"Dude if Tenma doesn't talk, she's like the perfect idol"Kevin 'Sakana' Li

Pikamee Graduation Thread


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lol vtuber cringe immediately went into tranny defense force.
He really went with the few bad apples argument, too bad they won’t do the same with cops


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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I know everyone's angry and coping with jokes like this but I really don't think, on the whole, actual trans people are to blame here. There's just not that many of them even in this fandom. They're outnumbered at least ten-to-one by the Twitterbrained who have to show everyone just how right-think they are by attacking Pikamee and other wizard game players on the trans people's behalf, whether they like it or not. I think most people have been a member of a minority group of one form or another and some idiot pops up and starts being a jerk to other people on behalf of that group and you have to go, "excuse me, but who are you and who made you my voice? This person does not speak for us."

Maybe this will fall on deaf ears in this place and at this time. But I don't think that using this as fuel for greater hatred of trans people will help in the long run even if it makes you feel better now. At the least, please choose your targets wisely and single out the people actually guilty of this harassment.

But I also think the "maybe this is all coincidental timing and she's going to go indie or to another corpo" is cope in the other direction. That line of thinking doesn't account for the last few weeks of silence right after her return.
So, some thoughts after taking some time to think it over.

As a minor powerlevel, I know some transgender people I consider friends and others who are acquaintances who do not engage in political extremism or any of the creepy behaviour toward children, so I can't in good faith engage in the "all troons are sex pests who want you to die" mentality when my lived experience has proven otherwise. That being said, in the current climate I fully understand and appreciate the frustration that's boiling over today.

The matter of fact is that if you are not actively shilling trans social politics, the game is rigged against you from all angles. It used to be that the only winning move was to not play, but when they start attacking over entirely manufactured controversies like playing a particular video game, even that's not an option any more. If you say nothing, "the silence is deafening", and people will assume any defamatory rumours they start about you are true. If you humour them even slightly they will continue walking over you for the rest of your career. If you take an active stance against them and tell them to fuck off, you've involuntarily enlisted for the culture war and will attract an audience of politispergs who want you to continue owning the libs epic style when all you want to do is shoot the shit and have a laugh - while most likely losing access to monetisation platforms and/or business opportunities in the process because you're now a "brand risk".

Pikamee has never been a political figure, but through no fault of her own she has been turned into one. The obnoxious, narcissistic cunts couldn't just leave her be to enjoy her last few weeks of streaming with her fans, they had to make it about themselves. This is the logical conclusion of the zoomer participation trophy generation's upbringing - everything has to be about me-me-me, all the time, and "agree to disagree" is no longer an option; you either agree with me or that's a slight, and you're dangerous.

I try not to get MATI because it's not constructive in any way (and honestly, shitflinging about trans issues on either side is probably just useful ammunition to the journalists and institutions who throw fuel on the Current Thing fire for profit), but I genuinely despise the culture we're now in where it's impossible to have a neutral or apolitical outlet without someone giving you hell for it. I miss the early internet, I miss hobbies, I miss fun.


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I'd imagine that if this happened to someone with less reach it wouldn't have exploded so violently, even if it had been a holo or niji i think a lot of the people who hate either side would have sided with the twitards in order to spite their long term rivals. Pikamee was pretty much the very worst person for them to (possibly) cause to graduate.
The thing is, they couldn't get to anyone else. Their next best target turned around and gave them a fuck you. Niji wouldn't entertain their baiting, Holo doesn't as a rule. Many small corpos would tell them to kill themselves to their face, some of them already have. The only ones left are indies, which are too variable to blanket the same way, but I know most follow the example of their closest peers, be that vshojo, holo, or phase connect.
The game was rigged from the start, and they were too stupid to stop playing.


Dread Father
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Remember, all is fair in autism and war
We shall prevail, inshAllah


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Hey, Henri.
Some of us actually learned how to read past the third grade.
This is how you quote someone to make a damn point instead of trying to be a pretentious idiot:

Whoever will be free must make himself free.
Freedom is no fairy gift to fall into a man’s lap.
What is freedom?
To have the will to be responsible for one’s self.


Now you may ask; why is this in the Pikamee thread?
I'm glad you asked my fellow retarded monkey!
The idea of 'live and let live' died a long, long time ago.
Freedom was never going to be given to you.
But it's certainly something that people - say a certain special interest group - will try their damnedest to take from you.
The first and second wave feminists tried and failed with the third wave feminists.
The burned furs tried and failed with the coomers.
The alphabet soup crowd tried and failed with the troons and pedos.
There is only one language these vermin understand; a slap upside the head.
We're going to be seeing in real time how society chooses to manifest said slap, real fucking soon.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

Johnny Jambalaya

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Hey, Henri.
Some of us actually learned how to read past the third grade.
This is how you quote someone to make a damn point instead of trying to be a pretentious idiot:

Whoever will be free must make himself free.
Freedom is no fairy gift to fall into a man’s lap.
What is freedom?
To have the will to be responsible for one’s self.

View attachment 15130

Now you may ask; why is this in the Pikamee thread?
I'm glad you asked my fellow retarded monkey!
The idea of 'live and let live' died a long, long time ago.
Freedom was never going to be given to you.
But it's certainly something that people - say a certain special interest group - will try their damnedest to take from you.
The first and second wave feminists tried and failed with the third wave feminists.
The burned furs tried and failed with the coomers.
The alphabet soup crowd tried and failed with the troons and pedos.
There is only one language these vermin understand; a slap upside the head.
We're going to be seeing in real time how society chooses to manifest said slap, real fucking soon.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


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She always seemed like a genuinely good person. Absolutely bullshit that she had to put up with pointless harassment over a game.

My heart goes out to her fans. It's gutwrenching to read announcements like this, especially with the circumstances around it being what they are.


Gods Strongest Chiramigo
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Where the fuck do you people even go that you are surrounded by vermintide irl? You should probably move. Like I can count on one hand the amount of them I’ve interacted with irl.
I live in California. Dodging vermintide is like playing minesweeper custom mode with maximum mines.


Resident Sad Girl Enjoyer
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Often seen, rarely heard.
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late to the party but i feel like getting a word in.

firstly: fuck those tranny fucks from the highest of heavens to the deepest of hells. let their existence be expunged from this world in the most painful of manners.

secondly: though i didnt really watch much pika, she was a pillar of this community and a ray of sunshine. every clip i watch of her is was cute and upbeat. she is a person who you could turn to and expect good times from them, until the graduation announcement anyways.

i want to believe the rrats that she will be back with a new look, maybe a new company backing her, and i hope she finds success and happiness wherever her path leads.


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Wonder how long until we get a Wyatt hellthread because of this?


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Resident Sad Girl Enjoyer
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Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Where the fuck do you people even go that you are surrounded by vermintide irl? You should probably move. Like I can count on one hand the amount of them I’ve interacted with irl.
They essentially don't exist where i live, because like i said earlier in the thread, my country has bigger issues than "what symbol is displayed in stoplights"

To all of you who claiming this will somehow change things... it won't and you know it. This current bout of mouth-frothing has only come about because it's a fad, like everything else the permanently offended latch onto it will some day fall out of style and be left to a few freaks and the people who are actually genuine. My only regret is that i know for a fact that many of the people acting like subhuman scum and preying on the misfortune of others will never get their comeuppance. They will simply slip away like the cowardly vermin they are and will jump on the next boat of social reformation.

Pikamee was nothing more another speedbump in the road of social discourse fueled by malice, greed and a blind search for acceptance and moral confirmation. Only the vtuber community will remember her, and many won't stay angry for long, it's senseless to do so and it goes against what many people are even her for.


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Pope of にじさんじ
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Stream is still ongoing but Pomu said that Pikamee gave her a heads-up about her Graduation before she even went on break, which would have been Feb. 9 at the latest.

The fairy sounds absolutely devastated.


Resident Sad Girl Enjoyer
Joined:  Jan 5, 2023
Stream is still ongoing but Pomu said that Pikamee gave her a heads-up about her Graduation before she even went on break, which would have been Feb. 9 at the latest.

The fairy sounds absolutely devastated.
That definitely adds to the contract-ending rat. She started in March, so it makes sense to im hoping she just went inde or got potched instead of just quitting.


Joined:  Sep 20, 2022
I really hope we see her again but looking at her options the one I see her taking is Vshojo and I don't know if I like that or not.

El Rrata

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Stream is still ongoing but Pomu said that Pikamee gave her a heads-up about her Graduation before she even went on break, which would have been Feb. 9 at the latest.

The fairy sounds absolutely devastated.
So it was already planned, the HL debacle just denied us more Pikamee content before she did, great. I really hope she is not quitting for good, but I can't help but feel this is what it is. I can't see her going more even more corpo when it feels like creative differences with GYARI is what caused this.

Lesbian Solid Snake

Pettan Hag Supremacy
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I came across this, what do you guys think?

I know. I know deep in my heart that pika doesn't want us to be angry or point fingers at people and that this was probably planned before the hogwarts fiasco but FUCK its so hard to not be angry at the freaks who harassed her.


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Pope of にじさんじ
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So it was already planned, the HL debacle just denied us more Pikamee content before she did, great. I really hope she is not quitting for good, but I can't help but feel this is what it is. I can't see her going more even more corpo when it feels like creative differences with GYARI is what caused this.
Maybe. The way Pomu was while talking about it made it all feel very final. Those two have known each other for years, and an NDA means little between friends who can keep a secret, so at the very least Pikamee has not told Pomu that it's okay because she's just going elsewhere.

Of course, Pikamee may very well not have any plans right now to continue streaming but will show up ~eventually~. If Kson has any opportunity to get her on board she's 100% going to at least inquire. For now, though, this is her last month.


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Busy all day.

Get back late.

Check the vtuber news.


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