This isn't a good argument as often times companies being bought out are already failing before the person buying them out steps in and turns them around.
It's cliché but let's talk about Steve Jobs, there's a reason why when he was kicked out of Apple in favor of a CEO from Pepsi the company tanked and brought him back, but there's even a more important thing to point to. What really brought Steve Jobs to fame was his ability to find people failing and turn them around, because Woz would be a hobbyist without him. Yet there's an even more important thing to point to, the Graphical User Interface (GUI) which every computer uses was made by Xerox, a massive company with all the power in the world that tried to sell it while everyone else was using text prompts in the command line. They failed to sell it despite their best efforts and then during a joint project they showed it to Jobs who made it mainstream, and then Bill Gates ripped him off. Think about how insane it is that the thing every consumer computer uses today was shelved by one of the biggest companies at the time because they couldn't sell it and some retard hippy could rip it off and turn it into the worlds biggest company at one point.
There is a value to it, whether we want to like it or not.
That's a good criticism of him, Musk isn't a good guy and all of those points are reasons to give him shit, but to argue he didn't bring some kind of value is also wrong. The sad reality is we don't have a better option right now because of how shit everything has become.