From top left to bottom right
- Why Do DRAMA Fags Type Their Title LIKE This?
- "DEMONDICE Stops Perfomances": ESL moment mr.purple? Isn't it "stop performing" or "no longer performing" or "retire from performances/performing" "on hiatus" "last performance" whatsoever. Actually what even is he, don't tell me it's a flip again.
- What a god awful font, "HEEHIHIME" but forgiven for booba, really don't like the ear though I prefer my horse woman with perched up ears instead of droopy
- At least tilt the image jesus and what do you mean by "Popular Cosplayer", noone knows of Keekihime by this
- Why the

sad face, at least do the :O face like everyone else, or are you actually sad you weren't the one being fondled.

- Literally word vomit on that thumbnail, is keekihime assaulted by hex and michi or are they being returned by kotoka. And what do you mean by "returns?" she literally announced it. Also is Michi under nijisanji now?

- Most of you have never covered this "popular cosplayer" before, just splash kiara face on it, there isn't much difference hyprocrite fucks.
Thank you for listening to my rant. Totally not biased whatsoever