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What if the video on Elira's channel was the Livers going rogue? Then the follow-up Tweet by NijiEN Twitter and Riku video were damage control to Elira's mess they made? I just realized NijiEN twitter didn't retweet Elira's Tweet about the video. What if the Livers blitzed management after they learned about the document?
Elira and her clique did not go rogue, in fact they cann't go rogue because they're themselves the management at niji in the first place, or more accurately they must be above the rest of the managers in the corporate ladder, something like project lead or whatever.
Think about it, this would explain the favoritism, the fact that they were scared enough to think that Selen of all people would dox them with the legal documents, the fact that they had access to them in the fitst place and more importantly that they were allowed to continue with their 15 min character assasination even if what they said contradicted the statements from Riku.
either they're the big guys in the corporate structure of NijiEN or the person that is in charge of everything is also a member of the clique...
She is PST, at least iirc, so she could have decided to just release it at the start of her day to get it over with, or noodled on the wording for the whole night and is finally going to bed after posting.
Not a single legal person I have spoken to in the last week has reacted to the idea of this being contractual with anything less than utter scorn. These people are digging their own graves and throwing the mud at Dokibird.
This is the thing, all lawyers have specifically said that the best and sane approach that Anycolor had was just to ignore her, let her move on, you move on,aall is good, thing was already calming in the scene as usual, but no, this sounds like someone has a vendetta against Doki and is pushing this garbage for no reason, things keep escalating so bad that they had to bring the Yatch man out of his cave to make a corpo statement, a thing that has not happened even when Niji has been hit with worse PR disasters like this in the past (example, nuking a talent because she made a lame baseball joke, going in a litigation against a dramatuber and losing)
Is like some menhera is mad at her in the company and want payback, is elira fucking tatsumi or some shit?
Kept the "Dragoon" name and essentially designs
Openly threw shade regarding her oshi mark
(So basically saying everything she built up is hers no matter what)
Literally every Apex stream (I know many don't watch these though)
Any party game if she can screw you over she'll do so
I was ready to move on, I had made my last statement and I haven’t looked at anything regarding my past for a full week. I didn’t look at anything regarding legal documents or anything regarding my situation since I moved back to Doki. I wanted to be hopeful for the future and never interact with that side again. So to see it all come back and reopen a wound that I was ready to heal from and to have to talk to my lawyer again on how to respond.
The document mentioned was at first made to document my thoughts and history with evidence so that my lawyer can see the general picture of what was going on, and if there were issues that should be addressed. It was first made during my darkest time mentally and I wrote everything on my mind little by little at that time. I made the document thinking that it was never going to be public to anyone but to my lawyer. Although it was a document filled with my personal information as well privacy information that should not be public, there were no other addresses or specific locations mentioned. Regarding a recording, this was not intended to be anything other than a distribution test for planning of a collaborative event between two people, which happened to be left over from one test recording, and I never recorded any other conversations with anyone. The recording was never shown anywhere even in a legal setting and there are no other records. However, I regret that it was mentioned and I am sorry to all parties affected for the misunderstanding in this.
I requested that I just wanted to move on. Sometimes I didn’t hear anything for days from the lawyers on the other side and felt like I’d be alone and isolated for a long time. It made it so hard for me mentally. On Feb 5th, my lawyer discussed and said it will be best to show the document I wrote to the other lawyers as we have not heard from them for a week or any negotiation talks or given a meeting to discuss after my request to part. It was never intended to be used for anything else, I’ve asked my lawyer to convey that and have communication that the document as it was written wasn’t going to be released anywhere, and my lawyer did so when sending the document. Less than two hours after my lawyer sent the document, the termination notice came out. I was very shocked, but thought that was the last time I will hear or think about the document and that this, personally and my own opinion, was the end of the lawyers and legal involvement.
All of the communication was done between lawyers in Japanese. Things are not black and white and everything gets more complicated and muddled when lawyers are involved in a different country. When things are conveyed to multiple parties through different degrees of communication, everything turns into different narratives and different translations. I thought it was over and I've accepted what happened and ready to move on. Everything I post to the public about the situation was a response. If it was a month ago, it will have been different as I was angry but I was also very alone in my head. But it's not a month ago and I've accepted it. I wanted it to be neutral and private but now the whole world is involved and the public is watching every step that happens.
I am not perfect and I have faults. I had to watch my dad cry and break down in front of me for the first time in my life last night. Despite everything that has happened, please show kindness to all parties involved, there are real people behind the monitors. One of the reasons why I wanted this to be private is that the internet can be a cruel place and I knew this would happen the moment this type of notice drops. What I didn't reveal to anyone and only my parents and therapist knew was that it was not one attempt but two, which happened a few weeks after the first. My parents found me in time after searching for me for hours before anything happened. I was in a really dark place and I do not wish this to anyone. No one should go through what I went through. I reveal this now not for pity but to state that no life, no matter what, should be risked for ego or winning anything. There are no winners in this. Please don't make it like high school. Treat everyone like adults and with some empathy and kindness.
For those who wish to see receipts or documents or anything else, hoping I will reveal them, I'm sorry but these are the things that should be private and if needed, between lawyers. Revealing private documents and talking about the details within will only just make things worse and more complicated as outside parties get involved and will just hurt everyone. No one deserves to be pushed over the edge. So many people have got hurt and involved even if they were innocent bystanders. In the end, I will always be here to respond and that is the only thing I will do in public. I hope this will be the last statement I have to make.
Okay then, that's fair. As much fun as it is to see Niji go down, this whole shebang would've cost everyone a lot of cash and time, both of which would hurt Doki financially and mentally. Better to have gotten the high ground and with public opinion heavily favored towards your side so that AnyKuro would just struggle not having a chance to disprove Doki. Solid finisher, just have to hope that KuroSanji doesn't drag her in again. Gonna have to trust her true friends to keep watch on anything targeting Doki and help her out of any possible funk she might get herself in...
That being said, with how much dramatubers are surprisingly covering this fuckery, I do hope they actually calm the fuck down and at least cover the story without attributing any further actions to Doki, just so AnyKuro can't make any actual moves.
Based on the wording of the tweet regarding her attempt, that "they found her in time after searching" and the short hospital stay. I imagine she tried to end it using a train, or similarly heavy vehicle. Given that it took hours, she was presumably either hesitating, or did it at the dead of night when there was very intermittent traffic.
Another possibility is a tall building of some variety, but window/rooftop access will presumably be harder to access. Either way, she made an attempt but with no major injuries, so that rules out chemical and the more manual physical means.
Either way, reminds me of a friend from way back. Glad they found her.
What drives me nuts is that the second attempt may well have been a response to her phone and other communications being blown up by Nijisanji management and/or fellow livers. I know firsthand the despair that comes with every ring, every vibration, and every notification when you're in that dark of a place mentally.
Could've taken pills and walked outside to get lost so they couldn't find her and take her to a hospital. We don't know if her guts are ruined and she's hiding the pain.
And yeah, two attempts, at least one taking a while before they found her (meaning she was making sure it stuck), talks about a deeper state of despair and helplesness after months of whatever management/bullying.
BTW Doki playing smart wth PR. It might be coincidence, but notice the time. She released it at 6 (23 JST), so america will have WHOLE FUCKING DAY TO DRIVE TARDSANJI REP INTO THE GROUND before they could respond and before trade opens.
Nah, she's literally trying to stop people from trying to have Elira/whoever kill themselves. She doesn't care about niji death, what good will that do for her? she's already better off for leaving.
She's basically telling everyone, including Niji, to stop before someone else gets hurt or worse. I think I'm done digging into things. NijiEN is likely finished anyway, no need to stoke the smoldering ash. I just want my oshi to be happy.
Take a breather, everyone. NijiEn will sort itself out. If you're so angry about Selen almost khs, the solution isn't to fan the flames. Elira already can never work in this industry, same with almost everyone else who might've been involved. You don't need their head on a spike, it won't make the feelings go away.
inb4: if they killed themselves bc of people on the internet they deserve it.
Selen tried, twice, because of her coworkers, despite all the fan support and her friends being there. Now imagine if instead of a couple coworkers, it's everyone who used to be a fan, and everyone you see on the internet. On top of your future in a medium you liked being ruined. Sure, 100% bc of your own actions, but still.
Them kissing a train isn't gonna help anyone.
Sure, but I think the situation is entirely different. She didn't get anyone to attempt suicide then try to smear them when found out. Maybe it's because I didn't follow the whole thing with a magnifying glass, but Mike's tainted reputation feels different from Elira's. Like, the difference between manslaughter and premeditated murder...?
Mike needs to take meds, talk to a professional and think before she acts. Elira is more premeditated and systematic, if she's the head of the clique (social power) plus a project manager type (bureaucratic power).
Kept the "Dragoon" name and essentially designs
Openly threw shade regarding her oshi mark
(So basically saying everything she built up is hers no matter what)
Literally every Apex stream (I know many don't watch these though)
Any party game if she can screw you over she'll do so
But in the terms of Scheduling a slander party ontop of your return stream scheduled long before it? She doesn't do that.
-It's her fanbase, and her name for them.
-It's her choice and her mark. She was the one streaming. Not a company.
-Are you really upset she shit talked and bantered in games as a character that was portrayed as the toxic gamer from the start?
To the heart of the matter, Yes. Everything she built up is in fact hers. God knows niji wasn't exactly throwing out support to her considering every project she seemed to pull off tended to have 'out of her own pocket' attached to it with seemingly awful returns.
You are welcome to shitpost to an extent but at least put more effort into it.
I'm a little disappointed Doki didn't provide us with any more milk, and very saddened by the news she attempted twice, but I understand and respect her desire to move on and stop the cycle of drama and fighting. I hope she remains mentally and physically strong, and most of all, happy. I also hope her parents might reflect on their own treatment of her after seeing what she's gone through. Finally, I hope Nijisanji and Riku fucking die.
Cup sizes below D don't exist outside of childrens wear after all, it only makes sense that any female with such a diminuitive bust as a C cup is under 18. Imagine not developing lol lmao. Yes I am extremely bitter about this.
Also, it's not like her telling us to stop needling A Certain Black Company means that nothing bad will happen to it. Lots of dedicated fans just stopped supporting anyone affiliated with them, there are mainstream videos saying how shit NijiKuro is as a company (regardless of their opinion on vtuber corpos), and even sponsors straight up left them. Hell, there is also whatever the state the internal politics is now, because let's be real, not all Livers are happy with this situation and even if they aren't that morally inclined, they would see the glaring red neon signs that the branch is getting fucked ten inches deep in the ass. Any brains would wanna get out and if they do, the company wouldn't be able to recover because of the severe reputation hit. Most importantly, no one else can be blamed except for themselves. Frankly, the damage left a festering amputation that just can't be healed as long as they don't support it anymore. Just gotta hope now that your favorite livers that aren't involved get the fuck out of dodge ASAP.
I hadn't commented on this topic because this time it really hurt. I don't talk much here, but for those who have seen the times that I do, you may have noticed that I am attracted to passionate people. Vox, Vesper, Ruze... etc. My relationship with vtubers began with Nijisanji and Vox, although I knew what they were from the days of Kizuka AI, by then I only knew her, I didn't know if there were more, her content didn't interest me much and the videos that had subtitles were in English and I didn't know English at the time so I ignored it and didn't think about it again until I met Luxiem two months after their debut and became a Vox fan. I stopped watching Nijisanji a while ago because I didn't like the fanbase I saw it attracted and because they interacted a lot with them it made me uncomfortable, but I continued following Vox because I liked his passion, which I think is the only good thing about him since he is a big manbaby in the rest of things. When Elira made the stream I didn't see it live, but I woke up with their names trending on Twitter, I felt a little fear when I saw Vox name and then I came here and saw what had happened and the blow was hard. Rationally I know that they are just entertainers and that I shouldn't take things so personally, but I don't have the wishiful thinking of the nijisistister to protect me from reality, so in the end it did hurt. I don't know if I have bad taste or bad luck, but damn...
How much are we willing to bet that Nijisanji (or at least the Elira clique, if one is to believe the rrat that they acted independently of management) will uncover more of their own dirty laundry in the next few days despite Doki repeatedly staying professional, taking the high road, and trying to move on?
RRat: I reckon theres a less than 0% chance that the manager-manager (of JP - sorry, no idea who that is) has not only been run through the fucking coals by Riku, but has already sent someone (reporting exclusively to them) to find out what the fuck is happening in the EN branch. I saw a rrat that theres 2 more terminations and 1 more resignation to go (rosemi?). But i think thats old news. They will find out just how dysfunctional it all is, and a few more will be told to fall on their sword.
Given that, i think people have been told to stfu, do nothing without prior aproval and wait until this whole thing is investigated by the JP team (which could easily take several weeks).
That all being said, i was subbed to 5 of them. One has filtered herself (enna), 2 quit (pomu, nina), 1 got fired (selen) so that leaves Scarle, and if she is one of the terminations above, then i dont think i'll ever watch another niji stream. Well, maybe Tomoe...
One silver lining of all this (since im now in the vsho camp - henya is and always has been my kami-oshi), the idea they all just go from niji to vshojo is dead. The selen thing shows how radioactive this branch is. Which is great, because i like the intimate family-vibe of the current dynamic and dont want it to be ruined by a new clique around Niji bullshit.
Clip tax to make it less boring (nsfw):
actually another ancient clip from the archives (just because...):
You know what? I'm done with this. Niji can implode or somehow survive this, whatever. I'm not wasting any more time thinking about it. I'm expunging everything about them from my twitter and YT feeds, and moving back to the main thread. Fuck 'em.
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