"I am cured and traumatized"Ouro Kronii

Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster & Watcher
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
The white-noise generators are currently being kept busy at the Hexaposting thread over at the Dining Hall.
We can discuss like normal people here.
Normal compared to the rest of the forum you mean.


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
The white-noise generators are currently being kept busy at the Hexaposting thread over at the Dining Hall.
We can discuss like normal people here.
I'm still here :Pekora-EVILGRIN:
Normal compared to the rest of the forum you mean.
We joke but discussion on this forum (and the KF thread before it got depopulated) is some of the most informative, easy to parse and (mostly) unbiased stuff I have encountered anywhere in the web. Reddit and twitter discussion is generally good-faith but lacks info and sources and many people spew unsubstantiated rrats at will, also any unpopular opinions will get you ignored at best or banned at worst. /vt/ and other gossip sites have good info but they are hellish to parse with the amount of shit that gets posted and a lot of people are shitposting and spreading false info for the fun of it, here it's very easy to know when someone is fucking around and any misinfo always gets called out almost instantly.
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Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Nenelove going back to his cave waiting for the right time to shitpost strike yet again.


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
For Pomu, yes you are right, she would be better elsewhere. They have a better shot at getting Sayu and Selen over the rest. Sayu is the most likely to go there. We'll see how it goes. After all people do claim that Vshojo have tidied up their image despite Froot still being protected by the company and not being pushed out.

If Phase want to do more of the idol stuff then they need to start sorting that out if they are at risk of losing out on valuable people. Existing talent seem rather satisfied of the occasional stuff like the AR phone model stuff but only a few people got models from that. Because right now, Vshojo is taking their place as "the poaching company". And they're doing it quicker than anything Sakana could ever think of.
:cursedbae:clearly frootcakes mom is supplying gunrun with feetpics to keep her in.:cursedbae:


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
Vshojo here, Hololive there, Phase somewhere in between...

You're all missing the big picture.

VAllure is about to launch, it has models ready, and exoe is looking for talents with lewd content creation experience to join her.

/b/omu just so happens to have this experience.

/b/omu for VAllure.

Imagine the threads.
I would be a big fan of this only because it would shake this thread's logical discussions harder than January 1st shook Japan.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
I'm still here :Pekora-EVILGRIN:

I've never considered you a white noise poster Nenelove, neither back in the homeland or here.
Also you sound just like Parrot and I read all your posts with the voice. nye heh heh heh!

Continuous Retardation

Ame Gosling
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
I just got done backreading, and I think the funniest post to ever exist is right here in this very thread.

Scuddle comes out of cryostasis
He sees Pomu has graduated
He makes himself the victim
Leaves forever



Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
I've never considered you a white noise poster Nenelove, neither back in the homeland or here.
Also you sound just like Parrot and I read all your posts with the voice. nye heh heh heh!
I sound like a parrot...? Idk who "parrot" is or from what piece of media.


Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022

Cptn Snshn

Proctors least favorite child.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Oct 23, 2022
Nenelove going back to his cave waiting for the right time to shitpost strike yet again.
Niji had to fire Pomu cuz the earthquake machine they tried to use to destroy cover failed and now they're looking to re-coop the costs.


Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 17, 2022
Well, here's my thesis. The narrative I'll push, if you will. It all comes back to Nina.

I won't dig into it too much but in later 2022 and in 2023, Nina and Pomu had one of the closest friendships in the company. I think this is well known even outside of their fans, but maybe some people who didn't watch them or only see them through clips wouldn't realize how close they are.

I think they struggled with a lot of the same things, and they definitely talked to each other about those things, as Pomu stated on stream a few times. The two things I would highlight are antis from other livers' fans, and delayed cancelled or blocked projects by management.

Some examples in the spoilers:
April 16, 2023

I confided in Nina about it too. Like, 'cause, um, I was like, you know, lately I felt like all the negative comments were really getting to me.
How I told it to her [Nina] I was just like, I feel, I'm sick of feeling like shit, and getting, like, you know... I told her I wasn't even sure if I would be able to watch her playthroughs anymore. Well not watch- or not- or watch them but not participate in the chat or whatever. I dunno, because just stuff was getting to me. I was just like I'm sick of being told that I'm shit all the time.

Nina faced similar things, much worse even, as the Luxiem fanbase harassed her to the point of doxing her address and botting her comments. She definitely put on a strong front, but the effect on her own fans and other livers was something she talked about, both at the time and after:

August 22, 2022

It's the fact that, I- what I do can reflect on my coworkers that really hurts me. That's the one that it really hurts where... knowing that I can't do anything because my coworkers could be affected is the one that really-. 'Cause if it affects me, I don't care baby. Affect me all you want. That's why it really hurts me when I speak with my coworkers and they're hurt by something.

December 31, 2022

But that definitely kind of showed me like, oh, so like when I open up about my pain, it just makes more people think that they can be mean to me? Yeah... so I was definitely like a little worried to open up again.

December 25, 2023

I knew that I was kind of... at the end of my road before. I would see people sometimes talk about how they couldn't really tell people that they liked me, because people would be upset of them for that.
And there no way I could defend myself or do anything like that, so I just had to... sit there and be "slandered", quote unquote, and just, put up with it?

Add to that company support not holding up for them, which they both mentioned on stream.

For Pomu... I remember how her cover of Fukashigi no Carte could never be released. Everything was completed, but the company couldn't release it because they somehow lost perms. I personally assume they couldn't get it whitelisted fully - this song gets region locked every time it's sung anywhere even with a license, so likely a problem with international rights holders. I wasn't following her closely at the time but I heard that her 500k celebration project never materialized. And then there's her original song, Fairy of AKIBerse, which had a 5 month management delay for permissions from the creators, contributing to a delay that might allow the MV to be released before graduation if we're lucky. Pomu was able to perform this song in her 3d debut and karaoke but has yet to be released as a video. Thankfully her fan art submission project cover, which was supposed to be for 2y anniversary, finally happened in the Antarctica video... almost a year later than it should have been.

For Nina... I can no longer dig into Nina membership to check deeper, but she had planned a song every two months from the start of 2023, including two originals she had already started work on. None of them ever saw the light of day. I think she also wanted to host a Terraria server which got denied in early 2023. She gave up on passion projects completely in May, which included a brilliantly damming quote:
instead of getting attached to projects, I am just going to get attached to streaming the games that are on my stream schedule every week
That shit felt like it was the straw that broke the camel's back for Nina. It was even more clear on her members stream, though those are buried in some archive somewhere if I wanted to access them. And then there's what she said as Matara, where she is shocked at supportive management in Vshojo. "I'm not used to that".

January 28, 2023

I've had this song, like it's been done for like maybe a year now.

So, for the song, it will still be probably a while before it's actually released. Like I said, I think I'll aim for my birthday, because I just ended up going a little extra with the music video.
(it did not release on her birthday)

October 22, 2023

I thought I was going to be gone most of November, like, you know, closer to the end, coming back closer to the end of November, but I'm actually only to be gone half of November. Which I guess is good for people who want to watch me, but the reasoning wasn't so good. Basically, something I wanted to do got um, rejected, so... um, I guess maybe in hindsight, it's um- it, uh (sighs) It was, uh, [...] it's good for me to come back to streaming sooner, but, I'm actually quite sad about it.

October 29, 2023
members stream
I know, I hope so too. I hope so too. It was kind of like a low priority for them, so that's why it's taking so long. But it just makes me... (heavy sigh)
It's okay, I'm not a priority.
(regarding her home3d, which just came out January 6th, 2024)

November 22, 2022

I'd say for next year, if we were being optimistic, I have 3 original songs I want to release.

December 31, 2022

All right, six song releases this year. Every two months I want to be releasing a song. I want to challenge myself to make these songs sort of a different genre. I want to challenge myself to improve my singing a lot.
(none of these songs were finished or released)

May 14, 2023

For about four days I had to do work for staff, and with staff. It's work that I cannot tell you about, but all you got to know is that I was busy.
After all that work that I had to do with staff, I was working on a personal project for management. I brought up this personal project to management, along with other previous projects, and... it was not accepted. Which happens right, like, everybody has brought up things up and those things were not accepted. It happens to everybody. I was-I-I had a really hard time about it.
It affected me a lot, and I think because I had already done so much work, and then just to have something personal of mine not go through. Along with other things that before that I was working on before that I proposed also didn't go through. That's it. That's-It's-I'm-you can call me a baby, you can say that I'm taking things too personally, that I-but yeah, that's basically the reason, and I just, I couldn't stream for the first day or so...
And I think from now on, instead of getting attached to projects, I am just going to get attached to streaming the games that are on my stream schedule every week. Okay?
(there was also a members stream about this with more detail which is no longer available, though I'm sure archives exist)

October 18, 2023

When I told my manager, she followed up with "All right, how can I help? Do you need me to commission an artist, do you need me to get this done, do you need me to get this-nanana" and I was like 'wait, what do you mean, how can you help? It's my project'. I was so shocked, I was like, 'what do you mean how can you help'? But it was awesome, I was like woah, you want to help me do stuff? What is going on?
I told her I'm not used to that, so, I said, you know, I need ideas. Once I kind of have the outline of my idea, maybe we can call and I can run this idea by you and you can tell me what you think. But, I was just so... like, woah!

Pomu is often seen as putting on a brave face, but I think Nina is the kind of person who clears her head then acts very decisively. That's why her graduation in July, before the cracks had turned into a flood, seemed a bit of a surprise for people who didn't follow her closely.

Of course it doesn't end with Nina's graduation. Turns out Pomu and Nina are such good friends they continue talk "almost daily". A month before Matara's debut Pomu even said she was helping Nina out, with what was implied to be content-related stuff. So Matara debuts in Vshojo and is both successful and having a far better time, and Pomu gets to hear about this all the time.

August 7, 2023

Fucking Nina, sorry to bring up the dead but god damn it, she, she took a video of me doing wotagei, and, and sent it to Kiara! Why? Why?!

September 11, 2023

"Have you talked with mom lately? I think she had the marathon soon."
Yeah, I talked to her today. We actually, we talk almost daily, I'm not going to lie. I try not to bring it up too much, because like, I don't want to be like 'oh my gosh, Nina and I talked about...'. Yeah, she's doing well, she's doing well. I've been helping her out with some stuff.

October 9, 2023

Yes, she finished it! She said that she did complete it. She actually did it with a mutual friend of ours.

I'm certain that would have an effect on Pomu, regardless of Nina started trying to influence her directly or not. Which knowing her, she probably did.

Anyway, you can kind of see her progression of thoughts from early 2023 to now:

April 16, 2023

Being a company vtuber is a lot. And I really only stay because of you guys, and because of my friends in Nijisanji. So, I was thinking about stuff like that. I don't plan on quitting or anything, so don't worry about that.

July 23, 2023
members stream
I think with us as livers, [...] I think we are still trying to keep our hopes high and our heads up, you know, and just like... 'cause honestly we're here to entertain you guys, and the show must go on, and uh, and so, um, [...] yeah it is demoralizing to see nonstop bad news, yeah, it is. No, I agree, so, I think all we can do is keep on keeping on and not let it get to us too much...

October 23, 2023

Why am I apologizing? (sighs) I just-I just feel like I have to inclu- like I said I don't particularly want to play Minecraft recently, but I must get through the Sanctum.
(referring to her long-running MC project)

There was also a rrat that around when she did her yearly Over the Garden Wall watchalong or at some point close after, she insinuated it would be her last, but I watched all the streams in that time period and could not find it, I'm pretty sure it was literally made up.

December 27, 2023

Mika: Man, I hope we can still talk. Beyond the grave.
Pomu: Yeah, we will. I know, because, I know something. Shit, I'm just going to DM it to you.
Mika: Haha, the way you say it! Okay, chat, even I don't know what she's talking about. DM it to me Pomupuff.
Pomu: Yeah, yeah I'm going to DM it to you right now.
Mika: Yeah, I'm waiting I'm waiting.
Pomu: Okay hold on.
Mika: My honest real reaction. I'm not going to expose it of course. It's going to be a secret between me and Pomupuff.
Pomu: I said this, and then I said hehe at the end.
Mika: AHHHHHHHHHH! REALLY? Oh my god, wait! Let me write my secret response. Wait! I'm so fucking happy! Suck. My. Balls!

January 5, 2024

After all the graduations, seeing my friends leaving one by one, I just kept thinking I don't want my fans to keep going through this. So I had to keep going and be positive for everyone. But I don't want to get to a point where I burn out and have this frustration spiral. So I decided it would be best if I also get going too.

I thought the "seeing my friends leaving one by one" phrasing was interesting. It really hammers home that even though it was only Nina, Mika, and Mysta, that was enough to hit extremely hard. Though I think for Pomu she likely counts many ex-ID there too.

I will say after reviewing dozens of vods, I'm quite confident Pomu's decision was made at some point in October. She was definitely going strong back in July and August, and had started changing her focus come late October.

Anyway, that's my big rrat. Though I did have both memberships from time to time, I didn't follow either of these two particularly closely, so I'm sure there's more little details I didn't find, but I wanted to list some full context from primary sources. If we're looking for others to follow this trend, I would say Ike and Rosemi were also close to Nina, as were the Luxiem boys, and I would bet on their slow erosion out, rather than explicit incidents like Selen.

e: "...I was nervous at being the first to go..."
Well, sure, but what she actually said was:
I'm sorry that I'm the first to go in Lazulight.
No, I'm not implying anything about anybody else. I'm just saying that, you know, Lazulight will only be Finana and Elira from now on.

Best thing she could do would be to get in touch with Gunrun haha.
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Cptn Snshn

Proctors least favorite child.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Oct 23, 2022
Man, I always say that vtubers who choose to leave of their own accord should be celebrated and sent off with a smile, but I wonder now if that's always been a defence mechanism. I was on the Farms live-tweeting Pomu's debut and I've stuck with her ever since, and now I'm sat here completely paralysed since her stream started. It hurts.

I'll keep watching my Niji oshis and I'll keep buying tickets for concerts, but I don't find any joy in coming online to combat misinformation, offer differing perspectives, or even posting the positive stuff anymore. At the very least, not in circles where it feels these kind of announcements are celebrated. I think I'm just over it.

For the last few months I've been compiling info behind the scenes on a Discord server grooming a major JP V-Tuber based on a tip I received. I put it on hold because I wondered who or what I was doing it for, and couldn't come up with an answer. I may or may not come back to post that in the future if I feel it has any value, but until then I guess this will be my last post.

Despite being memed on for my long-form replies and perceptions of being a tribalist, I did used to have a lot of fun messing around here. I've seen posts that mention be by name that call me a good person, or a valued member in this corner of TVA; I've received PMs thanking me for my contribution to the site and I'm very grateful for all of it. I genuinely loved that time I did a deep dive on the 'Kaburaki Roco' saga even though I knew I was rambling to people who didn't really care that much.

Do try to be more compassionate for the Niji fans who remain. It's been a tough year and it may very well get tougher before it gets better. These people are only guilty of loving their oshis too.

Best wishes and stay safe, you insufferable faggots.

Lmao faggot

I Wanna Die

Don't do drugs, blow all your money on vtubers
Joined:  Nov 15, 2023
e: fixing members stream embeds into links, please hold...

Well, here's my thesis. The narrative I'll push, if you will. It all comes back to Nina.

I won't dig into it too much but in later 2022 and in 2023, Nina and Pomu had one of the closest friendships in the company. I think this is well known even outside of their fans, but maybe some people who didn't watch them or only see them through clips wouldn't realize how close they are.

I think they struggled with a lot of the same things, and they definitely talked to each other about those things, as Pomu stated on stream a few times. The two things I would highlight are antis from other livers' fans, and delayed cancelled or blocked projects by management.

Some examples in the spoilers:
April 16, 2023

Nina faced similar things, much worse even, as the Luxiem fanbase harassed her to the point of doxing her address and botting her comments. She definitely put on a strong front, but the effect on her own fans and other livers was something she talked about, both at the time and after:

August 22, 2022

December 31, 2022

December 25, 2023

Add to that company support not holding up for them, which they both mentioned on stream.

For Pomu... I remember how her cover of Fukashigi no Carte could never be released. Everything was completed, but the company couldn't release it because of perms. I personally assume they couldn't get it whitelisted fully - this song gets region locked every time it's sung anywhere even with a license, so likely a problem with international rights holders. I wasn't following her closely at the time but I heard that her 500k celebration project never materialized. And then there's her original song, Fairy of AKIBerse, which had a 5 month management delay for permissions from the creators, contributing to a delay that might allow the MV to be released before graduation if we're lucky. Pomu was able to perform this song in her 3d debut and karaoke but has yet to be released as a video. Thankfully her fan art submission project cover, which was supposed to be for 2y anniversary, finally happened in the Antarctica video... almost a year later than it should have been.

For Nina... I can no longer dig into Nina membership to check deeper, but she had planned a song every two months from the start of 2023, including two originals she had already started work on. None of them ever saw the light of day. I think she also wanted to host a Terraria server which got denied in early 2023. She gave up on passion projects completely in May, which included a brilliantly damming quote:

That shit felt like it was the straw that broke the camel's back for Nina. It was even more clear on her members stream, though those are buried in some archive somewhere if I wanted to access them. And then there's what she said as Matara, where she is shocked at supportive management in Vshojo. "I'm not used to that".

January 28, 2023

(it did not release on her birthday)

October 22, 2023

October 29, 2023

(regarding her home3d, which just came out January 6th, 2024)

November 22, 2022

December 31, 2022

(none of these songs were finished or released)

May 14, 2023

(there was also a members stream about this with more detail which is no longer available, though I'm sure archives exist)

October 18, 2023

Pomu is often seen as putting on a brave face, but I think Nina is the kind of person who clears her head then acts very decisively. That's why her graduation in July, before the cracks had turned into a flood, seemed a bit of a surprise for people who didn't follow her closely.

Of course it doesn't end with Nina's graduation. Turns out Pomu and Nina are such good friends they continue talk "almost daily". A month before Matara's debut Pomu even said she was helping Nina out, with what was implied to be content-related stuff. So Matara debuts in Vshojo and is both successful and having a far better time, and Pomu gets to hear about this all the time.

August 7, 2023

September 11, 2023

October 9, 2023

I'm certain that would have an effect on Pomu, regardless of Nina started trying to influence her directly or not. Which knowing her, she probably did.

Anyway, you can kind of see her progression of thoughts from early 2023 to now:

April 16, 2023

July 23, 2023

October 23, 2023

(referring to her long-running MC project)

There was also a rrat that around when she did her yearly Over the Garden Wall watchalong or at some point close after, she insinuated it would be her last, but I watched all the streams in that time period and could not find it, I'm pretty sure it was literally made up.

December 27, 2023

January 5, 2024

I thought the "seeing my friends leaving one by one" phrasing was interesting. It really hammers home that even though it was only Nina, Mika, and Mysta, that was enough to hit extremely hard. Though I think for Pomu she likely counts many ex-ID there too.

I will say after reviewing all dozens of vods, I'm quite confident Pomu's decision was made at some point in October. She was definitely going strong back in July and August, and had started changing her focus come late October.

Anyway, that's my big rrat. Though I did have both memberships from time to time, I didn't follow either of these two particularly closely, so I'm sure there's more little details I didn't find, but I wanted to list some full context from primary sources. If we're looking for others to follow this trend, I would say Ike and Rosemi were also close to Nina, as were the Luxiem boys, and I would bet on their slow erosion out, rather than explicit incidents like Selen.

Well, sure, but what she actually said was:

Best thing she could do would be to get in touch with Gunrun haha.

Man all the nijifags whining in this thread/general about "Vtuber/fan unity" and how people who prefer other corpos are hurting their feefees by shitting on niji are so fucking full of shit when the worst shit slinging always came from other nijifags.

Fuck kurosanji, I still have talents I like (more like 1 at this point with Selen likely gone) and will watch but I'll always be rooting for them to find somewhere better.


Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 23, 2022
Lmao faggot
NijiEN diehard fanbase, not even once :smugselen:

They will act like a cucked Dragoons and wish Selen continue to stay in Kurosanji and get abused.

The Niji fans are truely austistic and psychotic :lumitenmakillhim:


Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 17, 2022
Man all the nijifags whining in this thread/general about "Vtuber/fan unity" and how people who prefer other corpos are hurting their feefees by shitting on niji are so fucking full of shit when the worst shit slinging always came from other nijifags.

Fuck kurosanji, I still have talents I like (more like 1 at this point with Selen likely gone) and will watch but I'll always be rooting for them to find somewhere better.
I'm sure I'll end up with rainbow ratings for this, but I don't think it's an inherent property of the Nijisanji fanbase. In the west Niji fans are just disgruntled Hololive fans plus a bunch of nerdy asian girls. There's no way it's impossible to wrangle them, but the company doesn't want the few months of controversy it'll cause, and NijiEn has never had a Coco who could take all the slings and arrows on her back either.

The problem isn't so much that it can't be done, but that it'd be difficult and painful, and Niji management is addicted to easy.

Superduper Samurai

Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Man, I always say that vtubers who choose to leave of their own accord should be celebrated and sent off with a smile, but I wonder now if that's always been a defence mechanism. I was on the Farms live-tweeting Pomu's debut and I've stuck with her ever since, and now I'm sat here completely paralysed since her stream started. It hurts.

I'll keep watching my Niji oshis and I'll keep buying tickets for concerts, but I don't find any joy in coming online to combat misinformation, offer differing perspectives, or even posting the positive stuff anymore. At the very least, not in circles where it feels these kind of announcements are celebrated. I think I'm just over it.

For the last few months I've been compiling info behind the scenes on a Discord server grooming a major JP V-Tuber based on a tip I received. I put it on hold because I wondered who or what I was doing it for, and couldn't come up with an answer. I may or may not come back to post that in the future if I feel it has any value, but until then I guess this will be my last post.

Despite being memed on for my long-form replies and perceptions of being a tribalist, I did used to have a lot of fun messing around here. I've seen posts that mention be by name that call me a good person, or a valued member in this corner of TVA; I've received PMs thanking me for my contribution to the site and I'm very grateful for all of it. I genuinely loved that time I did a deep dive on the 'Kaburaki Roco' saga even though I knew I was rambling to people who didn't really care that much.

Do try to be more compassionate for the Niji fans who remain. It's been a tough year and it may very well get tougher before it gets better. These people are only guilty of loving their oshis too.

Best wishes and stay safe, you insufferable faggots.

ah, my man, i respect your Niji perspectives but you've always taken some of the anti Niji meming with some autistic degree of seriousness, i dont understand why you cant think people would celebrate someone who was clearly unhappy with how things were going still at their company and decided to step away from it as a result, this isnt anything new with anyone, we've just had rounds of dooming about Hololive's Myth and even Kiara admitting to thinking about graduating due to a stressful year.

Either way, good luck on your future endeavours, but i seriously hope you re-evaluate how hard you take someone shitting on a company you prefer for whatever reason, valid or invalid


Forever Siro's Punching Bag
Joined:  Sep 30, 2022

La+ de Central Norte

General of the second army commanded by Gozaru
Joined:  Apr 23, 2023
I'm sure I'll end up with rainbow ratings for this, but I don't think it's an inherent property of the Nijisanji fanbase. In the west Niji fans are just disgruntled Hololive fans plus a bunch of nerdy asian girls. There's no way it's impossible to wrangle them, but the company doesn't want the few months of controversy it'll cause, and NijiEn has never had a Coco who could take all the slings and arrows on her back either.

The problem isn't so much that it can't be done, but that it'd be difficult and painful, and Niji management is addicted to easy.
Yeah i remember HoloX fans vs Council fans
It was fucking bloody
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