To be fair, now that all the threads are back again I hop on and look at the place and just think
... oh. right. I would need to run around finding shit again.
It HAS been a bit of a clusterfuck otherwise though. Dead for ages, was back up, I had an error for another few hours or something iirc after that, then it was bouncing between two different versions of the forum.
This was a big one for sure. It's always been cheap clip garbage.
*Lame TTS message about liking pizza or some shit.
*12 second silence while Zen's TTS is queueing up or whatever*
*Zens TTS finally starts*
"I-Really-like-peppero" *Chat dono TTS kicks in "DICKS!" *Zen "ni-on-my* Stops talking. elohelohel zomg peak commidee.
So zoomers + bouncy tits and low effort = magic. Remember we're live in a time where shit like that NPC meme was somehow a thing for how long.