Ᵽ PHC: Phase Connect
▷ HLO: Hololive
☆ HST: Holostars
◷ NIJ: Nijisanji
₪ IDL: Idol Corp
Ⓥ VSJ: VShojo
It's been a whole year since Froot pledged to donate money to charity, not a word since. Happy Anniversary!
The Recap has also landed right into the Valentine's Day posting zone. Feel free to browse on your own for merch, date roleplay streams etc
Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird thread - still relevant
◷ NIJ |
post | Other thread - The Grand Unified Rrat (the God Rrat)
post | Scarle is back, seems ok
post | Discussion on dramatuber hate rolls into the main thread
post | Parrot4chan stream, talking about Niji
post | Rrat - Rosemi made Slugma/Dizzy stream again
post | Sawa is live reacting to the Elira video
post | Gator on with Legal Mindset talking about the Dokibird situation
post | Scarle commisioned and gave away a free full dakimakura image, tells fans she would not get an official one "because, you know"
post | Archives, timestamp
post | F Maple (@FMaple on YouTube) releasing his Niji audition tapes
post | Nyaru's choco girls collab, Truth or Dare
post | VTube Studio update brings more silly filters, including some removed ones
post |
◷ NIJ | Maria is going to release a group cover of Gilty x Gilty feat Pomu. Interesting in the context of Nijisanji PR trashfire with Selen's cover
post | VSPO EN has opened marshmallows before EN members debut
post | Twomad passed away, Hexa had to delete some tweets
post |
☆ HST | Altare had to delete a tweet
post | Altare's meme with Twomad audio
post | uwo's lab is going to do a hottub stream with macaroni. Short talk on wasting food
post | Question - Is YouTube giving an announcement for the first time superchat a new thing?
post |
▷ HLO | Apparently, Cover offered Live2D for Mori Calliope's cats as her Charity stream's donothon milestones
post | About cultural preferences around circumcision in Philippines
post | Dokibird celebrates her pet dog Amber's Birthday
post |
Ᵽ PHC | Archive - Panko - Panda is Back! And sings for you on Valentine's Day!
post |
▷ HLO | Coyori's IRL video?
post | Archive - Ceres Fauna - 【

Happy Valentine's Day!

】 Unarchived karaoke!
Also Archive - Watson Amelia - 【KARAOKE】_throws a rock at your window_ HEY LISTEN
post | Tokyo Tourism Ambassador event - Gura, Mori Calliope, Miko, in a Roblox
post | Anya got something planned on the 22nd
post | Moona's Birthday stream
post |
◷ NIJ | Rare Ban Hada stream
post | Phantasy Star Online 2 Niji collab
post | Sayu handcam stream, P3 Creators Box unpacking
post | Clip - edited highlights
post | Recommendation - Kuroa on YouTube, playing Armored Core
post | KaiyoMata, black vtuber who was called out for disrespecting the artist Pomiite, put out a google doc with her side of story
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▷ HLO | Archive - Mori Calliope - Unarchived karaoke
post | Archive - Mori Calliope - 【KARAOKE】 Unarchived Singing!
post |
Ⓥ VSJ | Nazuna (still with Vshojo tag) tweet
post |
Ᵽ PHC | Tenma reviews fan machos, part 2
post | Phase Connect announced as a guest at VeXpo
post |
₪ IDL | Idol ES set up a Discord
post | ChibiDokii is planning something
post | SandyCat about total twink death
post | Question - Is it really impossible to retain the femboy/feminine bodytype after 30?
post | Ami plays Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore, interesting info about the game in the next post
post |
▷ HLO | Mori Calliope moves members stream because of something unexpected from Hololive side
post | Recommendation - Eri Elulu on YouTube, playing the game that happens to contain incest
post | Recommendation - Busujima Bibi
post | Shibuya HAL has his 3D debut
post |
▷ HLO | Bae and Bijou watchalong, JoJo's Bizzare Adventure part 2
post | Indefinite hiatus - Reiny, info about her crowdfunding
post | It was announced by JP vtuber Ojiki, with whom she shared a channel with
post | Reiny's own statement
post | Reminder - Husk's accussations of Reiny
post | Graduation - Rune Bunnura, possible hire
post | dakooters is alive
post | Laimu / Limealicious got 100K YouTube plaque
post | Serina Maiko ended her horror stream early because of emotional issues, Evanit0 comforts her
post | Question - Does anyone know what happened to Agnes Echeron?
post | Their only active member is on hiatus
post | Debut - New Mythos member, Apollo
post | Reminder - Nux Mythos connection
post |
▷ HLO | Apex Legends collab with LaPlus
post | Brittany Venti seething about Gura loli pics again
post | Clip - Nerissa got interrogated by the cops for being a potential school shooter
post | Abi from V4Mirai edits her head on IRL video
post | Another tweet
post |
₪ IDL | Another check-in with the boo bros, Yuko's fanbase
post | Question - So what is going on with Yuko?
post | Later - Yuko herself posted a schedule, announcement on Monday
post | Announcement waiting room
post |
Ᵽ PHC | Lia got accepted into a university, gotta move out
post | Meatkin discussion
post | AmaLee / Monarch covers Kim Possible
post | Drama - Artist Funamusea is accused of scamming and holding people's money
post | Kakashi Rushi comes out with a statement
post | Recommendation - HinaBobina
post | Her connection to Marimari_en and the owner of V Oshi Kisaka
post | Recommendation - Lidia, cute dorky cat on YouTube
post |
☆ HST | Archive - Octavio - A VALENTINE'S MUSICAL by Octavio
Also Archive - Mono Monet - UNARCHIVED KARAOKE _ love love!!
post | /vt/ rrats about HoloStars EN
post | Recommendation - Bon (@bon73P)
post | macoto asmr was hacked by Bitcoin bros. Context - TVA member mistook macoto for Canaan
post | Moriko with a cool setup, inspired by Paper Mario RPG
post |
☆ HST | Minase Rio's Birthday Live (was delayed earlier)
post |
Ⓥ VSJ | Matara met dearsqn (ex Pomu)
post | Also KamiiGOO (ex Mika)
post | Meche and OnoLumi watchalong Josie and the Pussycats
post | Graduation - Several people, some were mentioned earlier. Shizukou, Yuniiho, Reiny, Rune Bunnura. Potential hires? Discussion on possible corpo
post |
▷ HLO | Kiara Button stream notes
post | Chart on how HoloEN members handled their PLs - just 3 graduations
post | Chibidoki knows a thing or two about dissapointing your dad
post |
◷ NIJ | Graduation - Kyo Kaneko
post | Scarle uploaded Iluna video
post | Sam Hyde was watching the graduation stream
post | Report on Quinn Benet
post | Quinn Benet Professor Lando interaction, thumbnail making stream is proposed - Magni and Kyo did that in the past
post |
Ᵽ PHC | H and Mr.H animation, Tenma talking to the new viewers
post | Clip - Saruei advices against learning French
post | Recommendation - wwParasi, another French anime girl
post | Abi is teaching Serina about Brazilian culture
post | Yuri / Nano is not a seiso idol
post |
Ᵽ PHC | Pippa requests artistic interpretations of Phase
post | Recommendation - Bisco from V4Mirai, playing Recetter
post | Rrat - There was a change in the management of VReverie, sounds pretty bad
post | Nova deactivated her alt (or PL), maybe is waiting for the end of her contract. Cheri seems to hate the experience
post | PRISM Project’s 3rd anniversary collab stream
post | Sayu got 60K followers on Twitter
post |
▷ HLO | Rrat - Kiara moved during her break
post | TinyKusa is not buying it
post | Subaru announced the date for her 5th Anniversary Live
post | Summary of Bae's membership stream
post | About Bae's merch problem, issue with a bag
post |
☆ HST | Bettel's new outfit reveal stream. Also Kiara leaked her browser, nothing of note
post | Screenshots
post | There are vtuber related items in Infinite Craft
post | Dokibird U-san (Unnamed, ex Yugo) collab, Backrooms
post | Clip - U-san dying of laughter
post | Recommendation - Eureka X49 is unboxing some anime goods with handcam
post | Debut - Megumi Kuragiri from DigitalDropOuts, with her new bug model
post | About Usui Kuria aka Clear Rocket, a vtuber who watches rocket launches. A discussion on niche vtubers
post |
▷ HLO | Idol Showdown tournament in Orlando, prizes were provided by Cover
post | Botan is going to host her own Street Fighter 6 tournament: The Shishiro Cup
post | Botan notes, going over her tournament performance and more
post | News Live by VTuber (@newslivebyvtuber4489) with TTS, 24/7 livestream reading articles
post |
₪ IDL | An important moment in vtubing history comes from Conni's eyetracking stream
post | NotBobon on some ranked Apex
post | Much of ID streamed an alts and were monetized prior to graduation
post | Bobon often was sick during Selen tournament collabs
post |
▷ HLO | Sora and Siro collab
post | Tweets
post | Eilene with an update on the drama, more details about an alleged scammer
post | Couple goals, cosplay as Rushia and Mafumafu
post | k0y0mi (@K0y0mi543) with accussations aimed at IRIAM and Re:Act
post | 音鳴 ユウ (@otonariyu_V) is not believing claims about battling terminal disease
post | More info, Takigami Rito, Mashiba Komari
WACTOR is on fire, again, again - thread
post | Wactor update - Himeragi Ageha with her statement, including sexual harassment and obstruction of taking prescribed meds among other things
post | Translation by Superduper Samurai
post | A statement from Kobi Ururu. Reminder - 901inc is WACTOR's another rebranding attempt
post | And another one from Nemurime Charo
post | 3 other talents also dropped theirs in coordinated walk out. Translations by frzned
post | More translations by Superduper Samurai
Those posts were moved after the Recap was written
post |
▷ HLO | Clip - Kiara talks about Holo managers, Jenma, and taking on a new manager
post | Context
post | Kei Nyne Anniversary Donathon Day 4
post |
▷ HLO | Advarcher deleted Gura 40K Kriegman art
post | The art itself
post | The art without Gura that was posted later
post | Shiina supports Advarcher
post |
Ᵽ PHC | Phase Weekly with Dizzy
post | Muyu plays Peppa Pig
post | Clip - Lumi talks about her parents
post | Fushman appreciates sussy Lumi fanart
post | Mozu talks about censoring sexual characters
post | 3D Showcase of Yae Yugiri, Mono Monet
post |
☆ HST | Altare Axel 3D Showcase collab with friends
post | Short review
post | V&U announces new gen, The Astro Animal Adventurers
post |
▷ HLO | DemonDice song collab with DJ Jo, also a scale figure
post | Later - dearsqn comments on FuwaMoco MGS 2 tweet
post | Great Solid Snake Big Boss bait
post | Archive - Gawr Gura - unarchived karaoke
post | Freya Fuyuki (@Freya_Fuyuki) warns people against impersonators, says her "graduated" status still holds
post | Apparently she was speculated to be Kiyoko Mori
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₪ IDL | Archive - Roca Rourin - UNARCHIVED KARAOKE / 歌枠】 I'd like to sing for you!~
post |
▷ HLO | Archive - Roca Rourin - UNARCHIVED KARAOKE / 歌枠】 I'd like to sing for you!~
Also Archive - Gawr Gura - Ch. hololive-EN- 【歌枠】 UNARCHIVED KARAOKE gura!
post | Recommendation - purpur_lavandel on Twitch
post |
Ⓥ VSJ | IronMouse is named as a winner for Best Vtuber by The Streamer Awards
post | Looks like OTK wants their own vtuber
post | Production Kawaii teased a new generation, Ephemira
post | Concerns raised over previous gen numbers, possible cannibalisation
post | BF as a mod was mentioned
post | Other thread - /vt/ insanity and antis seethe over Ran Tsukiha's BF yab