I agree with you on the basis of it being Linux and Pippa isn't tech savvy at all to be able to figure out basic Linux Operating Systems.Yeah, this is just Pippa going
>New thing? I like new things
Without really understanding the hows and whys most people who stream and play games use windows, someone corrected that already though
This page is massively outdated. The current build of SteamOS is Arch-Linux based and this page says that it's Debian based while also advertising Steam Machines (something deprecated back in like 2017). The current rumor being spread is that maybe by the end of the year Valve will announce a Desktop installer of SteamOS for people to download.SteamOS information page
It was over before it began. Annoying Linuxfags will probably seethe at people who shoot it down regardless though.
I will say that personally, as someone who does subscribe to the idea currently that eventually Linux will be the future. I think that if you've been at the whole terminally online thing for at least a decade or so, picking up a Linux operating system can't hurt. Microsoft isn't going to get better and they're more likely to shit out something worse than Win11 than give us something to at least be as good as 10 or even 7. The support for Linux is gradually growing! It will never match Windows but, it's nowhere near the level of the stereotypes that nothing fucking works on Linux unless you're giga-autistic. I'd honestly rather jump into whatever unknown waters Linux has going on than run like 3 different Windows debloater programs/powershell scripts to get something decent.
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