"...s-shut up flat-chested bear... shut up flat-chested bear, work on your boobs if anything"Chisaka Airi

Twitter cringe and insanity


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023

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Something tells me she doesn't like Phase Connect.





Some may say "But Abomination aka hateful, genocidal bigot, those Tweets are from almost two years ago! That was a long time ago!

Well yes. And so is the clip of Pippa that these spergs are crying over right now. And again, about a month after her replying to Pippa's Hogwarts Tweet, Pippa unfollowed her on Twitter, seemingly because of Mana butting her nose into the Lumi skinwalking incident on April Fools.

The comment in question.

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Lol, I'll bet these retards couldn't name one vtuber we as a forum have harassed. Nothing we discuss here has ever been directed at anyone unless they were present here on the forums.

On the other hand, these types of people would be all too happy to start a crusade against anyone they don't like and try to destroy their careers or simple spaces to stream and have fun with their audience. As long as they can feel morally superior, it's okay that they harass and dog pile directly onto those they feel are morally inferior.

And don't even get started on Mana who is completely fine advocating and celebrating death on those she feels are morally inferior to her commie-loving self.

I, as I'm sure many others here would agree, may dislike and talk shit about plenty within this space, but I wouldn't want to actively engage in "cancelling" them. The only person I can think of that I truly wish to see fuck off is Marina because of the horrible shit this person has done to others.

Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster
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Joined:  Sep 10, 2022


irc.rizon.net #TheVirtualAsylum
Joined:  Jun 28, 2023
Antisemitism has been cool with commies since 1952.

1952? Try 1843.

karl marx jewish question.jpg


Well-known member
Joined:  Jan 26, 2024
Since we're discussing Mana along with Bogos Binted, I have to mention another of Mana's arcs that was previously not showcased.

Mana allegedly has this Palestinian friend called Simo to whom she sends money in Gaza so he has the means to run away from the Happy Merchants of War. More recently this friend of hers seems to be dipping from the Internet and this is his latest set of messages.

Her previous posts with the guy all have him relaying messages in a similar overdramatized manner, making me believe he's either a troll, stupid, or grifting Mana. As FTKM is a gullible Zoomer communist dumbass it would be, once again, par for the course if she was getting scammed.

I'd like to believe this is true because that would be incredibly fucking funny.

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Simo is probably actually just a ChatGPT-powered script running somewhere to rip off Americans looking to feel better about themselves. Tumblr had legit "get out of Gaza" GoFundMe's pretty early on but eventually they got overwhelmed with grifters using bots to spam the inbox of anyone who reblogs a Gaza GoFundMe. My inbox got spammed a lot until I had enough of them blocked to make it stop.

Thing is, even if you got grifted, you can still screencap the convo's to repost for mega Leftie points. Considering the sheer volume of Gaza griftbots on Leftie internet spaces now, this is almost certainly what Mana is doing here.
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