*ahem* I'm late as always here but this is in fact the classic Nazi Punks Fuck Off sticker from the Dead Kennedys album of the same name. You can see the DK band logo sticker on there as well, the iconic one that looks like a wheel of chaos at a glance. Classic punks were obviously the socialist leftards of the day, but far better than what we have now. But like all rebellious types, it takes one generation at most for them to become the new facist nazi rightwing chuds just by standing in place.
Classic punk has a real weird crisis going on these days with (somewhat) rational people like Jello Biafra who were opposed to scumbag shit like the restriction of free speech now being lumped in by their own former demographic of teens and collage kids into the same group as their mean rightwing Christian parents. This is me (yes I am that old).
Fun irrelevant but topical trivia: that whore Diane Feinstein who FINALLY died the other day and is being called a paragon of freedom and leftardism is known to me as the cunt who dragged punk bands and H.R. fucking Gieger into court on obscenity charges to bankrupt them over Gieger's art in an album insert. The real reason was the band questioning the usual shit old skool punk questioned. They did things like compare Jerry Brown and Reagan both to the brownshirts, for instance. These trials and her organization are why there are parental warning labels on records (or were) and are why Walmart and K-Mart sold censored versions of albums. Which paved the way for a ton of even worse shit, obviously. That is Feinstein's REAL legacy. Rot in hell, whore.
Now of course, she's called some champion of feminism and shit by midwits, and to the even younger retard twatter types, she's ALSO a nazi because she wasn't quite 1000% in favor of burning white neighborhoods and importing unlimited third worlders. Pro-Israel, etc. so therefore a brownshirt herself.
If you aren't a nazi yet, you will be even if you don't change at all. Sooner than you think. TLDR that's what's going on with that car. Wanting guns, hating Democrats, but also hating national socialists was just called common sense for many years for millions of people. It's just "libertarian" now I guess but in better times it was just called common sense.
now you don't know whether to clock me or coolstorybro me, I win