It just showed a lack of confidence in their own product. They're so worried of the game not selling well that they think hamfisting the Joker in as a way to ensure audience attention is a great backup plan in case no one cares about Scarecow at all, which is beyond absurd considering the Nolan trilogy made Scarecrow more mainstream in the public eye. The lack of risk taking and playing it safe really did sully the rest of the Arkham games with their flip -floping commitment to making other villains the main star for once.As great of a villain as Joker is, I hate how every Arkham game always had to go back to him. I enjoyed the first two games and was really excited to play Origins based on the trailers and the fact that we were finally getting a different main villain, and one that wasn't as popular as many of his other more well-known ones with Black Mask. Figured they had a really good premise going with him and the others. So it was incredibly disappointing to learn that "PSYCHE! IT WAS THE JOKER ALL ALONG" before I ended up even buying it. Completely killed my interest, and while I do eventually plan on playing it when I get around to it, I still haven't to this day because of my disappointment, nor have I played Knight yet either.
The Batman franchise has one of the best cast of villains in comic book history, and yet Rocksteady continually had to default so much back to the Joker being behind things. Such wasted potential.
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