Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Sep 16, 2022
Based Civ V enjoyer. Can I just say how much I fucking despise Civ VI? and now Civ VII which is just a gayer version of humankind, another shitty game.I've seen the start of Skynet - my computer refuses to run Civilization V and I can't figure out how to fix it.
To fill the Civilization V-shaped hole in my heart, I'm after similar game suggestions:
I'm not interested in recommendations for other Civ games, obviously. So, what games are best to scratch that Civilization itch?
- 4X strategy game with multiple paths to victory besides killing the enemy
- Turn-based is a must.
- I don't want to play a fantasy or sci-fi setting. I'd love a game with the historical scope of Civ, but will take a more narrowly-focused setting if required
- Would prefer lots of factions to choose from, although this isn't required
- Some nice graphics wouldn't go astray