Phase Connect's unofficial video essayist came out with his take on Phase Connect's recent rise to prominence. I think he misses some things but for the most part I think what he says is pretty fair. I'm still of two minds about Phase Connect's growth. On the one hand I really liked the older more unhinged and informal content that Pippa would do back in the day and I recognize the importance of gatekeeping one's hobbies so that outsiders don't flood in and ruin it. On the other, I also know that this is not a sustainable business model and am genuinely happy for the talents having made it so far. I don't think they've lost their edge, nor do I think it will ever fully go away, but it is being dulled and will likely become duller in the furure. Gone are the days of the Rage stream and Shiina's KF sponsored burka and I'm not entirely sure how to feel about it. Hell, as much as I like Clara, her being hired by Phase is a huge step in the "idol" direction with her being a professional singer and a bridge into the Japanese market. I will say that I'm not as optimistic as other Phase fans. I think it will take a lot of growth on their part and a lot more fucking up on Niji's part before it can realistically be expected for them to pick up their leftovers, let alone replace them as one of the biggest vtuber agencies. For now I think it is safe to say that they are the pioneers (arguably along with Idol) of the newly emerging middle market. How this came to be and where it will go from here I still have no idea but I'm glad to have been here with you all from the beginning to have witnessed it, even if I won't be watching as much as I used to.
> Vaush is caught with porn of Matsuri
> Less surprisingly, Vaush is also caught with horsecock porn
> Pantsu is a horse
> Pantsu's oshi is Matsuri

I think you can see what I'm getting at.
She does have a thing for hypocritical grifters after all...
@Kuri Rinji I heard you were palnning on doing a Nolan stream.
Here is the emote thing you were asking for:

Just type in Nolan or Crush into the smilies tab and you should find most of them.
One thing that I noticed was omitted even from his thread OP (possiby because the evidence was deleted, he used to do that a lot back in the day) was how he first caught the attention of other posters back on the homeland. He was planning on making a youtube documentary on Gura and her rise to popularity including her PL as Senzawa and her real life history as well. This was back when talking about past lives and roomamtes outside of KF was still very much taboo. Everyone told him this was a stupid idea and after filling up a page or two with his arguing, he dropped the idea and apologized. I think he went back and deleted all of his posts relating to it but maybe someone else from back then still remembers the incident and can corroborate. Might be an interesting bit to include in your stream.