They were VERY blatant about their bullshit against dota back in the dayUsed to be common knowledge that got passed around in Dota related spheres that League's existence early on was entirely because one of their devs ran the original Dota-All-Stars forum and then closed it with no warning when he got the job at Riot and took everything from that forum (like hero concepts) and incorporated it into League of Legends.

>dodge stacking Jax solo killing turrets with no minionsSeason 1 was pretty much lost media as noone knows what's in it beside dodge used to be a mechanics and lanes weren't even defined.
>release Xin Zhao 1v5ing and winning
>having to farm up for an entire runebook specifically for one champion, only for that set of runes to get nerfed 2 days later
>pizzafeet Twisted Fate
>your entire team randomly dying because you guys walked near a bush where an AP Nunu was charging his ult
>entire support eco was buying wards and lighting up the map like a Christmas tree
>no more winter map

It does suck but it's not always a majority share, it's often tons of gifted subs, which is the case for OliviaLet's say you took a week, all subs who would renew during that period are automatically cancelled and some people don't remember that stuff (that's why they keep it automatic and that's the major share of supporters).