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Yeah but she sometimes retweets scams using her art tag so sometimes I am not sure if she is aware...but it would make sense going from what Kirsche said about Pippa being ok with engaging with the schizos when Kirsche was talking about /pcg/
I mean he did finally learn how to drop numbers from his name and I dunno if she kept up on him THAT much. I'm sure she'll notice when he inevitably once again does some clever investigating by randomly going "So btw do you and your grooming operation make a lot? Asking for a friend."
While I'd like to think she's as good at psy-ops as I'd like her to be, I think she just has that white woman disease where they're oblivious as they walk into a demon den or some serial killers basement.
Honestly I don't think she even looks at the who on twitter and just retweets whatever tickles her fancy at the given second and fucks are for future Pippa to care about.
Ok look, it's because she's lonely without me and is trying to fill that void with AI waifus as it's technically not being unfaithful. She's a good girl.
Ok look, it's because she's lonely without me and is trying to fill that void with AI waifus as it's technically not being unfaithful. She's a good girl.
Kill plappers. Behead plappers. Roundhouse kick a plapper into the concrete. Slam dunk a plapper baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy plappers. Defecate in a plappers food. Launch plappers into the sun. Stir fry plappers in a wok. Toss plappers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a plappers gas tank. Judo throw plappers into a wood chipper. Twist plappers heads off. Report plappers to the IRS. Karate chop plappers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black plappers. Trap plappers in quicksand. Crush plappers in the trash compactor. Liquefy plappers in a vat of acid. Eat plappers. Dissect plappers. Exterminate plappers in the gas chamber. Stomp plapper skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate plappers in the oven. Lobotomize plappers. Mandatory abortions for plappers. Grind plapper fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown plappers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize plappers with a ray gun. Kick old plappers down the stairs. Feed plappers to alligators. Slice plappers with a katana.
Ok look, it's because she's lonely without me and is trying to fill that void with AI waifus as it's technically not being unfaithful. She's a good girl.
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