"Ahh the coke air, coke air. You know the coke air? The nooo one. I always, I always order the, the cola. Coca cola and without cola. I always order the cola and without cola. Cola! I like cola, yeah. I always, I always order the, the carbionated cola. Ahh how can I explain? I can explain by my drawing! I always order like the carbionated cola that it has cola on here, this part, the ear. Ear of bottle. And then, I order- wh- when I order cola, the ear- it always have a cola on h- on a top, but I pick up these... away! cause I don't drink it. And then I smell the cola air. Okay? You understand? Understandable! Cola air! yes"Kumagai "Beatani" Chisato

Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3: Fosterhome For Aloggers (And Walmart Night Stockers)


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