On 17 August, she posted a video apologizing for the unintentional leak of her Live2D model months before the official debut. The leak was in the form of a test stream on Twitcasting consented by her manager. However, after debuting on YouTube, she forgot to delete the test stream. This was considered a breach of contract, and she was given a 2-week suspension merely two days after her official debut. She apologized to her fellow 5th Gen members and management team for her lack of foresight.
After the announcement of her suspension, Aloe stated that she would use that time to reflect on those events and to better herself. She hoped that, even after the sudden unexpected hiatus, viewers would give her a second chance and support her nonetheless.
While taking full responsibility for her actions, Aloe stated that she has been a victim of doxxing; as she was receiving calls from her home phone line. Another person, later identified as her ex-boyfriend, was also contacted. Aloe stated that their relationship ended before she joined hololive and asked that the doxxing and harassment came to an end. In a later apology stream, she also asked viewers that she should be judged based only on facts, and not on lies and rumors. She ended the stream hoping for people to wait for her return.