Couldn't the Holy Spirit wait a few years though?
There's two branching paths to that question: the historical and the canonical.
Historically: Jew law said 12.5 to marry a broad off. We don't know if it was Joseph who actually did the deed because the bible says he wanted divorce when she got pregnant, he may have been cucked by someone else. We also don't know her exact age nor his age. There is historical and canonical debate there as well. He could've been a young man or old as hell, she was somewhere between 12.5 and 15. Jews n shit will say couldn't wait to marry & procreate due to low life expectancy, I don't know shit about that maybe
@Realticule could help you out with that if you wanna know more. We know Jesus did exist, but not the exact circumstances surrounding his birth or parents. Record keeping was not great. Could her pregnancy have waited? Yes and in may cases it did during that era.
Canonically: Yes I think it could've waited as there was consent, insofar as it could exist then--or ever--under these circumstances, when the angel told her she would get pregnant by God in the future she said "dope, I am a servant of God lets go." This implies she could've not been about that shit and not ended up the mother of Jesus. Also worth noting here, canonically there was no sex. Just Christ being spawned in via the Holy Spirit.
Disclaimers: I ain't no -ian or -ist that'd have le expert knowledge on the subject(s).
The mudslimes are still infinitely worse, the comparison is poopy