Apex has been slowly falling out of the cycle. For instance, there's a pro tournament going on right now with a bunch of pros streaming their pov but Apex only has 119k viewers, nearly half of those viewers belong to pros streaming their POV of the pro league. Meanwhile LoL has one of their regular pro league games going on right now and it has 224k viewers with only 59k belonging to the LCS (the single stream for the pro game). At the same time, literally nothing is happening in Valorant and it has 95k views.
The most recent LoL world championship seemed to boost interest in the game again, especially Japan, while Apex has nothing of interest going on. As someone that hasn't played league since like season 5 (6?), I hate the game but it is definitely more entertaining to watch League than Apex because Apex involves a lot of wasted time of nothing happening. At the other hand, League has sections that matter throughout the whole game and the only parts where it's largely boring is when either everyone is playing super passive. Even if the enemy team has stomped the streamer's team, it can still be entertaining to watch them mald.
I was genuinely surprised by her FPS twitch when she was playing Doom Eternal.