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It legitimately blows my mind that the orientation of the screen draws people in. they not know you can watch normal streams vertically too? Or better yet, Nigga turn your fucking phone sideways!
its built to give you streams on the shorts page where you can endlessly doomscroll with a simple swipe and let the algo determine what slop it will give you instead of making conscious efforts to decide what content you want to watch next
Lamy gave one more update on her health a bit ago. TLDR it was looking like she had cancer for a while but thankfully that's not the case. She's currently stable but will have to go back for a full checkup next year to see how she's doing. For now, she'll be taking it easy with streams and activities.
She did her final checkups right before 5th Fes and recently received the results so this stream is like one last report of everything that's happened.
She had to do a bunch of checkups and tests over the past 4 months and especially in the week leading up to 5th Fes. The doctors were telling her there was a very real chance she could have cancer. She got tested for multiple times by multiple doctors over the months but the one constant was that she was "at risk."
Between her organ inflammation, breast calcification, colon polyps and other stuff, it was looking pretty bad. She didn't tell the other Holos or her fans anything cause everything was uncertain, but she was so worried, she genuinely felt like she might die.
Marine and Noel knew some of her issues since they live in the same apartment and were checking on her often. But she didn't want to tell her genmates since she didn't want their worrying about her to mess with their performances and stuff.
She canceled a few sponsored streams since she didn't know if she would be able to do them a month later. She even asked her manager if she could do a final live concert and wanted to go out with a bang.
She can laugh about it now but she was serious about it back then. She put genuine thought into what kind of announcement it'd be and how she didn't want to just fade away.
But thankfully, they removed the polyps and confirmed everything's stable. The polyps were bad and could have progressed into cancer if left alone. But other than that, there's no need for a surgery or long-time hospitalization.
She isn't at risk anymore but she has to go back next year and likely stay at the hospital for a while to make sure she's still doing well.
Her mental was doing terrible back when she thought she might be dying but she's calmed down now.
She kinda overdid it for 5th fes and her throat wasn't doing well. It's better now but she's not gonna fill up her schedule and go full blast right away. Instead, she'll take it easy for a while and only stream when there's little or no work. Her throat and overall health can still turn for the worse if she does too much.
She is excited to stream though. Wants to play horror games, Monster Hunter and this new multiplayer shopping cart game with 5th gen.
My heart sank when she started talking about how she thought she might be facing her own death. Thank god Lamy's okay and I hope it stays that way.
She also confirmed that while she lost weight over the months, she is still an I-cup. My first thoughts were admittedly degen but christ, that sounds a giant pain in the ass to deal with. Gotta respect the girls like her, Noel and Calli for performing on stage the way they do.
Damn, I'm glad you opened with the TLDR because that was a rough read, even knowing it had a good ending. Even when thinking she might be dying (this fucking killed me, man), she was wanting the best for everyone else. What a kind soul. I can't imagine what she was going through, thinking about announcements, last performances, and dying.
I hope she can rest easier now. I'm happy it's gotten better. I'm looking forward to more Gen 5 collabs. I've always loved their collabs.
Besides, I'm sure Nene is thirsty for some more water.
Lamy gave one more update on her health a bit ago. TLDR it was looking like she had cancer for a while but thankfully that's not the case. She's currently stable but will have to go back for a full checkup next year to see how she's doing. For now, she'll be taking it easy with streams and activities.
She did her final checkups right before 5th Fes and recently received the results so this stream is like one last report of everything that's happened.
She had to do a bunch of checkups and tests over the past 4 months and especially in the week leading up to 5th Fes. The doctors were telling her there was a very real chance she could have cancer. She got tested for multiple times by multiple doctors over the months but the one constant was that she was "at risk."
Between her organ inflammation, breast calcification, colon polyps and other stuff, it was looking pretty bad. She didn't tell the other Holos or her fans anything cause everything was uncertain, but she was so worried, she genuinely felt like she might die.
Marine and Noel knew some of her issues since they live in the same apartment and were checking on her often. But she didn't want to tell her genmates since she didn't want their worrying about her to mess with their performances and stuff.
She canceled a few sponsored streams since she didn't know if she would be able to do them a month later. She even asked her manager if she could do a final live concert and wanted to go out with a bang.
She can laugh about it now but she was serious about it back then. She put genuine thought into what kind of announcement it'd be and how she didn't want to just fade away.
But thankfully, they removed the polyps and confirmed everything's stable. The polyps were bad and could have progressed into cancer if left alone. But other than that, there's no need for a surgery or long-time hospitalization.
She isn't at risk anymore but she has to go back next year and likely stay at the hospital for a while to make sure she's still doing well.
Her mental was doing terrible back when she thought she might be dying but she's calmed down now.
She kinda overdid it for 5th fes and her throat wasn't doing well. It's better now but she's not gonna fill up her schedule and go full blast right away. Instead, she'll take it easy for a while and only stream when there's little or no work. Her throat and overall health can still turn for the worse if she does too much.
She is excited to stream though. Wants to play horror games, Monster Hunter and this new multiplayer shopping cart game with 5th gen.
My heart sank when she started talking about how she thought she might be facing her own death. Thank god Lamy's okay and I hope it stays that way.
She also confirmed that while she lost weight over the months, she is still an I-cup. My first thoughts were admittedly degen but christ, that sounds a giant pain in the ass to deal with. Gotta respect the girls like her, Noel and Calli for performing on stage the way they do.
God damn, if wamy had died Idk what would happen to Nenechi... it's likely she would've graduated too knowing her.
I am glad ice elf yakuza daughter is alright.
Namie did a 3-part interview on Pixiv's Youtube channel a little while ago.
She genuinely seems to love making art more than anything, so it seems like she made the choice to pursue being a passionate god-tier artist instead of being a moderately successful virtual idol with a doodling side-hustle.
This is why I can't really be sad about Sana's graduation. Yes, it's sad for us, because we don't get to watch her anymore, but she's obviously happier doing what she's doing now.
They renamed Phylacteries to Soul Cages because they thought it was antisemitic to have the word associated with such an evil creature. I don't remember the exact rationale used beyond it being retarded and based on a couple misunderstandings of Jewish history - mainly that phylactery (being a Greek word) doesn't exclusively refer to Jewish tefillin.
The reasoning I saw was that a description for a common phylactery was pretty much a tefillin, so the issue was that the word is being used to describe something that resembles a cultural object. If ever there were a people that would practice self-sustaining necromancy, it would certainly be jews, so it is really inaccurate, or is it the Mossad strongly hinting to Paizo they don't like their national secrets getting out?
The Kuro-Mika household is less stable than a house of cards in a hurricane.
Small update on Kuro: He seems to have gotten past the worst of his breakdown. He want's to stream soon.
One of those streams is gonna be on YouTube, which would be the first time in 4 months and the third YT stream in total. Maybe he hopes to be a little safer from antis there.
The Kuro-Mika household is less stable than a house of cards in a hurricane.
Small update on Kuro: He seems to have gotten past the worst of his breakdown. He want's to stream soon.
One of those streams is gonna be on YouTube, which would be the first time in 4 months and the third YT stream in total. Maybe he hopes to be a little safer from antis there.
EDIT: There seems to be people confused; I was on Legal Mindset's stream, this is the bit from it when Nyana came up, that is literally me in the clip.
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