"I speak slurs in all languages"Komachi Panko

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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Big PiPi Energy

Man I Lemonlea F
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I feel like we should take a page out of our ancestral homeland's playbook and start giving certain users the funny pink triangle so they can be identified and ridiculed on sight.

I nominate our local Flip menaces.
Actually, don't even make it the pink triangle, just put their flag there instead.


No one in particular
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Void Scribas

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Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster & Watcher
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Seeing @Kuri Rinji tweet about Roza is like boxing at the special Olympics. Even if you when the fight you are still retarded.

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haha it's unou
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I do be doobing
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Sorry for double posting but I believe this needed a new post.
I would like to issue a formal apolology to Mr. Riverbear and Mr. Nenelove as well as anyone who believe in Brave group
Upon further re-investigation of the Brave website. I have now come across conclusive evidence that Brave is a promising company that is very invested into the vtubing world and is no way ran by incompetent leadership and that they are clearly here to stay rather than some random grifting project that just chase the biggest trend while having no idea what they are doing.
And here is the conclusive evidence:

Noone, absolutely noone who runs such a pretigious project could be a grifting company.
I had no idea Brave group also owned Crazy Raccoon.

Hotdogs Aplenty

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menhera addicted sister
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Seeing @Kuri Rinji tweet about Roza is like boxing at the special Olympics. Even if you when the fight you are still retarded.

Sorry but you're a fucking Yamanba for not archiving it. Do you still have it cached somewhere?

Bob from accounting

Bear Enjoyer
Joined:  Mar 14, 2023
I’m a bit surprised nobody has posted about this at all.

Doki’s Fortnite Creator Code got disabled with no other explanation from them than she ‘broke TOS’ which is very vague and explains jack shit.

(Archive 1) (Archive 2)

Very odd. Generally you have to do something specifically to harm epics image for them to take that away. They have a trust and safety sub department for it and yes they do look at what you do off the platform because they're basically paying you in some fashion. Of course knowing Epic as of late I wouldn't be surprised if they further gutted that department and replaced it with one of the ai's they've been training. So yeah 99% chance automated mistake(1% someone in t/s went rogue and is a big niji fan), and I wouldn't be surprised if an employee reaches out after figuring out what went wrong.

As an aside. Fuck Tim.


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hololive ARK Server (2024) - Day 9 FINALE
Previous day - Extra post - First day

The final day has arrived. There will be one final test of teamwork to overcome. Will Bae get 240k 100k bullets before the final raid begins? Who will survive to tell the tale?
Pekora's final recap of the day:

Rules (Mostly taken from this clip):
  • The map used is Valguero.
  • Mods used:
  • The event lasts from July 23rd to July 31st.
    • There will be downtime from 3AM to 7PM JST due to difficulties in providing technical support during that time.
    • For the final day, the server will end at midnight JST.
    • The server runtime can be extended by 30 minutes to finish pending processes.
  • Everyone will be living in a single base.
    • The base will have to be made from scratch, as the starting hub isn't the base.
  • You can tame up to three creatures at a time.
    • Only the person who tamed the creature can use it. They will be stored in cryopods if the owner goes offline.
    • Trap taming is forbidden.
    • If a tamed creature dies, it cannot be revived.
    • You can't intentionally kill your tamed creature.
  • Dinosaur raids will be at 10PM JST.
    • This day's raid was at 11PM JST.
    • Spontaneous raids can happen as well.
  • There are daily missions.
  • From Day 4 and onwards there will be events to win prizes, including stuff that's not normally obtainable.
    • Examples:
      • Cavalry Battle
        • Use a Pteranodon to grab an opponent and drop them to death.
      • Taming Competition
        • Be the fastest to tame a specified creature.
  • Participants have to write a diary entry for what they've done each day. Penalties will be given if it's not done.

Final mission:
  • Survive

The long off-stream server runtime of the previous day makes it difficult to keep track of all the tames during that time. I'm basing this off of a list made in the hololive fan Discord server.
  • Sora:
    • Doedicurus "Blueberry Nuun"
    • Pteranodon "Soda-chan"
    • Deinonychus "SoraSaurus"
    • Daeodon "Blue Dis Don"
  • Roboco:
    • Daeodon
    • Gasbag "Pero Pero Robo"
    • Tek Rex
  • Suisei:
    • Argentavis "BiBiDeBaViSu"
    • Deinonychus
    • Deinonychus
  • Miko:
    • Pteranodon
    • Deinonychus
    • T-Rex
    • Deinonychus
    • Maewing "Harochi"
    • Daeodon
    • Fjordhawk* "Elite Mane-chan"
    • Lightning Wyvern
  • AZKi:
    • Pteranodon
    • Snow Owl
    • Ice Wyvern
    • Ankylosaurus
  • Fubuki:
    • Raptor "Yuta-Sama"
    • Yutyrannus
    • Raptor
    • Argentavis "Foxstar Bird"
    • Deinonychus
    • Yutyrannus "Holoshogun Number 2"
    • Pteranodon
    • Pteranodon
    • Pteranodon
    • Fjordhawk* "Mio's Karaage"
    • Managarmr "Fubugarmr"
    • Managarmr
    • Managarmr
    • Managarmr
  • Aki:
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 2"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 3"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 4"
    • Shadowmane
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 5"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 6"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 7"
    • Quetzal
    • Featherlight
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 8"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 9"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 10"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 11"
    • Pteranodon "Mukidon 12"
    • Astrodelphis
    • Astrodelphis
    • Astrodelphis
  • Haachama:
    • Giganosaurus
    • Gasbag
    • Ice Wyvern "Chamanokosaurus"
    • Carcharodontosaurus
  • Aqua:
    • Argentavis "Aqutantavis"
    • Argentavis "Aqutantavis Kai"
    • Shadowmane "Aquatanmane"
    • Fjordhawk*
    • Carcharodontosaurus "AkuPeko☆Karukoro"
  • Choco:
    • Brontosaurus
    • Shadowmane
    • Pteranodon
    • Magmasaur
  • Subaru:
    • Mammoth
    • Pteranodon
    • Pteranodon "Subaru 2"
    • Reaper King "Stellar Symphony" -> "Super Sadist Watermelon"
    • Pteranodon "Subaru 3"
  • Okayu:
    • Argentavis
    • Deinonychus
    • Doedicurus "Do-M Melon"
  • Mio:
    • Argentavis
    • Dung Beetle
    • Dung Beetle
  • Pekora:
    • Argentavis ""Star Fallen Bird Star Quasar"
    • Pteranodon
    • Shadowmane
    • Carcharodontosaurus
    • Carcharodontosaurus
    • Rhyniognatha "Evil Kimo Mushi"
  • Marine:
    • Triceratops "Yoshida Pochi Hanako T Special Generation Narco (Narcoberry Slave)"
    • Doedicurus
    • Daeodon
  • Flare:
    • Ankylosaurus
    • Shadowmane "Flare Shadow"
    • Reaper King "Sky Reaper"
  • Noel:
    • Argentavis "Lucky Taro"
    • Argentavis
    • Argentavis
    • Carcharodontosaurus
    • Bulbdog
    • Bulbdog
  • Kanata:
    • Stegosaurus
    • Argentavis
    • Tek Stegosaurus "The Hero That Was Too Late"
    • Pteranodon
    • Lightning Wyvern "WonderLightning"
  • Towa:
    • Shadowmane
    • Snow Owl
    • Magasamar "Eren"
    • Magasamar "Eren"
  • Luna:
    • Pteranodon "El the Scarlet Winged Absolute Ruler"
    • Ankylosaurus
  • Watame:
    • Deinoychus
    • Bulbdog
    • Managarmr "Watagarmr"
  • Lamy:
    • Triceratops
  • Polka:
    • Deinonychus
    • Woolly Rhino
    • Maewing
    • Woolly Rhino
    • Deinonychus "POLnonics"
    • Pteranodon
    • Pteranodon
    • Pteranodon
    • Pteranodon
    • Ice Wyvern
    • Woolly Rhino
    • Shadowmane
    • Rock Drake
  • Lui:
    • Pteranodon
    • Shadowmane "Sirius Black"
    • Griffon
    • Bulbdog "Belotaro"
  • Iroha:
    • Stegosaurus
    • Snow Owl
    • Velonasaurto
    • Ankylosaurus
    • Argentavis
  • Koyori:
    • Argentavis
    • Velonasaurto
    • Shadowmane
    • Magmasaur "Ymir"
  • Ao:
    • Ankylosaurus "Ikemensaurus"
    • Daeodon
  • Hajime:
    • Pteranodon "Bunbun-butenchiyo"
    • Argentavis
    • Shadowmane
    • Ankylosaurus
    • Bulbdog
  • Kanade:
    • Mammoth
    • Lightning Wyvern
    • Penguin
  • Ririka:
    • Argentavis
    • Argentavis
    • Deinonychus
    • Rock Elemental
  • Raden:
    • Pteranodon
    • Carcharodontosaurus
    • Magmasaur
    • Rock Elemental
  • Calli:
    • Pachycephalosaurus "Patches"
    • Shadowmane "Tutu Mane"
    • Pteranodon "Petrie from Land Before Time"
    • Tek Stegosaurus "Robertino" (transferred from Raora due to dropping out for the remainder of the event)
  • Bae:
    • Pteranodon "PPDON"
    • Tek Raptor "MECHAPP"
    • Pteranodon "ppdon v2"
    • Tek Stegosaurus "I LOVE AQUA"
    • Griffin "I LOVE FULURI"
    • Lightning Wyvern "ILOVEAKI"
  • FuwaMoco:
    • Rock Drake "Perrori"
    • Shadowmane "PON de EEEEE"
    • Snowy Owl
  • Raora:
    • Tek Stegosaurus "Robertino" (transferred to Calli due to dropping out for the remainder of the event)
  • Iofi:
    • Parasaur "PARACETOMOL"
    • Lightning Wyvern "AMOXCILIN"
    • Deinonychus "IBUPROFEN"
    • Triceratops "BULAO"
  • Anya:
    • Carcharodontosaurus "CACAHY"
    • Lightning Wyvern
  • Gamma Ice Titan "Guardian God Gamma Ice Pekotan"
    • Tamed by Miko, Aki, Fubuki, Subaru, Okayu, Pekora, Kanata, and Koyori
*The Fjordhawk is a shoulder pet that don't count towards the tame limit. It was a prize won from Cavalry Battle on Day 5.

And now for the recap. Information has been sourced from this post and the hololive fan Discord.
  • The last raid was scheduled to happen 10PM JST. The server is planned to close at midnight with the end of July.
  • Bae starts by telling us she was so busy farming for bullets she died in front of the bullet box.
  • Someone's Fjordhawk had died. It was a level 200 one instead of the level 1000 prize ones. Apparently saddles and Fjordhawks were given out to those who needed one.
  • Subaru talked to FuwaMoco about obtaining a Snowy Owl for them. During the conversation Mococo gave Subaru congrats on her pregnancy from days earlier. They were surprised to see it trending on Twitter when they woke up.
    • Iroha was able to get them a Snowy Owl from an egg. They worked on raising it, though Bae asked where they went since earlier Bae gave them the task of helping her with making bullets.
    • Iroha then proceded to teach FuwaMoco a how the Snowy Owl works and how to use it.
    • FuwaMoco named the Snowy Owl "shiratama konnyaku".
  • Miko, Aqua, Fubuki, Subaru, Okayu, Pekora, Kanata, Lui and Koyori planned to tame the Forest Titan for the final battle. They'll have to get rid of the nodes on it's shoulders and then the one on its chin before its tameable.
    • They were able to make it to the last phase but Koyori died in the process. She was able to be picked up by Fubuki at the event area.
    • And the Forest Titan tame was a success! The tame was done by Fubuki. It was named "FOREST PEKOTAN". It's an Alpha Forest Titan meaning they got the best one. Later it was renamed by Aqua to "Guardian Deity☆ALPHA FOREST AKUTAN".
    • Aqua accidently showed the server password on stream.
    • Due to the Titan getting stuck, it had to be teleported to the base by staff
  • The base itself had gotten an expansion on the side. It contains corridors followed by rooms with additional beds, everything is made of metal.
  • Aki went out to solo tame the Desert Titan. Pekora came by to help give her supplies, before dying due to the electric shocks of the Titan.
    • Fubuki helped escort Suisei to the Desert Titan, but she died almost immediately. Aki put a bed nearby on the Quetzal so she could respawn quickly.
    • Pekora and Suisei were helping Aki on the desert Titan, with Fubuki nearby giving support (helping to find their lost items and escorts).
    • They headed back to the base to recover a saddle. They'll try to tame it again after the reset and strategy meeting, if they have time.
  • Staff put a notice saying they'll restart the server at 9PM JST. The strategy meeting was being planned to coincide with it using Discord voice chat.
  • Some members worked to level up their dinos, including: Aqua, Watame, Sora, Miko, Flare, and Noel
  • Roboco had to end her stream due to excessive amounts of lag.
  • The strategy meeting:
    • Aki took the lead on this meeting as the server got resestarted. Fuwawa would translate but she doesn't understand ARK very well. Bae also was translating in her chat.
    • The plan is to focus on one enemy at a time.
    • There's a tunnel that connects to the main base now if they die (that corridor area that Pekora's stream showed).
    • They also were figuring out who will be riding the Titans and the Meks.
      • Mio will be controlling the Forest Titan.
      • Suisei will be on the Ice Titan.
        • This was later changed to Ririka.
    • They also went over specific plans for certain members and their dinos, such as the healers, tanks, fliers, etc. Example, FuwaMoco and Iroha with Snowy Owls should be near the respawn point to help heal members. Flare with her Reaper is to tank it until it dies and then switch.
  • During the strategy meeting members were back on the server to do some last minute grinding and leveling. Suisei was getting an Astrodelphis with Fubuki's help. She got one and named it "Stellar Dolphin☆Let's survive".
    • That Astrodelphis died at some point so she got another one.
  • In the end, Bae was able to make about 33k bullets, falling short of the 100k bullets requested.
  • Calli logged on. It should be noted that after the last day's raid the staff helped to respawn everyone's items from those who died while offline, so her dinos like Robertino and Tutu Mane are safe.
  • The raid got delayed by twenty minutes. The server message read: "The raid will begin at 10:20PM (JST) as the dinosaurs are taking a bath."
    • The raid got delayed by another ten minutes with the message: "The dinosaurs are busy eating dinner so the raid time has been moved to 10:30PM (JST)."
  • The final team composition was made:
    • Carcharodons: Pekora, Aqua, Noel, Luna, Haachama, Anya
    • Reapers: Subaru, Flare
    • Shadowmanes: Towa, Koyori, Hajime, Choco, Calli
    • Healers: Iroha, Ao-kun, Fuwamoco, Roboco
    • Deinos: Watame, Miko, Suisei, Okayu, Ririka, Marine
    • Wyverns: Bae, Kanata, Polka, Iofi, Kanade
    • Forest Titan: Mio
    • Ice Titan: empty
    • Mek Shield: Sora, Lui
    • Buff: Fubuki
    • Commander: Aki
  • The final raid started. The raid will be split into 3 waves:
    • The first wave consisted of dinos that they have dealt with in the past including Teks, Reapers, and Wyverns. DodoRexes and Alpha variations are also included as well.
    • At the halfway point, a Fenrir came and served as the boss of wave 2. It killed a few of the members including Koyori and Ririka. Watame's Bulbdog died.
    • The Fenrir was defeated. Ririka got on the Ice Titan.
    • The final boss: an Alpha King Titan! Watame suffered a death from it immediatly. The King Titan has an HP Bar. They have an hour to defeat it. Fubuki took over from Ririka in piloting the Ice Titon.
    • The King Titan can launch a series of meteors that also deal knockback, it sent a lot of the members flying over great distances and more deaths followed. Koyori got eaten by piranhas.
    • With the King Titan, other smaller things are also spawning such as corrupted Reaper Kings. Those with Carcharodons and Titans focused on the King Titan, while the others deal with the rest.
      • Watame's Deinoychus died. She went into a Mek.
      • Aki's Astrodelphis died. She went onto her Shadowmane.
    • A group, including Bae and Subaru, were recovering near the hub. Bae went off of her Wyvern and became a drummer for Subaru's Mammoth. Unfortunatly, I LOVE AQUA, Bae's Stegosaurus, died in the battle as the King Titan was almost defeated.
    • THEY DID IT! The raid is now complete!
  • Despite the raid being over, just about everyone is feeling unsure and wondered if it really IS over, or if there is more to come. Aqua suspects Pekora is up to something, considering what Pekora for the finale in hololive Hardcore Minecraft. There even was boss music for a while.
  • The server would stay open for another hour. Subaru found her Reaper that was hiding away. It apparently didn't kill anything at all. Haachame finally realized that she could fly in her Mek.
  • Everyone will take a commerative photo and have a closing ceremony.
  • SURPRISE BOSS! DodoRexes have spawned! The DodoRexes have unusually large amounts of health.
    • Raora's Robertino and Sora's Daeodon also died.
    • Koyori's Magmasaur, "Ymir" died.
    • The DodoRexes were defeated. Pekora's is getting suspected even more than before, which wasn't helped by her behavior.
    • There's also more DodoRexes at the base, which is being destroyed by everything.
    • Aki's Quetzal died. The shockwave sent more members flying and more deaths followed.
    • Mio also died, leaving the Forest Titan without a pilot. Mio's Dung Beetles were also killed. Subaru's Mammoth died. Fjordhawks were also dying.
    • The base was being hammered. The big headache is that the spawn is where the King Titan is, so members would get spawn killed over and over again, effectively taking them out of the fight.
    • More deaths include Koyori's Bulbdog, Kanade's Wyvern, Ao's Daeodon and Bae's I LOVE AQUA (Wyvern).
    • Eventually, FubuMio were taking on the King Titan. They were able to take it down for good.
    • The Rockwell was soon defeated as well. The true final battle is over! The base fared well considering the stakes.
  • Now everyone is going to take a commemorative group picture for real.
  • The staff had a final gift: They brought all the fallen tames during the event back to life! They were put in the members' personal barrels.
  • Staff sended a final thank you message to everyone before the server shuts down.
  • Gathered from the hololive fan Discord, the top 10 members who played the most ARK and their playtime in hours:
    • Staff - 292:08
    • Aki - 76:02
    • Pekora - 75:20
    • Miko - 70:19
    • Towa - 67:45
    • Fubuki - 63:42
    • Subaru - 61:08
    • Lui - 57:06
    • Noel - 56:39
    • Koyori - 55:54
    • 11 to 35 can be found here.

With that and the begin of August, hololive ARK is over. The theme of teamwork was definitely displayed with Pekora, the participating holomems, and the staff have all worked together to make this event another fun one to follow through. Pekora's Minecraft Hardcore event was just over two months ago.
Going in, knew that this would be a bigger challenge for me to put together than my hololive Minecraft Hardcore recap series, bevause ARK is just a massive game with way more things to keep track of. I'm thankful for the holoARK Reddit threads, hololive Fan Discord, and our resident @Shuba Saber for providing the information that made this day-by-day recap series possible.

Thank you for reading my recap series! Until my next effortpost series.


P.S.: It would be greatly appreciated if someone can translate the other tame names in this final tame tally. [Image link]

Edit: Added more clips.
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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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Sorry but you're a fucking Yamanba for not archiving it. Do you still have it cached somewhere?
Its not deleted. Its just not embedding Kuri's tweets.

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God's Tastiest Bucko

A well-fed spider will bring you much happiness
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The weird, adorable spider cat lady will have an unarchived karaoke stream today, with songs by Weird Al Yankovic.

If there's no polka covers, I'll be sad

Void Scribas

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Rin's gonna stream:

Kind of bittersweet to hear Rin that she will miss the small company vibe Idol had (possible referring to their internal Discord) before this acquisition.


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