Mio Naganahara from Nichijou. Ostensibly 16 years old but her overall look would generally align more with 'loli'. Yeah it's a comedy series so physical design doesn't mean much, but the overall point is visual consistency. Pretty much all the characters in the show have similar sort of looks that don't really speak much to their age aside from Hakase, who is obviously a child still. To intense misfortune, these characters have still ended up being lewded despite not being designed to such a purpose. Onwards though.

Chihaya Kisaragi, from Idolmaster games, is also 15~16 but has a definitive feminine figure. Her flat chest is supposedly a character trait, sounds like typical asian genetics to me, and doesn't even look that unusual in any consideration.

Misaki Aoba, also from Idolmaster games, particular art rendered from the same source as Chihaya. Looks to have a pretty similar build to Chihaya, who is canonically 16, so that means she's also a minor, right? Misaki here is actually 20, but she looks like she's as old as or younger than someone who is definitively a teenager. There's an absolute fuckload of characters of all kinds of age ranges but the general design of the titles doesn't really lend itself to lewdness itself, the art styles are largely homogenous and most of the figure differentiation seems to be more of informed attributes because they're not really defined that much in official art. The greatest source of that comes from the r18 artist community where the various outputs are equally wild on what individual character's proportions are like despite being largely teenage girls.
Blue Archive was mentioned in specific though and that's where this entire point really starts to go hog wild.
Momiji here looks like a loli-type character. Figure concealed by the large clothes but easy enough to tell she's pretty small, yeah? Well, she's supposed to be 15, and while the perspective doesn't help much as it serves to make her look smaller than she may be, still very much visually appears to be younger than a presumed 15. Especially considering...
This god damned titmonster, Moe, who is also listed as 15. I'd buy '15' as in "the weight in pounds of each breast individually" because even ignoring chest size, proportionally she also doesn't look like she'd fit an age of 15. I'm not going to provide images for all the others, so for a majority of characters mentioned afterwards here will be links, but there are multiple other instances of betiddied '15 year olds' in
Eimi (extremely haram, official art btw), and
Chinatsu all within the 15 year old age bracket, which there are a fair number of other characters. Though in comparison...

They tend to be more proportioned like Maki here, who doesn't have an overexaggerated physique nor is oversexualized like some of the other '15 year old' designs. Though if those extreme examples are up there for the 15 year olds, then they have to be even worse the older they get, right?
lol. lmao even.

So here we have Hina, who has an alternative skin with a swimsuit that is the traditional
school swimsuit that does everything it can to paint her as a loli character despite being 17 and technically, close to age of majority and thus legal. She's got
Hoshino and
Neru with her in the "What are these sassy lost children doing here?" pool of being obviously designed to look younger than 17 and both also have alt skins of swimsuit and bunny suit respectively and you can go look for yourself for Neru's bunny suit with the knowledge that she looks like she's 12. Compared against the broader character pool that does tend to have a lot of 'underage' girls that have figures that would be ridiculous even on fully adult women, they stand out as anomalies meant to cash in on an obvious audience with no real consideration to their age. This is also a bit in contrast against the idea of actually petite/underdeveloped individuals in reality where while they might have smaller proportions they still have various other signifiers to their age, but these don't really crop up in drawn characters and are almost always treated as "one thousand year old vampire" handwaves. Shoutout to
Hasumi in particular for both being the best design and the least haram, winged woman supremacy, I am not taking any questions on this, but also keep in mind that she is supposed to be 17. Again, technically still a minor. I bring this up as an illustrator for comparison against...
Shun, who has 'top secret' for her age which can only mean christmas cake at worst or outright hag at best, given that she's an instructor at one of these schools and all evidence points towards her being an adult. Here we have a baseline for what an adult character design looks like in regards to the rest of the cast, which if you've taken a look at some of the previous ones listed in links, the more egregiously 'developed' characters don't have a lot of visual disparity from the example set by Shun. What, because she's taller looking, maybe, she's supposed to be an adult unquestionably? Compared against Hasumi above, or maybe even
Hinata or
Kaho who both have fairly comparable proportions despite being among the 17s. Also for comparison, one of two 18 year olds in her
swimsuit art, where it's no longer technically weird shit to be ogling her! This is totally a normal physique for a freshly legal woman surely.
This sure is a whole lot of horseshit, and okay maybe Blue Archive of all things isn't a good example in itself but I could do the same thing with Genshin, or several other such gacha-shit games where the characters are a big part of the draw. Shit, I could have probably stayed entirely within Idolmaster and kept making the same point but it's works like these waifu games that have the most damning evidence for the point I'm making: character ages are a bullshit metric thrown around without a lot of real justification. I sure as shit wish that some of the girls in Blue Archive were representative of the degree of physical development you could see in real life, it would have made the dating scene of high school a high impact bloodsport, but much like the fact we have here teenage girls with made up proportions, their 'age' is equally bullshit and anyone trying to make a serious point that
Tiddybeast von Thunderthighs is an illegal 16 year old is looking for an excuse to stir shit because there ain't no way I'm accepting that and I don't care what artists, wikis, or the court says. They're designed to be visually appealing for whatever fetishbait they're made to appeal to, an assigned age is just a means to justify their existence in their setting, giving it any consideration on whether or not they are definitively 'legal' for sexual purposes is trying to assign real world legality to fictional entities whose entire identity is just an informed state and is the definition of 'excuse plot'.
tl;dr If you're going to lose your shit because some fat titted anime femoid has an info card that says she's 14 you're an idiot. Maybe make a case when they're obviously a child in physical stature, proportions or heavily implied/depicted in such a way, but you'd probably be better off focusing on real world child exploitation before you start mounting campaigns for the rights to representation of fictional entities. Keep that up and before long we'll have the worlds first fucking strike initiated by cartoon hoes demanding a fair cut from proceeds made by selling hentai drawn for patreon supporters from unaffiliated artists because their identities weren't licensed for such products.
If you read all this, what the fuck is wrong with you?