I was recently recommended the game documentaries from a channel called;
"People Make Games" A quick look at their videos was... very telling, i could see i was in for a real shitshow;
So OK, so now this is epic, just the sort of rage-bait i was after make my blood boil a little and the video in specific i was recommended was this one about Valve;
Before i start criticizing the video itself, it's hosted by a certain
"Chris Bratt" who some of you who read or watched games coverage from the mid 2010 might know. A particularly loathsome pinworm who crawled out of the ruptured anus of games journalism known as
Eurogamer. Just imagine the softest smuggest British cunt you can,
(no, not Proctor) and that's him in a nutshell. This should set the tone for the video quite well.
Then i start what is clearly going to be a cinematic Tour de France, and though it starts of pretty fairly with critique of Valves quite cult-like self image exemplified by their slightly insufferable
"New Employee Handbook" Available for download from Valve themselves (this text is a link to it) and that their "No managers" policy just lead to unofficial managers doing the same job as a pro manager would do, Valves "peer review" salary negotiations that do favour arse-kissers.
However, at 18:01 minutes into the video the shit(skins) hit the fan;

Bot howdy, sure is video games in here I'm not a react streamer, so I'm not gonna give you a play by play but instead recommend you watch the video, i had a few legitimate laughing fits, this was like a parody made to make fun of the stereotypical Libtard, Beta-male, Soylent swigging, Box living, Bug eating, male feminist Redditors we all love to hate. The reason i put in all those buzzwords is that it is beyond parody, you need to experience this, i promise it is worth it.