This will probably be my only serious reply to you, since you seem to have taken something personal, beyond your schizoid ramblings.
You retards are chasing a figment of your imagination. I haven't posted on /vt/ since I got banned for posting that Kurt should an hero, and that was over a month ago. Every one of you paint sniffing retards who keep sperging that you're being "raided," you're getting raided by someone else. I repost autistic shit that I see because that's what I do, and it's a good laugh. So when I saw a bunch of retards freaking out in /jidf/ about the blacked thing, I posted it here and on the farms, so that we can all laugh at it. No one here or on KF, save maybe Yukoschizo, gives enough of a rats ass to raid your shitty loli porn infested bughives of simping and degeneracy. And, as I said, once Yukoschizo provided the pics of the twitter account linked to the melanin fellow, we both agreed on KF it probably wasn't linked to her at all.
I have my doubts you can or will bother reading, but just to clarify, you are pissing in the wind here. I don't care enough about you retards to go play in your shitpile, I just take snapshots and laugh because it's funny.