I agree with this, however in an obvious situation like froot scamming for charity should be put on blast in their own thread as it would be the best to contain the clout chasers who do inevitably come here to farm content. These cunts need to be name and shamed. Especially when mom enables their daughter to be a cum dumpster.Honestly, I'm not sure it's in our best interested to publicize that in an easy to read fashion. If its buried in the posts of our board then it's our lore and provides some kind of mystique. If it's publicized in an easy to read form, it's clout chaser bait and might very well put off whoever might be /here/ thinking we're trying to piggy back off their fame.
As for the other lurkers who are here that like to read our lore and unfiltered shitty opinions, I would love to see an open dialog with them like