I get that in your culture women can't enjoy a game of tiles alone and have to wear a burka, but normal people don't view letting their beloved play board games with others as sexual.
world was my first mh, I did enjoy it for the most part, i agree the beginning was a bit rough but it was very fun. I did like that Rise threw you into it much quicker. MH having shit launches (that still somehow do really well) is par for the course now lol. the shit DRMs and lack of optimization to boost fps will be tuned in time, but sucks for early adopters. Japs plz.
It was mine as well, then a friend dragged me into the other ones and I was doomed from there
I don't know. My hope for Wilds was always that it was going to take the good parts of World and combine them with the good parts of Rise. Sadly it looks like they learned absolutely nothing, my friend has refunded it now and I can barely even play it until I finish upgrading my PC.
I get that in your culture women can't enjoy a game of tiles alone and have to wear a burka, but normal people don't view letting their beloved play board games with others as sexual.
To be fair, it is about 9am in the great country of Israel. For all we know, Reticule wakes up bright and early to catch up. Now, he might actually get to watch a stream before he re-enacts Hila Klein's greatest hits.
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