"I will file a motion to kill this idiot"VenVen

/vt/ insanity and antis

Zyklon Mag

This magmite stares at gays
Joined:  Sep 14, 2023
Hi /mans/, how's it going--
Some fujo with a voice changer reads the following copypasta
I need to get this off my chest someway or another so I will just dump my shit here.

I am a straightbro who loves tempus and I wanted (and still am) to join starsEN because I want to play with the boys so hard. I’ve been watching them since debut and I feel that I developed a friendly parasocial relationship with them, I actually genuinely do believe them to be my long time friends. I am literally an incel irl, more incel than any incel here, I don’t even have anyone to call a friend. And I thought friendship was overrated anyway until I met tempus.

The problem is: the fans (especially the femanons). Being fawned upon multitude of girls is every man’s dream, and I am not an exception. The problem isn’t with the normal female fans, it is with the fujos. I DONT want to have a porn of me with another guy, the thought alone revolted me.

But no matter, as long as I exude alpha masculinity, I at least wouldn’t be the one receiving the dick in art, I can imagine the one getting dicked by me to be a girl no problem.

If you’ve been in /MANS/ for a long time, you may have already guessed the problem; The sisters don’t care how manly you are, they for some unholy reason love to draw porn of every fucking tempus member getting dicked down by Altare (which I didn’t understand since he is the most feminine guy). No matter if you don’t interact with him, there will be porn of you getting a Altare’s dick in your ass if you joined tempus.

And I didn’t want that, I thought that I will legit hate that part of my fan base if I saw a fanart of that. And I know that any streamer that hate his fans becomes bad himself. But I can’t control my feelings of disgust, especially since Altare is my least favorite member.

But I still wanted to be in tempus no matter what. So I needed to understand my fears. I started watching Altare’s streams the most, studying them so I can understand why the sisters like him on top and copy his tactic to my advantage. If even I were to be shipped with Altare, if at least no one like any portrayal of me unless if I to top I would have won.

Still I didn’t understand that much from watching his streams only. I don’t see what he is doing differently for a lot of sisters liking seeing him as the alpha. So I decided to put my shoes in a fujo’s head. I started reading tempus gay porn fanfic.

I did start reading just for study material, really. I just wanted to understand my potential fans. I even started writing hypothetical fanfic of my potential tempus persona and Altare, just as a creative study on a femanon mind. That was all of it, I am reading and writing gay porn to understand and control my potential audience, nothing more. If I can see the appeal of a feminine man like Altare dominating over every more masculine man than him, maybe I will crack the code.

Yet, I ended up as for now with 25 finished fanfic, mostly with Altare and me getting dicked down. Though I did write multiple harem fics where every member of tempus (including my potential persona) are Altare’s sex slave, but with me being Altare’s favorite. It’s gotten to the point where I start having wet dreams about Altare of all fucking people. I can’t even watching his streams anymore without getting at least horny. And this also ruined the other members streams as well, I can’t watch any tempues member without feelings of intense guilt of what gay porn I wrote about them. I don’t even understand how the sister deal with this guilt

I will never ever release those fanfic and they will be besides me even within my grave, I don’t want to lose my last strand of dignity. I will stop watching the boys for now until my feelings blow over. I still want to join tempus but I need to at least clean my head from this filth before I can face the boys head on

> t. a straight bro who /MANS/ turned gay, now is trying to recover


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basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
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Asylum's lurker
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definitely read too much vesper rrats
I think this is related to the rrat about Tsukishita Kaoru which was allegedly leaked by korekore (plus with the timing of the break announcement by Miko back then), but beyond that, there was never a hard confirmation about it and the guy is relatively doing okay nowadays (even manage to snag a collab with sanrio branding a while ago iirc)

"biggest" is kinda hyperbolic there but it is true that he's one of the talents that gives Holostars a broader spotlight during gen3 debut so I guess yes, in a way(?)


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023
I think this is related to the rrat about Tsukishita Kaoru which was allegedly leaked by korekore (plus with the timing of the break announcement by Miko back then), but beyond that, there was never a hard confirmation about it and the guy is relatively doing okay nowadays (even manage to snag a collab with sanrio branding a while ago iirc)
my beyblade bro is resting in his place and this fuckers stir shit from what 2-3 years ago?

thats just sad not even original content even damn


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For people like me, who think JP anons are more funny than regular vt netizens, here are some reactions to Kiara prank announcement from yesterday


Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
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El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
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>Isn't that Pulp Fiction?

A bit of a stretch, I think (might be her home 3D, admittedly), but if we could make Kiara do a double feature Reservoir Dogs/Pulp Fiction watchalong, that'd be neat.
That would be awesome. Her next watchalong is seeming like it will be Indiana Jones, though.

She also addressed this in the stream today and said she told JP niki it wasn't serious before the announcement like she did un English, so I guess that is on them.


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alright which one of you lads did this


I'll see the truth, m'lady
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Trap Supremacy

Your Local Trap Rrat Appreciator
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Came across this incredibly retarded exchange on /wsg/ (was crossposted to vt)
Some guy making quite frankly bizarre and very off-putting Jesus propaganda using vtubers
Some people here would probably call that based but nah, keep your religions and your politics out of my chuubas, thank you very much

View attachment 55893
View attachment 55894
View attachment 55895
Ah yeah, this weird schizo. For some reason /wsg/ in particular has been overrun with tradcath LARPers and /pol/schizos and frankly it's just weird and sad that a board that used to produce fun OC and share weird videos is reduced to just right wing insanity. Same thing that happened to /x/. Truly a shame.

Planetary Bombardment

It's the only way to be sure.
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bird molecule
Joined:  Sep 24, 2023
Do they have some sort of factory to turn out all these kiwi strawmen because I don't see them surviving very long with all of the abuse they get.
It's actually hilarious how much of a boogeyman kf/tva is on /vt/, I argued with someone in /pcg/ a week ago or so and he was desperately clutching to his belief that tva is full of literally hitlers and that /vt/ wasn't nearly as bad

which is hilarious considering /vt/'s reputation among any other vtuber related community, where it's seen as a complete shithole as well


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Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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TVA/Kiwi Derangement Syndrome continues on /jidf/, with @Keniisu and @Seth in the sights.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
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I was trying to find an explanation for why Nikki tweeted about being called sellout and found this.
idol vt high effort tribute.png
One of those things is not like the others


Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
Some retard is making claims that Proctor is leading "raids" on /vt/ :kaelalaugh:
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