No offense Azehara, but how new are you to YouTube in general. I thought everyone knew that deleting a struck video makes it impossible to contest it that's like YouTube 101.
Fairly new.
Let the Parrot situation be a lesson to all content creators. Vet your stuff. Any n-words, slurs, or even remotely-suggestive imagery? Edit them out immediately. Appear as "lib-friendly" as possible, lest you wish to lose everything you've worked hard to build in a flash.
No update yet, keep an eye on his Twitter
Pretty fucking gay how they want to brute force sanitized entertainment. Its sad.
Havent kept up with the situation, was his appeal outright rejected?
He never got a chance to appeal they yeeted the channel.
I don't know how much time you put on each video but it wouldn't be better to aim for volume of uploads to maybe get a return? You still get paid if you get a yellow video right? I think that's what LEC does, fucker just puts out a video every day and I doubt all of them are green since he clips pippa too. Or maybe he's super lucky and even though he doesn't censor dick he somehow gets all his videos monetized.
Volume only works if the content is green. Yellow content I would have to pump out 10 videos to get as much views and revenue as 1 green. Additionally, there is another problem with trying to pump shit out too fast. I am not a fast editor. I could limit the editing and post the clips as raw as possible but that can fuck you over. Someone reported Raildex for reusing content or some shit and he can't monetize his channel anymore until he appeals (which can take anywhere from a few weeks to a month). This is why I try to add images, add zooms, add bgm, cut no-no words out, and whatnot. It pushes my editing time up but lowers the chance someone reports me. I am not sure if LEC works or not but he does seem to pump out content like crazy. At least one a day. Me having a full-time job prevents me from doing this.
Long-distance relationship and they're married? I think the guy watching vtubers is the least of the problems here.
If you are implying cheating, then he watches vtubers, she should be fine knowing that he wont cheat.
The wild-card for next VShojo member no one saw coming?
Interesting. I haven't seen her do many Youtube streams recently.
Yeah, she's someone who sells lewds, does some vtubing. Currently she's being harassed and having her parents swatted by some kid that's butthurt he was banned from her community and didn't believe he was a victim when he was the one sexually harassing numerous people. That's the gist I've gotten from the last 4 months.
They sure do have the body of a her.
I got this bitch blocked on Twitter which makes me think that she was one of the Hogwarts attention-whores and one of those people that constantly try to stir up shit and drama.
Hell, similar to that other furry bitching about getting their STEAM hacked, money stolen, and a bunch of other shit, they seem like an attentionwhore and they are posting pitty bait for attention. Notice that all of these posts are often made by people with little to no followers whom no one in their right mind would pay attention to.
Based on the which I assume is the next talent's mascot in this teaser, it's possible since it fits Sayu's aesthetic.
The mascot does have Sayu aesthetic. My gut feeling still thinks its Nina