"No. Many times. Over the course of many years. it's why I never use this site. Oh you haven't replied 17,000 times to some 45 year old aunt in the r/peoplenamedsashawhoknit subreddit? Well you can't post this funny picture or ask a question in the destiny 2 subreddit then, swine.Magni Dezmond (About Reddit)
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What would they even be striking for? Various different companies are paying them and at different rates, it's not like there is one solid streamer union.
Then again if this means Hasan fucks off then I'm all for it.
So are we really going to get the Troons and Lesbian from the Holo EN fandom side to complain about their oshis playing a game?
A Homostars is going to support the cause once again?
Sometimes happy that JP is separated from all of this bullshit
A chan Routine
Shion Cover of the most recent Marine Original Song
Warning and reminder to the 2view bros; If you establish yourself as a regular that interacts within their small community, do not be surprised when they notice you leave.
I swear to god they all keep a spreadsheet of their regulars. I'm not really speaking on experience as I almost always lurk but I'm sure they know their lurkers too.
What excessive egosearching does to a motherfucker. Next time she sees someone saying her boobs are small and fake and start posting nudes to prove them wrong
Especially when the list I've seen so far is 99% games everyone are still playing (because long life span) or will play (because they're good games), what do they expect to happen? Just not game and make money? I'm not playing Mighty Number 9 just because it's the only "safe game" left lmao
Japs will just not dub their games in english if someone tries to force them to work with only a selected list of VAs, or not release their games internationally if having a dub becomes a requirement. They didn't care about any of that before and they will surely not care about it now. Not to mention JP dub is usually full of VAs I actually recognize and care about. And personally, learning english as third language I can't play games without subs and only pay moderate attention to what they are actually saying
Oh no. I guess everyone is going to have to play old retro games with no voice acting and stories written by the programmer as an excuse for the gameplay.
The horror. Please don't let this happen.
Oh no. I guess everyone is going to have to play old retro games with no voice acting and stories written by the programmer as an excuse for the gameplay.
The horror. Please don't let this happen.
Appreciate Kawaii positive genius, Ririka sachou's beautiful karaoke of some anime greats including Cruel Angel's thesis and God knows. I like how clear her pronunciation remains even during singing. No muddling.
Edit: Ignore what was formerly the 2nd part of this post. I had a late night brain toot due to how my YT subs page was lined up.
Oh no. I guess everyone is going to have to play old retro games with no voice acting and stories written by the programmer as an excuse for the gameplay.
The horror. Please don't let this happen.
As a follow up to this, she said she was going to delete the test stream since her official debut is next week. Luckily she said she's fine with an archive, so it's here on Odysee and on some folks computers saved I'm presuming
Appreciate Kawaii positive genius, Ririka sachou's beautiful karaoke of some anime greats including Cruel Angel's thesis and God knows. I like how clear her pronunciation remains even during singing. No muddling.
Edit: Ignore what was formerly the 2nd part of this post. I had a late night brain toot due to how my YT subs page was lined up.
I only have respect for doc because I've seen her help her patients time in time again with all her proceeds from her streaming and this solidifies that once again
We truly need more people like her
Edit:I checked her Facebook and apparently the patient has a really complicated case of thyroid cancer that she talked about in her recent YouTube stream
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