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General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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So Nazuna is streaming? I thought Migel Gato was done with this character, anyone who follows her able to chime in on if there's a reason?
Save us from schizo women, honestly.

She just gets paid for doing this: its like a sponsored stream :ironmousekek:


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Poyoyo & Jill

Joined:  Jul 9, 2023
I dont watch them but someone told me that FuwaMoco its going to a an "Asamoco" in the 4th anniversary of Asacoco its that true?

Yep thats a pretty packed Schedule Holy fuck
That amount of streams is not normal for an EN


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
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The rat has an addiction

Yakuza 0 (and the rest of the series) should be a fun watch. Great game to play, and was a lot of fun watching some of the JP girls play it a while back.

Hey all, speaking of the JP girls, you guys have two hours to kill? How about two hours worth of Subaru, Towa, Okayu, and Mio playing Raft with English subs?

And this is only part 1 of 3. The person behind this channel is a champ. I still need to watch the last part he/she did of Subaru's Fatal Frame 2 playthrough.


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So Nazuna is streaming? I thought Migel Gato was done with this character, anyone who follows her able to chime in on if there's a reason?
Save us from schizo women, honestly.

First i thought it may be due to their charity event, but main channel hasn't tweeted about her stream. So possibly due to christmas. See you in 6 months Nazuna :gurasemperfi:

Remi is live. Currently just chatting

Spectra is live with advent calendar sampling


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I ended up didn't really focus on Nijifest as well, but frankly its for a different reason.

You do know well at how we all talking about how the Nijisanji ID got shafted badly, but around the same time Nijifest day 1 is happening I was attending a pretty small Nijisanji ID fan event that was held at a small function hall in ID with what, less than 100 people present?

But it is a somewhat eye-opening experience knowing that even if Nijisanji inevitably fucked ID 12 times over, the ID fans is STILL willing to held on with whatever that still standing and streaming. Yes, it might not be fully ID focused (they have fan merch of EN, JP, the DJ playing music from all branches, etc), but it was like

"Woah. I know ID folks only really focus on EN, but they still do this kind of thing too,huh?"

I met folks who are part of the NijiID fans i met on the discord IRL, i saw fans cosplaying NijiID and doing skits with other fans cheering on and just enjoying things despite knowing how the agency has probably disappointed them.

It's pretty neat stuff to see with own eye.

Just don't let it get into you and enjoy the things you like. If you feel like Niji has overstayed its welcome on you, there's plenty fish in the sea.

I strained my brain less on those and more on Granblue Fantasy's odd choice in collabs ingame (My Hero Academia? Really, CyGames?!). Other than that, I dont enjoy christmas due to different beliefs.

They do give out vacations, though. Which I enjoy.
I know Cygames were probs just chasing fame with the My Hero Academy collab but sometimes collab can be great. Like that one time where Arknights randomly decided to collab with Rainbow Six Siege of all thing, and it turned out great with characters seemlessly fit into both games' aesthetic. Who knows, at least MhA character are all human and not like granblue never had academy character/skin line before.
I also don't give a shit about christmas or jesus, we don't even have vacation in here and I'm going to work tomorrow, but eh at least I recognize other people can have fun. I do like the day though because it's that one time where some of your discord friends you haven't heard from in years showed up randomly

So Nazuna is streaming? I thought Migel Gato was done with this character. Save us from schizo women, honestly.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Is her VA corpo a legit vtuber corp or not. It looked legit with the other recruitment
I dont watch them but someone told me that FuwaMoco its going to a an "Asamoco" in the 4th anniversary of Asacoco its that true?
You are reading too much into it man, it's just very coincidental that they used the same font and have the L letter colored differently, on the same day. Probs nothing related :smugmoona:

La+ de Central Norte

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Faceless Waifu

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Ah right, since I mentioned it on a post replying to Calm Lurker's relatively calm rant, I gonna explain what sort of local event I just checked on the 23rd Dec/Nijifest day 1 I explained in that previous post (now that I'm on a laptop and can type longer).

The event itself is called 19Colors Festival and it's mostly just a pretty small tribute event for Nijisanji ID. It doesn't have much beyond a couple of booths, a bunch of standees of Nijisanji ID members, and a small stage. There's like, iunno, less than a hundred people attending (not including the staff).

(The photo of the crowd before the event is officially closed)

There wasn't much to see (especially since I came in late, so I missed some stuff like standee auctions), but I can still feel some enthusiasm from the folks that was attending. The fan-merch in the booth aren't exactly catching my eyes, but I did see that they enjoy not just the ID but also the other branches as well.


(Niji ID cosplayers acting as guests for the event, they were doing some sort of minigames with the attendees for a prize of audio CD merch or something, didn't catch what it was)

Met with some irl folks in NijiID fancord (same folks that had the misfortune of seeing our ohio-born punching bag, Nolan), met with another friend cosplaying as Bobon and helped the guy make something related to the common Nijisanji stuff, too.

(Found favorite vtuber from Nijisanji)

(2 months later, graduate")

All in all, it doesn't really do much to change anything in the long run, but it does help me have some bit of hope that there is ID Niji fans that still love Nijisanji ID despite their slow and agonizing demise.

I know Cygames were probs just chasing fame with the My Hero Academy collab but sometimes collab can be great. Like that one time where Arknights randomly decided to collab with Rainbow Six Siege of all thing, and it turned out great with characters seemlessly fit into both games' aesthetic. Who knows, at least MhA character are all human and not like granblue never had academy character/skin line before.
I have no issue with collabs as a whole and I do know Granblue Fantasy like to collab with anything that they feel like it, but ever since that Love Live collab and their rather... annoying bit they do (combining several characters into a singular "unit"), I kinda eyed the collabs after that with fair bit of scrutiny. But considering that they are going to single character as single unit thing, maybe I give it a try when it arrives.


the green thing
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Shiori, what the fuck are you talking about?
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If we needed any more proof Ollie is a lil chunky.. the entire bucket is wild



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Rrat Dissolver
Joined:  Jul 22, 2023
View attachment 60458
Yep thats a pretty packed Schedule Holy fuck
That amount of streams is not normal for an EN
For a normal EN but they are 2 in a single package so they can get away with it

I'm Italian, but grew up in South Florida!! Dulche de leche is also one of my mom's favorite tastes, and pretty easy to make!
Couple of months here and you will be so latam that no one will notice
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
I'm Italian, but grew up in South Florida!! Dulche de leche is also one of my mom's favorite tastes, and pretty easy to make!
I thought you were white.
I hate dulce de leche ngl, it's so fucking sweet that one bite leaves you with diabetes.

God's Strongest Mozumite

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Punished Lurker

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I can't substantiate this with more than a 'trust me bro', but I will say that I've heard since the Sayu stuff went down, Niji has dropped 1984 level social media restrictions and PR demands on their talents to prevent it ever happening again. They're being told to say it and have to say it, or else their jobs are in danger.

I wish somebody in there would just snap and make a 'fuck it I don't care anymore' style exposé about it all. Latest gen has numbers lower than a decent chunk of indies, and they're pissed off.

Corpo hate.
I think I'm more on the side of believing you. I don't want to ask details of your source as to not start an avalanche of rrats, but I if it's okay to ask, how recently did you hear this? I ask because maybe they clamped down really hard on social media while the drama was going on and as the months passed they relaxed the restrictions, or maybe they are still holding strong, who knows.
If you don't want to answer then there's no problem, thank you for your post
I told you to stay calm mister lurker :BijouBijou:
I tried my best, but I needed to say this so badly I wasn't able to sleep properly the last 2 days
I totally get being disappointed with everyone being gone in the later part of the year with absolutely nothing to come out of it, but like you pointed out, there was never a promised announcement that was going to come out during NijiFes. Hell, the only people we expected to show up were the ones with panels, instead you got people like Millie taking another vacation to hang out with Enna. Enna has also been mia because the internet at her dad’s house is terrible and she’s too lazy to go to the offices. But yes, it can be a bit disheartening to not see anything huge come out during the last few months when the livers have been teasing something happening. We know they’re doing something and it sucks that the only thing we got out of it so far is stories of them meeting up, which is nice since I’m happy that they’re able to meet up and have fun, but it does leave a vacuum.
Some fans are holding out hope that there’s going to be some kind of announcement during their New Year program, but even then I’m not going to get my hopes up. They’ve built up a lot of things that make it seem like the ball is going to get rolling next year, which is fine with me, but I get why waiting that long is frustrating for others. Though, this can be attributed to me also watching JP, which means I don’t really have the same break in content that you’re frustrated with.
All in all though, I do agree that the frequent long breaks and no announcements can be frustrating.
Thanks for understanding Soap. It is just as you say I got hyped over nothing, and as I've said before I am happy they are all hanging out, but disheartened at still not knowing what they are working on. I think the vaccum just hits harder because while I expected the people who participated in Nijifes to be there I didn't expect a lot of the members of the branch to suddenly show up. I don't think there's going to be an announcement at new year either, but I really hope they get that ball rolling next year. Also I don't watch JP so I can see why you'd be less frustrated, I'm happy for you

Also while I'm at it I haven't been watching a lot of Enna lately, didn't she say she managed to fix her internet or I am getting confused? From what I know since she started her stay at Japan her schedule has been really erratic, some weeks she streamed her usual 4 streams a week and others she doesn't say anything, and in her last stream she said she was tired and her voice hurt. Do you have any idea what she's been up to lately? offline work?
I've said it before, but trust is a currency.

At all times, especially with corporations, they spend a little bit of our trust to get away with things in the hopes they'll make up for it down the line. Cover, for example, spent almost two entire months being extraordinarily blasé about Magni and Vesper's lack of streaming, relegating their announcement to a single, casual tweet, only to graduate both of them at once with ostensibly no opportunity to say goodbye. They did this, likely, so they could carry out whatever paperwork was necessary without fans constantly worrying about their status, so the end result burned a lot of trust.

Now, if you're a fan of both Stars and Live, you may think that the company has recouped that trust with events, new gens, outfits etc, but maybe if you're only a Stars/Tempus fan you may feel like you're supporting the retarded half-brother of a rich CEO about to have their name uncovered in Epstein's list.

Same is true for NijiEN. They have burned a lot of trust this year and are in a negative account balance with their fans. You can generally handwave Mysta and Nina's decisions as personal choice, but the cancelled AR Live, elements of the Sayu stuff, initially telling Selen she couldn't do international events border on the inexcusable. Now if Colors comes back next year, it's less of a 'lets go. 3D concert!' and more so 'Finally. Took you long enough.' and that's really unfair on the livers' hard work but also symptomatic of the uphill struggle management have put them in. Though, if you're a fan of EN and JP, you may think that the ship is still plenty steady even if that hole needs plugging quickly.

Millie has kind of soft-spoiled what they're working on anyway in a stream, where she said verbatim to 'judge them after the 3D debuts, the concerts, and the game shows.' This year was also the first year Nijisanji EN Official YouTube mirrored NijiFes at all, which makes me think they're trying to get that channel more active and involved for the future. Maybe NijiFes would have been more accommodating of EN if they didn't book it on fucking Christmas this year.

THAT SAID. It's valid to be disappointed and there's absolutely nothing wrong with watching members of other companies either - I'm very open that I am a huge VSPOtard - but I would at least advise taking a step back for a moment and putting it all into context.

When AR Live was announced, the likes of Reimu and Pomu were doing their best Courage the Cowardly Dog impressions of visible anxiety over not having enough time to stream and fly to Japan and work. They had 10 weeks until the concert was to be held and most members hadn't even recorded. I would argue that the cancellation came from them pushing back against being crunched, and that this current silence is just a necessary evil for getting members to Japan on their own terms with less pressure because now they have longer to get it all done. It's unpleasant that we can't see the fruit of their labours yet, but I'm okay with it if it's leading to a healthier working environment. Kotoka and Meloco, just days after Sayu called them flops, netted a massive sponsorship with an expensive clothing brand. First party and third party figure announcements are a big deal. The asset-sticking tech being added to the Niji app is long overdue but no less welcome. We've had three EN events (Suika, Niji Prism Cup, TSB Custom). We've had a fuckload of outfits and songs. We finally got our brotubers in Krisis. This is all within the timeframe of most of them being in and out of Japan, and it's not like these things are happening behind management's back either. They're all working hard and have been solid for a few months now.

For my part, I'd feel better knowing my oshi isn't streaming because they're working on a multitude of things we can't see yet. I'll pour one out for Chumbuds this Christmas.
Thank you for the post, it's really good and I think you explained better how I've been feeling about the whole situation. I too feel like I have a negative balance of trust in Niji and when they announce AR Live (because at this point it seems more like a matter of when not if) I think my answer will also be "finally, took you long enough". I think that might also be why Nijifest made me write the original post, because as cool as it was it's not even close to fixing that balance. And like I wrote for Soap before I don't watch JP so this problem is way more noticeable for me.

I am also capable of putting it all into context, I know they have been working hard and they have done some good stuff in the last month and for that reason it was so hard for me to write the original post, because while I can understand them working hard on their concert/3D and the normal stuff we have been able to see I can't help but feel dissapointed and frustrated that we had to go through this whole situation in the first place for such a long period of time. I'll still be waiting for them to show what they've been working on but whatever it is needs to be truly spectacular to balance out that negative balance of trust

Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to properly respond to everyone who wrote something. Have a Merry christmas
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Superduper Samurai

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V-dere will have a concert

Interesting to see that the ex gen 3 kawaii as v-dere still organized an event while the company seems to have nothing for that day

Did they even have any concerts besides the kickstarted one for Nene? I geniuenly thought Nene was the only member by now but apparently they just debuted a new gen this october

Fauna recorded an Outerwilds lets play she will upload throughout her break
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Joined:  Nov 2, 2023
Interesting to see that the ex gen 3 kawaii as v-dere still organized an event while the company seems to have nothing for that day

Did they even have any concerts besides the kickstarted one for Nene? I geniuenly thought Nene was the only member by now but apparently they just debuted a new gen this october
Yes, Hanamizuki trio. I enjoy some of their content. I don't know why they don't have a christmas concert or company collab, maybe time conflicts among members? Talents did some christmas stuff in their respective streams at least. And the new trio will do a concert at the end of the month.

Tenma is live with handcam


Tick Tock Tee
Joined:  Oct 29, 2022
Interesting to see that the ex gen 3 kawaii as v-dere still organized an event while the company seems to have nothing for that day

Did they even have any concerts besides the kickstarted one for Nene? I geniuenly thought Nene was the only member by now but apparently they just debuted a new gen this october
The concert that was part of their kickstarter was Forever Bloom and included all of Gen 1 and Gen 2. Nene's solo concert was an entirely separate thing that came later.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
If we needed any more proof Ollie is a lil chunky.. the entire bucket is wild

Ollie.... there are ways to treat depression.
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