is for your king to be out there)
20. Be3 b5+
21. Kc3 Rb6
22. b4 c5
23. Kxc2 Ke7
24. Bxc5 Qxc5+ Fubuki could have saved queen with 24... Rc6 to pin Miko's bishop to her king
25. Nc3 Qxc3+ Miko fails to take queen, but Fubuki blunders it anyway, nearly equalizing material
26. Kxc3 Re6
27. Bxb5 a6
28. a4 axb5
29. Rh4 Nxh4 Miko blunders rook
30. g4 g6
31. Kd4 Bd7
32. f5 bxa4 Fubuki blunders rook
33. fxe6 Kxe6
34. Kc3 gxh5
35. gxh5 Nf3 Fubuki blunders knight. Miko's knight becomes a "pegasus"
36. Nxf3 Rd8
37. Rxa4 h6 Miko blunders rook, but Fubuki misses it
38. Ne5 Kf6 Miko blunders knight, but Fubuki misses it
39. Nxd7+ Rxd7
40. Ra8 Rd1
41. Kc2 Rd8 Fubuki blunders rook, but Miko misses it
42. b5 Rxa8 Miko blunders rook, leaving Fubuki with simple winning endgame
43. b6 Rc8+ (To be specific, Fubuki should take Miko's b-pawn and then perform King and Rook Mate)
44. Kd2 Rd8+
45. Kc3 Rc8+ Miko maneuvers her king up the board, dodging the rook's bullets
46. Kd4 Rd8+
47. Ke4 Kg7 Fubuki's king cowers in fear as Miko's king approaches
48. Kf5 Rg8
49. Ke6 Re8+
50. Kf5 Kh8 The menacing aura from Miko's king forces Fubuki's king into the corner
51. Kg6 Rg8+
52. Kxh6 Rg7
53. b7 Kg8 Fubuki misses last chance to prevent pawn promotion with 53... Rxb7, but Miko loses on time

Accuracy (according to chess.com): 33.5 - 25.8

Miko would've had a simple winning endgame after queening (mate in 10, actually) and having the option to win Fubuki's rook by force (e.g., 54. b8=Q+ Kf7 55. Qc7+ Kf6 56. Qxg7+). However, with under 30 seconds on the clock and no time increment to Fubuki's 1 minute and 39 seconds, it's unlikely that Miko could have checkmated Fubuki before running out of time.

This was a decent game for first-time players! I think Fubuki showed some good intuition. She played many moves with tempo by checking Miko's vulnerable king and quickly took free pieces when she spotted them. I could be reading too much into it, but I especially liked 16... Qd6 even though it's objectively an inaccuracy because it was a noncheck that brought the queen to a more active square and tightened the mating net around Miko's king. She really went after Miko's king all game.

8:11 Sakura Miko (1000) vs. Shirakami Fubuki (1040)
1/2-1/2 | Mirishira Chess 2023 / The Outlast Trials / 29 Dec 2023 | Round: 2
1. d4 e6 Miko learns to push her pawns forward instead of her king
2. e4 h5
3. f4 h4 Miko proceeds to push all her pawns like a maniac
4. g4 g6
5. Nh3 c5
6. Ng5 Nh6
7. c4 cxd4 Unfortunately for Miko, this is not a sure-fire way to win
8. Bh3 Nxg4 Fubuki blunders knight
9. Bxg4 h3
10. Rf1 Rg8
11. Nxe6 fxe6 Miko blunders knight :O
12. Be3 dxe3 Miko blunders bishop
13. Nc3 e2
14. Kxe2!! d5 Miko once again plays the Delayed Bongcloud and powers up by destroying foolish mongrel
15. exd5 b6
16. dxe6 g5? Fubuki's king becomes very open to attacks on kingside (many crushing attacks available)
17. fxg5 Rxg5 This isn't the first time they've seen a pawn capture, but you know what, maybe it is
18. Bxh3 Rd5 Miko misses mate in 6 starting with 18. Rxf8+. Instead, Fubuki blunders rook
19. cxd5 b5 There are either forced mates or crushing attacks until about move 24
20. Nxb5 a5
21. b4 axb4
22. Rb1 Bxe6 Fubuki blunders bishop
23. dxe6 Be7?? Fubuki prevents her king from bongclouding, a serious mistake
24. Qxd8+ Kxd8
25. a4 Rxa4?? Fubuki declines en passant, which is illegal
26. Rxb4? Rxb4 Miko blunders rook
27. Rf6?! Rxb5 Miko blunders both knight and other rook in same move
28. Bf5 Bxf6 Miko fails to save rook
29. Bc2 Be7
30. h4 Re5+ Fubuki's rook technique here is quite clean
31. Kd1 Rxe6
32. Bh7 Rd6+
33. Ke2 Rd4
34. Kf3 Rxh4
35. Ke3 Rxh7 Miko blunders bishop, leaving Fubuki with simple winning endgame (King and Rook Mate again)
36. Ke2 Rh2+
37. Kd3 Nc6
38. Ke4 Nd4 Fubuki blunders knight
39. Kxd4 Rh5 It is not possible to checkmate a lone king with only rook and bishop, so Fubuki's king needs to help
40. Kc3 Bf6+
41. Kd2 Rh2+ Fubuki is clearly enjoying Miko's suffering
42. Kd3 Rh3+
43. Ke2 Bg5
44. Kf1 Rh1+ Unfortunately for Miko, she does not, in fact, still have a way to win
45. Kf2 Bh4+
46. Ke3 Re1+
47. Kd4 Bf6+
48. Kc5 Be7+
49. Kb6 Re6+
50. Kb7 Ke8
51. Kc8 Rc6+
52. Kb7 Bd8 Fubuki blunders rook, but Miko misses it
53. Ka7 Rb6! With Miko's king fully boxed in, all Fubuki needs to do is bring her king up to finish the job
54. Ka8 Bc7
55. Ka7 Rb8
56. Ka6 Ra8+ It is against FIDE's Anti-Cheating Regulations to accept bribes, presumably even if the bribe is a country
57. Kb7 Rb8+ Fubuki blunders bishop by fork, but it shouldn't matter because the endgame is still winning for her
58. Kxc7 Rd8
59. Kb6 Kf8 By sheer force of will, Miko's king pushes Fubuki's rook and king back
60. Kc7 Re8
61. Kd7 Kg8 Fubuki blunders rook
62. Kxe8 draw by insufficient material

Accuracy (according to chess.com): 50.5 - 47.7

Fubuki still had 1 minute and 35 seconds on the clock on her last move, so it's possible (but unlikely) that she had enough time to figure out how to win. Miko drew this game by using her big brain to exert a massive amount of pressure against Fubuki's feeble mind, rendering her incapable of performing the necessary calculations. If you (yeah, you, the one reading this!) don't know the King and Rook Mate, take just 2 minutes to look up a video, and you'll be able to do it.

This game started well, but they both focused too much on their pawns instead of developing the rest of their pieces. Miko learned her lesson from the first game and did not bring out her king too early, which prevented Fubuki from using her strength of moving with tempo. Fubuki's rook movement was good until she took all of Miko's pieces, after which Fubuki's instinct to constantly check Miko's king backfired because it made her unable to use the rook to effectively box in the king for the checkmate. This was truly an intense game.


The Pontiff of PonWolf
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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022

🔩 Time

Sayu talks about failing to reconcile with people (likely Rainbow Retirees.),and requests for people to stop lumping her with them because they might not be her friends (Specifically Kyo I imagine for obvious reasons but obviously she can't be specific)
Clip from Niji L thread
Summary of something interesting from the Sayu vod that finally went up

Sayu is saddened by people constantly comparing her to other people (rainbow retirees probably specifically Doki) when she sees "support Sayu and X" it hurts because X might not be her friend(Kyo for an obvious one). She's fine with people supporting X she just doesn't like seeing her name lumped with them. She appreciates LM not mentioning anyone else in comparison to her in the gag contract stream (Doki) she doesn't like her pain compared to others and others probably don't like it either, she doesn't have anything to do with them (aside from sharing a company in the past) until she does and maybe she never will.

"There was a lot of people I was hoping you know we could reconcile. We could be ok later down the road (rainbow Retirees) but that hasn't happened pretty much at all...so that other place was never my home I don't think I ever really had friends there at the end of the day. So it's unfortunate, but that is the way it is now"
it seems she feels ostracized from even the Retirees. I really hope Doki reaches out cause it sucks seeing Sayu feel like this
I'll clip all this later today and upload it tomorrow premiere it at noon
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El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Someone was asking about the socks guy earlier. They are gonna be whores, it looks like



jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024
Would you love me if i was a sock?


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023


Resident Sad Girl Enjoyer
Joined:  Jan 5, 2023
10ma proving to be the straight Vtuber in all of phase connect.


#1 Hexa Fan
Joined:  Feb 26, 2023
Twitch staff came through for Hexa. She's no longer HexaVT, which she is very excited about.


Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster & Watcher
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Twitch staff came through for Hexa. She's no longer HexaVT, which she is very excited about.


Flesh tubing arc incoming?

Edit: She has a lot of flesh to tube


jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024


Avalon's Most Wanted
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Someone was asking about the socks guy earlier. They are gonna be whores, it looks like

Vshojo better watch out. Here comes a new challenger!


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
Twitch staff came through for Hexa. She's no longer HexaVT, which she is very excited about.


So Proctor lied to us? He's not really in trouble with his landlord. He's just accelerating the grooming as a twitch staff now


I love my dumb dorky nephilim
Namirin's Husband
Joined:  Nov 28, 2022

For those like me that were wondering Fes recordings when.
Seems like everything really is last minute this time, must be very confident


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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022

Anyone know what FROOT did this time? Other then not show us where the money is.

Is ironlung the vshojo spokesperson? Why does she need to address every time people shit on vshojo, just ignore them and keep doing your thing woman.

For those like me that were wondering Fes recordings when.
Seems like everything really is last minute this time, must be very confident
Why is Holo being retarded now?! Jesus fuck this kind of confidence is the shit that gets you in big trouble later.


Niji and Indie Simp
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Is ironlung the vshojo spokesperson? Why does she need to address every time people shit on vshojo, just ignore them and keep doing your thing woman.
tl;dr it brings in sympathy points.


Early Adopter
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Miyo is bringing a little democracy to the bugs

Ellia's new cover

And there is her birthday donothon part2


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basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023
muscle snake gorilla

yes its a fucking konbini RP


Miia Enjoyer
Joined:  Dec 16, 2023

Anyone know what FROOT did this time? Other then not show us where the money is.

She got dog piled over the clip of her saying she got diagnosed with autism.

El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Pochi-mama covering the Mashle song in about 5 and a half hours.

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