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Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

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Big PiPi Energy

Man I Lemonlea F
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What I'm still struggling to understand is...why Ike? Where does he fit into all of this? I understand Elira, Millie, Enna and Vox..but why was Ike part of the smear video?

I'll admit that I don't watch any Niji penishavers unless it's a collab, but it didn't seem like Ike got the same asspat special privileges that Vox did from what I've seen of him.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
I was ready to move on, I had made my last statement and I haven’t looked at anything regarding my past for a full week. I didn’t look at anything regarding legal documents or anything regarding my situation since I moved back to Doki. I wanted to be hopeful for the future and never interact with that side again. So to see it all come back and reopen a wound that I was ready to heal from and to have to talk to my lawyer again on how to respond.

The document mentioned was at first made to document my thoughts and history with evidence so that my lawyer can see the general picture of what was going on, and if there were issues that should be addressed. It was first made during my darkest time mentally and I wrote everything on my mind little by little at that time. I made the document thinking that it was never going to be public to anyone but to my lawyer. Although it was a document filled with my personal information as well privacy information that should not be public, there were no other addresses or specific locations mentioned. Regarding a recording, this was not intended to be anything other than a distribution test for planning of a collaborative event between two people, which happened to be left over from one test recording, and I never recorded any other conversations with anyone. The recording was never shown anywhere even in a legal setting and there are no other records. However, I regret that it was mentioned and I am sorry to all parties affected for the misunderstanding in this.

I requested that I just wanted to move on. Sometimes I didn’t hear anything for days from the lawyers on the other side and felt like I’d be alone and isolated for a long time. It made it so hard for me mentally. On Feb 5th, my lawyer discussed and said it will be best to show the document I wrote to the other lawyers as we have not heard from them for a week or any negotiation talks or given a meeting to discuss after my request to part. It was never intended to be used for anything else, I’ve asked my lawyer to convey that and have communication that the document as it was written wasn’t going to be released anywhere, and my lawyer did so when sending the document. Less than two hours after my lawyer sent the document, the termination notice came out. I was very shocked, but thought that was the last time I will hear or think about the document and that this, personally and my own opinion, was the end of the lawyers and legal involvement.

All of the communication was done between lawyers in Japanese. Things are not black and white and everything gets more complicated and muddled when lawyers are involved in a different country. When things are conveyed to multiple parties through different degrees of communication, everything turns into different narratives and different translations. I thought it was over and I've accepted what happened and ready to move on. Everything I post to the public about the situation was a response. If it was a month ago, it will have been different as I was angry but I was also very alone in my head. But it's not a month ago and I've accepted it. I wanted it to be neutral and private but now the whole world is involved and the public is watching every step that happens.

I am not perfect and I have faults. I had to watch my dad cry and break down in front of me for the first time in my life last night. Despite everything that has happened, please show kindness to all parties involved, there are real people behind the monitors. One of the reasons why I wanted this to be private is that the internet can be a cruel place and I knew this would happen the moment this type of notice drops. What I didn't reveal to anyone and only my parents and therapist knew was that it was not one attempt but two, which happened a few weeks after the first. My parents found me in time after searching for me for hours before anything happened. I was in a really dark place and I do not wish this to anyone. No one should go through what I went through. I reveal this now not for pity but to state that no life, no matter what, should be risked for ego or winning anything. There are no winners in this. Please don't make it like high school. Treat everyone like adults and with some empathy and kindness.

For those who wish to see receipts or documents or anything else, hoping I will reveal them, I'm sorry but these are the things that should be private and if needed, between lawyers. Revealing private documents and talking about the details within will only just make things worse and more complicated as outside parties get involved and will just hurt everyone. No one deserves to be pushed over the edge. So many people have got hurt and involved even if they were innocent bystanders. In the end, I will always be here to respond and that is the only thing I will do in public. I hope this will be the last statement I have to make.
the thing that interests me is shes basically saying what fulgur (presumably) meant to say only 100% less retarded. soft confirmation they are staying in contact and with that's happening with Scarle a picture is beginning to form.

That being said I can somewhat respect the want to just move on but also if she does not speak out now ninji might remover and that pisses me off to no end I feel there is a certain amount of responcibility at play here and while i cannot STRESS my understanding enough i really think ninji deserves to eat several layers of shit.

something something hero we need not what we wanted.
View attachment 63817
This is the sole other instance of two-letter "ok" she has done in her membership posts, making two total. There are three instances of "oki" and two of "okie" (both in the same post) to two "ok".

In her public community posts, she has posted four instances of two-letter "ok", three from ten months ago and one from a year ago.

In her public community tab, there are two instances of "okie" and also two of "oki".

In total, six instances of "ok" (mostly old), five instances of "oki" and four of "okie". Purely numerically, she has said "ok" the most, but "okie" and "oki" more recently. The habit seems to be relatively new.

The autistic things we do for the asylum, I fucking swear. My browser crashed on me a couple times, too.
numberfagging that's a paddling.
If Nijisanji doesn't issue a formal apology for their treatment of her, they're doomed. It's that simple. They now have a woman claiming she tried to kill herself due to the stress they inflicted on her, not once but TWICE.

This is company-destroying. Anyone who willingly stays aboard this sinking ship and toes the party line is doomed. There's no coming back from this.

Again, even if Dokibird is somehow lying about all this the best PR move would still be an abject, grovelling apology and total retraction of all claims/threats/etc.
you forgot japan considers AN HERO attempts a show of weakness.


jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024
What I'm still struggling to understand is...why Ike? Where does he fit into all of this? I understand Elira, Millie, Enna and Vox..but why was Ike part of the smear video?
I'll admit that I don't watch any Niji penishavers unless it's a collab, but it didn't seem like Ike got the same asspat special privileges that Vox did from what I've seen of him.
Threesome probably


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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
At what point was Nijisanji ever a shining beacon of a vtubing company? Bullying accusations have riddled their reputation for aslong as I remember. And I admit that Hololive has made some shitty decisions. But usually, those were decisions made when they were pushed into a corner and had to make a flinch decision. Aloe's doxxing and hate campaign leading up to her debut, and the Taiwan incident. Cutting ties with Rushia wasn't necessarily a bad decision, and there's nothing to go on for Mel so that could lean one way or the other. But I don't think there were any serious accusations of it being a black company.

Nijisanji had an entire month to somehow figure something out, and this was in their cancer-addled mind the best way to do it.
Honestly it's so funny how people seem to completely memoryhole past situations and socially accepted realities simply because now everyone thinks another way. Let me remind everyone of the time before Zaion Lanza's termination, when Nijinigs were smugger than ever and Hololive was industry enemy #1.

After the boom, Niji was widely held as a cooler and less restrictive version of Hololive, in EN they became the hipster vtuber company, only for TRUE and DEDICATED vtuber fans that went beyond normie trash like Holo but were still superior to plebs who watched indies (small corpos were irrelevant). So yeah I clearly remember how many times Holo's 3D was ridiculed as totally inferior, how many times Holostars was used in bad faith arguments to compare the two and uphold Niji egalitarian superiority, how many times NijiEN was called BETTER, FRIENDLIER WITH EACHOTHER AND FREE TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED. I remember when the "all out war" leak came out, a lot of people in this very forum... AGREED WITH IT AND DEFENDED IT.

So yeah a lot of these grifters like Koe, Nousagi, Ducky, Nux, the trash taste fags and others held Niji up as a better Holo because it represented what they liked about vtubing. No rules, model only as a gimmick, raunchy humor and NO IDOL SHIT.
But OOOHHHHH NOOOOOOO, now EVERYONE sees how bad Niji always was! Now everyone is on the Niji hate bandwagon because it's cool and socially acceptable! You know what they say about rats being the first to jump out of a sinking ship? I somehow have more respect for the sisters than the filth like Nousagi who fellated Niji with gusto and is now TOTALLY AGAINST THEM GUYS IM ONE OF YOU!

Now it seems like the too cool for school thing is indies, vshojo and small corpos, because just like ol' Niji they are FREER, NO RULES, AND NO IDOL CULTURE, and just like Nijinigers before them, their proponents are as smug as ever and heading down the same goddamn road.
Also watching a video or a stream is a helluva lot easier than reading 100+ pages
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jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024
Another observation: niji side contantly say "she, she, she" while Doki say "me, me, lawyers, me"


Well-known member
Joined:  Nov 9, 2023
How do people even last 2 minutes on that site? While I can kinda get the idea, the amount of mental gymnastics is amazing.
Hey man they can certainly go on weird directions. But it's also not like everything is wrong ether, take the skinwalking for example did they go in a bizzaar direction with the the apostrophe yes were they write about skinwalking though yes. A broken clock is right twice a day after all.

The Rratarded Alt

Rat-girl Idol Connoisseur
Joined:  Dec 14, 2023
were they write about skinwalking though yes.
They are corporate accounts. A monkey could guess management may make tweets on them in place of livers and be correct. I'd be more surprised if it didn't happen at Holo, too.


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023
Honestly it's so funny how people seem to completely memoryhole past situations and socially accepted realities simply because now everyone thinks another way. Let me remind everyone of the time before Zaion Lanza's termination, when Nijinigs were smugger than ever and Hololive was industry enemy #1.

After the boom, Niji was widely held as a cooler and less restrictive version of Hololive, in EN they became the hipster vtuber company, only for TRUE and DEDICATED vtuber fans that went beyond normie trash like Holo but were still superior to plebs who watched indies (small corpos were irrelevant). So yeah I clearly remember how many times Holo's 3D was ridiculed as totally inferior, how many times Holostars was used in bad faith arguments to compare the two and uphold Niji egalitarian superiority, how many times NijiEN was called BETTER, FRIENDLIER WITH EACHOTHER AND FREE TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED. I remember when the "all out war" leak came out, a lot of people in this very forum... AGREED WITH IT AND DEFENDED IT.

So yeah a lot of these grifters like Koe, Nousagi, Ducky, Nux, the trash taste fags and others held Niji up as a better Holo because it represented what they liked about vtubing. No rules, model only as a gimmick, raunchy humor and NO IDOL SHIT.

Now it seems like the too cool for school thing is indies, vshojo and small corpos, because just like ol' Niji they are FREER, NO RULES, AND NO IDOL CULTURE, and just like Nijinigers before them, their proponents are as smug as ever and heading down the same goddamn road.

yeah you really cant have an actual fucking discussion back then because the faggots will rub it on your fucking face and lynch you when you dont join them

they were also marketed as this back in JP back then and it worked on their favor because it was a contrast to what basically was holo back then so its like looking at the other side of the coin but over the years instead of having a healthy competition it just devolved into the thing that it is now and as someone who was once a nijibro its honestly fucking sad

now its riddled with fucking vultures,grifters,Yamanbas,faggots,dramaYamanbas and dregs of society


jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024
After the boom, Niji was widely held as a cooler and less restrictive version of Hololive, in EN they became the hipster vtuber company, only for TRUE and DEDICATED vtuber fans that went beyond normie trash like Holo but were still superior to plebs who watched indies (small corpos were irrelevant). So yeah I clearly remember how many times Holo's 3D was ridiculed as totally inferior, how many times Holostars was used in bad faith arguments to compare the two and uphold Niji egalitarian superiority, how many times NijiEN was called BETTER, FRIENDLIER WITH EACHOTHER AND FREE TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED.

So yeah a lot of these grifters like Koe, Nousagi, Ducky, Nux, the trash taste fags and others held Niji up as a better Holo because it represented what they liked about vtubing. No rules, model only as a gimmick, raunchy humor and NO IDOL SHIT.

Now it seems like the too cool for school thing is indies and small corpos, because just like ol' Niji they are FREER, NO RULES, AND NO IDOL CULTURE, and just like Nijinigers before them, their proponents are as smug as ever and heading down the same goddamn road.
Kinda teenager take. This is called "changes". Current truth does not cancel past truth, and vice versa.


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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Kinda teenager take. This is called "changes". Current truth does not cancel past truth, and vice versa.
No, it's called supporting whatever gets you the most clout and then jumping ship when it's no longer profitable.


The Pontiff of PonWolf
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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022

So yeah a lot of these grifters like Koe, Nousagi, Ducky, Nux, the trash taste fags and others held Niji up as a better Holo because it represented what they liked about vtubing. No rules, model only as a gimmick, raunchy humor and NO IDOL SHIT.
But OOOHHHHH NOOOOOOO, now EVERYONE sees how bad Niji always was! Now everyone is on the Niji hate bandwagon because it's cool and socially acceptable! You know what they say about rats being the first to jump out of a sinking ship? I somehow have more respect for the sisters than the filth like Nousagi who fellated Niji with gusto and is now TOTALLY AGAINST THEM GUYS IM ONE OF YOU!
Nux has banged the Niji bad drum since Zaion and possibly privately earlier since Jordan got in and gave him a direct feed of how bad shit is there
Also Koe has always been a Holofag dude you are just lumping people together
Nousagi and Ducky I have no comment on
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jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024
No, it's called supporting whatever gets you the most clout and then jumping ship when it's no longer profitable.
Possibly, yeah. But one does not exclude another, so teenager take again.


🏆 Thread Recap links are in my Profile Posts
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...you forgot japan considers AN HERO attempts a show of weakness.
Source on that? I was under the impression that Japan fucking loves people self destructing for any reason, for the greater good, to preserve the honour etc., just pushing for that self-sacrifice angle. Numerous poems, songs and all that stuff written to promote the beauty of it, glorifying that shit. Am I wrong or missing something? Or maybe failed attempts specifically seen as weakness?

Superduper Samurai

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Source on that? I was under the impression that Japan fucking loves people self destructing for any reason, for the greater good, to preserve the honour etc., just pushing for that self-sacrifice angle. Numerous poems, songs and all that stuff written to promote the beauty of it, glorifying that shit. Am I wrong or missing something? Or maybe failed attempts specifically seen as weakness?
i think the failed bit is the part that can be more taboo


Well-known member
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Joined:  Sep 22, 2022
Honestly it's so funny how people seem to completely memoryhole past situations and socially accepted realities simply because now everyone thinks another way. Let me remind everyone of the time before Zaion Lanza's termination, when Nijinigs were smugger than ever and Hololive was industry enemy #1.

After the boom, Niji was widely held as a cooler and less restrictive version of Hololive, in EN they became the hipster vtuber company, only for TRUE and DEDICATED vtuber fans that went beyond normie trash like Holo but were still superior to plebs who watched indies (small corpos were irrelevant). So yeah I clearly remember how many times Holo's 3D was ridiculed as totally inferior, how many times Holostars was used in bad faith arguments to compare the two and uphold Niji egalitarian superiority, how many times NijiEN was called BETTER, FRIENDLIER WITH EACHOTHER AND FREE TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED. I remember when the "all out war" leak came out, a lot of people in this very forum... AGREED WITH IT AND DEFENDED IT.

So yeah a lot of these grifters like Koe, Nousagi, Ducky, Nux, the trash taste fags and others held Niji up as a better Holo because it represented what they liked about vtubing. No rules, model only as a gimmick, raunchy humor and NO IDOL SHIT.
But OOOHHHHH NOOOOOOO, now EVERYONE sees how bad Niji always was! Now everyone is on the Niji hate bandwagon because it's cool and socially acceptable! You know what they say about rats being the first to jump out of a sinking ship? I somehow have more respect for the sisters than the filth like Nousagi who fellated Niji with gusto and is now TOTALLY AGAINST THEM GUYS IM ONE OF YOU!

Now it seems like the too cool for school thing is indies, vshojo and small corpos, because just like ol' Niji they are FREER, NO RULES, AND NO IDOL CULTURE, and just like Nijinigers before them, their proponents are as smug as ever and heading down the same goddamn road.

just giving you an agree react doesn't express enough how much I agree
I remember very well how a fairly large portion of the NijiEN fanbase shouted around how much more FREE and IDOL CULTURE BAD Niji is.
Look, Millie is joking about her period for the 50th time! Look how free we are!!!1! Look, we are about to play Cards against Humanity, Hololive could NEVERRR BECAUSE IDOL CULTURE
Meanwhile, completely refusing to acknowledge that a lot of stuff in Niji as well has its roots in the Idol-style culture Hololive created
Nijisanji will thrive because IDOL CULTURE and no males collabs will be the downfall of Hololive, look how much more fun everything is when the two genders can interact!!!!!
Fuck those faggots, I do not remember who exactly y'all were, but I am very much basking in glee at how Hololive is thriving while Niji is imploding
Shitty, catty and backstabbing Livers like Enna deserve a fanbase full of cunts and nothing more


Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
just giving you an agree react doesn't express enough how much I agree
I remember very well how a fairly large portion of the NijiEN fanbase shouted around how much more FREE and IDOL CULTURE BAD Niji is.
Look, Millie is joking about her period for the 50th time! Look how free we are!!!1! Look, we are about to play Cards against Humanity, Hololive could NEVERRR BECAUSE IDOL CULTURE
Meanwhile, completely refusing to acknowledge that a lot of stuff in Niji as well has its roots in the Idol-style culture Hololive created
Nijisanji will thrive because IDOL CULTURE and no males collabs will be the downfall of Hololive, look how much more fun everything is when the two genders can interact!!!!!
Fuck those faggots, I do not remember who exactly y'all were, but I am very much basking in glee at how Hololive is thriving while Niji is imploding
Shitty, catty and backstabbing Livers like Enna deserve a fanbase full of cunts and nothing more
Normies,dramafags and grifters always said that because they didnt know that allowed bullying in both the Main branch and Korean branch
Remember when people here laughed at everyone who tried to push the Elira Clique rrat?

Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
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Source on that? I was under the impression that Japan fucking loves people self destructing for any reason, for the greater good, to preserve the honour etc., just pushing for that self-sacrifice angle. Numerous poems, songs and all that stuff written to promote the beauty of it, glorifying that shit. Am I wrong or missing something? Or maybe failed attempts specifically seen as weakness?
I think there are different cultural currents running into each other that can play out differently depending on the circumstances. Nobly sacrificing yourself for the sake of your lord? Banzai! A subordinate couldn't take my power harassment and offed themselves? That's going to reflect badly on me, therefore they were the ones at fault, and if anyone I have authority over says otherwise, then I'll do the same to them! Most people know it's not right, but they're running up against a hierarchy that they're not well-equipped mentally to push back against.


Well-known member
Joined:  Nov 4, 2022
just giving you an agree react doesn't express enough how much I agree
I remember very well how a fairly large portion of the NijiEN fanbase shouted around how much more FREE and IDOL CULTURE BAD Niji is.
Look, Millie is joking about her period for the 50th time! Look how free we are!!!1! Look, we are about to play Cards against Humanity, Hololive could NEVERRR BECAUSE IDOL CULTURE
Meanwhile, completely refusing to acknowledge that a lot of stuff in Niji as well has its roots in the Idol-style culture Hololive created
Nijisanji will thrive because IDOL CULTURE and no males collabs will be the downfall of Hololive, look how much more fun everything is when the two genders can interact!!!!!
Fuck those faggots, I do not remember who exactly y'all were, but I am very much basking in glee at how Hololive is thriving while Niji is imploding
Shitty, catty and backstabbing Livers like Enna deserve a fanbase full of cunts and nothing more
No, it's called supporting whatever gets you the most clout and then jumping ship when it's no longer profitable.
Nijisanji EN went 7 generations before they ever had a public drama. People can change their opinions based on new knowledge. These are breakfast haver tier takes.

Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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He's not even hiding it anymore.

>Everyone's abandoning the sinking ship
>Gets his alt out in a way that Niji probably won't punish him too harshly for

What do you want to bet that after Scarle graduates next month, he'll be advertising her channel on this account?

>Two suicide attempts

The Rratarded Alt

Rat-girl Idol Connoisseur
Joined:  Dec 14, 2023
Found this translation of the NijiEN Vid.

The comments are a fucking gold mine
foto_no_exif (10) (1).jpg
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