As an actual fucking homo, this cunt can graduate from life.
"Queer" people, or more accurately known as spicy straights who worship troons and identity politics, aren't speaking up against repressive norms because they're the ones pushing them. Remember the 80's when we had gender non-conformists like David Bowie, Annie Lennox, and Grace Jones? They don't, or else they wouldn't be telling a girl who wants to wear a suit that she isn't a girl or at all or trying to sterilize and chop up a teenage boy because he likes the colour pink. If she cared about things featuring unnecessary rape she wouldn't be supporting "queer" people who are actively harassing fucking lesbians because they don't want to fuck an autogynephile trying to validate his fetish. If she cared about pushing against repressive norms AND unnecessary rape then she definitely wouldn't be supporting "Queer" people trying to make bisexuality mandatory as homos are once again being told that we're interested in the opposite sex while trying to gaslight heteros that fucking the same-sex for their gender identity doesn't make it a homosexual relationship.
This has fuck-all to do with 'normies' and everything to do with politics. Normies are the ones playing Monopoly, Angry Birds, Best Fiends, and Fortnite, not pushing the utopia of degenerate vermintide.
Sorry Clara, but no, your brain is not firing off because that would require it to have the most basic of functions such as understanding that you and your ilk are causing more harm to those you claim to represent while being too narcissistic to realize it.
Give me all the tophats.
Clip tax.