"I fucking hate pink vtubers"Pipkin Pippa

Pikamee Graduation Thread


Shared joy is double joy
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lol vtuber cringe immediately went into tranny defense force.


Just lurking
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Why harass a wholesome streamer? Fucking rats.

Fucking YTs

I just want to annoy people in peace.
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You've done/are doing plenty, don't make yourself turn a sense of apathy into a distaste.
I appreciate the sentiment, I really do. I just want a really cool place and it's easier if I'm pushed in that direction by some force then dragging my feet towards the same direction.


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Punished Anime Discusser

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Are vtweeters and troons sperging out at Tenma on twitter? I haven't looked.
If so, good thing she is currently banned, might actually lose it and rip out a gamerword.
From what I've seen, all of the top retweets and replies are Joshua Graham and crusader memes, and people saying based.
And she still has more likes than replies and retweets.


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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I know everyone's angry and coping with jokes like this but I really don't think, on the whole, actual trans people are to blame here.
No, they are. Give them benefit of the doubt, you'll be in the gutter next.


The Rrat

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Btw the ragtag archive of Pikamee's channel has saved 780 of 899 (I think) videos. They don't archive member streams so this might be the difference. Most of her content is safe, at least.
Man, I want to member to her and make my own archive of her stuff. But I can't even bring myself to watch Sana's old streams, I feel like this is going to hurt way more...


Gods Strongest Chiramigo
Nolan's Widow
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God dammit they actually got Pikamee to quit. Fuck these activists screwing with such a sweet and harmless girl like her that she gets to the point of ending her career.

To breakup some of the Pika talk for a moment Rie got conjunctivitis


Speaking of, fuck you Rie enjoy your pink eye!
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Menace of the Asylum
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Even the Holosub is mourning pikamee lol
Which is definitely against the rules but that sub seems to have stopped being moderated a few months ago
This is REALLY bad for these retards because the holosub is 8 times larger than virtualyoutubers and has much more reach, it will only fan the flames even more as you can see many people who were totally unaware in the comments.

Pikamee was probably the worst person this could have happened to, she was part of a minor non-agency which didn't have beef with anyone, she had collabed with pretty much all of the different factions in the vtuber sphere, she speaks both english and japanese which increased her reach and was a well established and respected chuuba. And most of all, she never got in any sort of drama or scandals and always maintained a good image in most people's eyes.

I'd imagine that if this happened to someone with less reach it wouldn't have exploded so violently, even if it had been a holo or niji i think a lot of the people who hate either side would have sided with the twitards in order to spite their long term rivals. Pikamee was pretty much the very worst person for them to (possibly) cause to graduate.


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Yeah I've long been at the point of I want these people to get exactly what they themselves desire. They desire a world where they are persecuted, hunted down, and murdered by all the bigots of the world so they can whine on twitter for clout and at this point I hope they receive just that since it seems to be what they truly want in life.



opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
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God dammit they actually got Pikamee to quit. Fuck these activists screwing with such a sweet and harmless girl like her that she gets to the point of ending her career.

Okay before I give my thoughts let me just say it is insanely unreasonable to act as though the ONLY reason she's graduating is a like what, 1 day long harassment campaign. Big corpos don't quit (especially people who have been streaming for 3 years) because of 1 harassment campaign. The harassment sped up the process I'm sure and it's despicable, but it is undoubtable in my mind that this was going to happen eventually, regardless. In fact I heard she was thinking of retiring for a while.
Part of my hate and sorrow from this is that it feels less like she graduated on her own terms and more like everything got accelerated due to the shit she delt with earlier in the month.
My thought exactly.

As for the news itself, it's horrendous to hear. I have to wonder what might've caused this decision. I didn't watch her but she was always so cheerful and sweet. Genuinely a wholesome and lovable person. I'm going to miss seeing her around in collabs and I feel sorry for a fans. We're losing another legend today

o7 💛💛💛💛💛
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Gods Strongest Chiramigo
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Fucking Riggers
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I actually disagree. /vt/'s dumb-fuck jokes have actively hurt multiple Holomems, to name a few. Kronii and Ame getting shit for collabing with boys has pretty much put the girls who didn't show intention to collab right away in a situation where if they want to collab with boys, they get shit, and if they don't they also get shit for looking stuckup.

Ayame, especially, has had an enormous amount of shit thrown her way thanks to them. The Western community basically shat on her daily until she came out she was dealing with her fucking mom having cancer and her grandmother dying.

You may think that shit goes unnoticed, and it might here because of how small and unknown we are, but shit on Twitter, 4chan, and Reddit are fore-front and actively impact the VTubers.
I don't think VT has any power over most vtubers, Kronii was getting shit from her members and not from vt when the first collab happened, that is why she made that unarchived member stream (she noticed her members complaining), besides if the "memes" vt comes up with to shit on them for collabing with dudes were to affect them then the retarded "vesper fucked X" meme that gets overused here and on vt would have already caused issues for everyone, and so far the only ones giving shit to the girls that don't want to collab with the dudes are twitter retards that don't even watch them and collab beggars.

For ayame the issue people had was the "collect a paycheck" type streams she was making and lack of "normal" streams, and the ones complaining weren't even her fans, it was just fags that were angry their oshi wasn't making as much money while putting double the effort on streaming, and the one time some retard tried to break containment from vt was a reddit post over her hatred for koreans, and the one that made the ayame hasn't streamed counter was a chink and not vt.

TLDR: vt is retarded but it's the least 4chan type board on 4chan, as its mostly self-contained with minimal gayops (compared to the rest of 4chan) still a shit place compared to here.

Jolted Cookies

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I'm not going to pretend that I watched Pikamee outside of the very rare clip I'd click on; but it's plainly obvious she was a pillar of the entire Vtuber community. Whether this was truly planned, straight up harassment, or somewhere in the middle; there's no denying that there will overall be less positivity in the vtuber sphere because of her absence. I wish her good luck in whatever she chooses to take on next :gurasemperfi:

Yeah, slight change on the bio... high chances that she's getting booted out of niji now
Edit: changed the first image because she wiped out the "graduated" part on her name too on the newer screenshot
Yeah, Zaion probably ain't lasting much longer, and if she doesn't get fired I'll eat a hat. A shame, she was honestly my favourite in XSOLEIL.
I don't watch niji, but if she kicks the bucket I might start watching her.

Not sure if I should transplant this next bit to the main thread, but since I read it here:
Losing her Niji model is a bummer, easily the most expressive; but once she goes live/back to her other identity I can go back to my status quo of ignoring NijiEN completely.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Twitter is rife with gayops at the moment. You can tell the genuine slacktivists off because their idiotic hot takes don't run afoul across several weeks-worth of comments. I would venture a guess and say that nearly a quarter of the tripe flying around at the moment comes from the same 2 or 3 bored anon faggets. Shit's so tiresome.


Gods Strongest Chiramigo
Nolan's Widow
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At this point I barely even have a damn left to give. If it's not them, it's somebody else. It's only a matter of time.

For the last ten years we've been in this constant cycle of throwing other people into the path of the mob. Not directly in many cases, not intentionally, but by silence and by inactivity. Be outspoken, but less than the other guy, so he gets targeted first. Be subversive, but only so much, so they go after bigger targets. Stay quiet. Say different words instead of the ones you really want to say, so the people who say the real words get targeted first.

I'm fucking sick of it. I'm sick and tired of it. These people will not stop. They will not be satisfied. They can only be given new targets. Time and time again both individuals and companies have taken the same stance; appeasement. They apologize, they kowtow, they suck the feminine penis. It's never enough, because these people hate you. They want to destroy you utterly and leave you insane and suicidal, because you dared at one time say 'no' to them in one way or another. They will never be happy, not even after they've torn you to pieces and then jumped on said pieces.

If there's one idea I'd like to violently crowbar into the heads of every talent out there, it's that you can't treat these people like equals. They don't view you as human. You're not one of the Anointed, the Chosen, the Gnostics, the Enlightened. You are intrinsically, fundamentally evil to them, and you can never be anything else, ever, for any reason. When they come after you, it's not because they've found something they object to. They hate you already. They hate you for being popular and successful, positive and upbeat. All 'evidence' of wrongdoing they bring up is nothing but a public shield, to try and delude the unaligned into thinking they have a point.

Shut them out. Keep them away. Don't give them an inch. Don't give them a millimetre. Don't give them a nano-angstrom. The moment you see a rainbow flag, a personal pronoun, any hint of infiltration, get rid of it. Never compromise, because there can never be any compromise, just slow incremental steps to them taking over and destroying you.
After today, the mask comes off IRL. No more showing any of these people a modicum of respect. No more bending over backwards for these freaks. I am done playing their little game, if they cannot survive honest opinions that don't align with their beliefs they are weak and will just have to deal with it. Unironically the reason they are the way they are isn't simply because the internet hugboxes them. IT'S BECAUSE THE REAL WORLD HUGBOXES THEM AND BENDS OVER BACKWARDS FOR THEM! They claim they are marginalized when in reality folk bend over backwards to sate their ever growing need for approval. These cry bullies get babied through life and still complain it's too hard. I'M FUCKING SICK OF IT!


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Here's a noteworthy reaction tweet. Fellow troon target, Silvervale, sends her well wishes to Pikamee.


Elite Miko

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I know I'm late as fuck but fuck it. It goes without saying but actually harassing random trans people online who have nothing do with this or not part of the v-tweeter community should be left alone. With that said, FUCK those "activists" who actually did and are complicit in the harassment of Pikamee and v-tubers in general, they deserve the rope as far as I'm concern even before the Pikamee news.

Now I will say that, I don't know how much the harassment played a part of Pikamee calling it quits, but if it ever comes out that this was a big part of it, then they deserve to have this shit hanging over their head forever. I don't know if Pikamee is completely done with v-tubing or she's going to a different company with a new persona. Hopefully, she goes with a corpo like Niji or Holo because at least they'll protect their talent in facing such harassment.

Pray for the tea kettle and remember what they took from you.


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After today, the mask comes off IRL. No more showing any of these people a modicum of respect. No more bending over backwards for these freaks. I am done playing their little game, if they cannot survive honest opinions that don't align with their beliefs they are weak and will just have to deal with it. Unironically the reason they are the way they are isn't simply because the internet hugboxes them. IT'S BECAUSE THE REAL WORLD HUGBOXES THEM AND BENDS OVER BACKWARDS FOR THEM! They claim they are marginalized when in reality folk bend over backwards to sate their ever growing need for approval. These cry bullies get babied through life and still complain it's too hard. I'M FUCKING SICK OF IT!
They think that words have power.
This is true because they fear the most powerful word of all:

Johnny Jambalaya

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After today, the mask comes off IRL. No more showing any of these people a modicum of respect. No more bending over backwards for these freaks. I am done playing their little game, if they cannot survive honest opinions that don't align with their beliefs they are weak and will just have to deal with it. Unironically the reason they are the way they are isn't simply because the internet hugboxes them. IT'S BECAUSE THE REAL WORLD HUGBOXES THEM AND BENDS OVER BACKWARDS FOR THEM! They claim they are marginalized when in reality folk bend over backwards to sate their ever growing need for approval. These cry bullies get babied through life and still complain it's too hard. I'M FUCKING SICK OF IT!
Where the fuck do you people even go that you are surrounded by vermintide irl? You should probably move. Like I can count on one hand the amount of them I’ve interacted with irl.
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