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I know we aren't suppose to accuse/speculate on talents browsing the forum. Which I am not gonna accuse anyone of course, but it is fucking amusing given the amount of people here with Shiori avatars.
Its a little funny how only one guy understood the message and the rest tought it was a book fr.
I guess you really have to know the whole story between Moe and Eileen.
Also if you're here pls tell the spineless novelites (pre-chat dwellers like sanakan, etc) to read pic related:
This should be mandatory reading to be able to engage in your chat.
Its a little funny how only one guy understood the message and the rest tought it was a book fr.
I guess you really have to know the whole story between Moe and Eileen.
I doubt everyone would know about since it was still at the infancy of EN vtubing and I doubt the majority of novelites to know about it except for a few who's been with her since her moe days
Still seeing one of them knowing about it is kinda nice
I have been released from the depths of hell to bring you the next message.
Brown elf and brown woman are collabing (along with a chinese girl I know little to nothing about)
774 Game of Life collab happening right now with Hebiyoi Tier hosting Oinomori May, Amaui, and Hinata Mashu
The latter two's genmate Ina Uruu has not been streaming for months but I don't know why.
A reminder AZKi will sing at 7PM JST.
So many streams at Golden Time (8PM JST) but will recommend Nekono Yukino's 3D Birthday live.
There are other streams (MaiR, Vesperbell's Yomi, Polka) as well but I thought it would be nice to give Yukinon some spotlight.
Amagase Muyu is (somewhat) back after months not streaming with a premiere at 8PM JST.
Hanabasami Kyo telling her story with music in her life. Played electone when she was three, tried drumming and guitar, and then singing.
With surprisingly good parent-child relationship for a Vtuber.
Mexican Vtuber and lego enthusiast Purpur_Lavendel did a handcam stream a few hours ago, and after some analysis I have concluded that she is indeed NOT FAT(if anything, she could use some meat on those bones)
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