"AX was really fun😊 Thank you for coming to pee me it was soo fun I hat it to wake up til 4am for panel but it was worth it!"Henya the Genius

Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

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"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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Jean Valjean

Brimming with salt
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"Go to sleep," I said to myself futilely, knowing the allure of Niji yab would be irresistible.


Unapoligetic sheep enjoyer
Joined:  May 5, 2023
Guys, I'm scared to sleep.
sleep sweet prince, you may see terminations as a bad thing, but in reality, you're setting them free.

also it would be funny if the curse continues


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I Wanna Die

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I have no clue to feel about the Scarle situation, before the last couple weeks I would have assumed she pulled a Scarle and is missing the stream for some dumb reason. Up until yesterday I would have assumed she's cancelling cause she didn't want to deal everything. Now I'm worried she actually is in trouble for liking the Kurosanji comment, they listed Zaion doing it on her alt in her termination notice as a reason. I was hoping she'd be able to graduate on her own terms and have time to get her affairs in order but at the same time she's the kind of person to keep her head down and stream with Niji forever so a termination may actually get her out before things get worse.


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Unapoligetic sheep enjoyer
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It fucking begins, her voicepacks got pulled.

Doesn't make any sense since she was still advertising them. Was in the description in her last stream.
oh fuck it's happening isn't it


Dogs are forever in the push-up position
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Oh great. I always thought Calli was the VTuber reaper, but now it turns out that power actually rests within the sleep cycle of a neurotic Brit asylum warden. Proctorrr, go to sleeeeep, let Scarle pass over to the other siiiide...

I Wanna Die

Don't do drugs, blow all your money on vtubers
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"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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Man, when Scarle is gone, I hope she gets a chocolate model.....

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
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Does Scarle have a PL twitter?


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
every graduation just means less people for ninji to skinwalk.

Literally walking out of the company and joining the protests outside.:SelenHAHAhere:

Edit: Blizzardsanji.


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The Rratarded Alt

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foto_no_exif (12) (1).jpg

In-fighting, LET'S GOOO
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There's 3 total items currently if you search her name, that voicepack plus a standee and badge
Same for Luca etc, I'm not sure it proves anything.

I Wanna Die

Don't do drugs, blow all your money on vtubers
Joined:  Nov 15, 2023
Does Scarle have a PL twitter?
Here's her twitter

List of known NijiEn PLs/RM from the not thread
Are we doing roommates and people who "retired" and now do flesh streams like Kizuna Ai's VA?

Pomu = Mint Fantome = https://www.youtube.com/@mintfantome (Might get a new account, but this WAS her in vtuber form before Pomu) and current active Twitter = https://twitter.com/dearsqn (Please read her pinned tweet here if you want to follow her)
Elira = Ryuusei Nova = (Has a sub button)
Finana = Shirogane Yui = https://twitter.com/shirogane_yui + https://www.youtube.com/@shiroganeyui8459 (All I could find connected directly to her. I can confirm it is her from a video in which she was a singer in a group. Yes, I got her voice from like, only 6 seconds. I am insane. Also, face reveal warning.)
Rosemi = Kirihime Ria/Fuzuki Miki = https://www.youtube.com/@mikich.5459 (Not much content on her channel, but search the name and you'll hear her no problem) (Fuzuki was her as an indie, and if she does return, that is the likely one)
Petra = Rie = https://www.youtube.com/@rie1026
Selen = Dokibird = https://www.youtube.com/@Dokibird (Will likely get membership soon) + (Has a sub button and a dono link)
Nina = Matara Kan = (Has a sub button)
Millie = Lyrica = https://www.youtube.com/@LyricaCh (Has membership) + (Has a sub button and a dono link)
Enna = Shannon = https://www.youtube.com/@LemonTeaBloops (Face reveal warning)
Reimu = MarieFD = https://www.youtube.com/@FDMarie (Has a Patreon) + (Has a sub button and dono link)
Shu = TORA =
Ike = Xandu = https://www.youtube.com/@XanduIsBored
Vox = His channel is tied to his real name, seemed really personal, and he has been doxxed already. Had it here, but did some rethinking on keeping it up.
- (I don't really care enough) - Nooternun
Luca = Javaaaa = (Has a sub button)
Mysta = Kuro = (Has a sub button and dono link) + https://www.youtube.com/@BluBaku (Face reveal warning)
Alban = Ritaka = (Has a sub button and dono link)
Fulgur = Cusleacrann = (Has a sub button and a Patreon linked)
Uki = Pearl Ch. = https://www.youtube.com/@thecafechild (Face reveal warning) + https://www.youtube.com/@Pearlish
Yugo = Unnamed = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrIs26bEKOvA_lRnO2Hgscw (Has a dono link)
Sonny = Sketchek = https://www.youtube.com/@sketchek (This one is interesting, due to what will come up on search results)
Iluna -
Ren = Jordan Sweeto = https://www.youtube.com/@DanSweeto (not a vtuber, but was an IRL singer, so face reveal warning)
Kyo = Quinn Benet = https://www.youtube.com/@QuinnBenet + (Has a sub button and a dono link) (IRL creator, so face reveal warning)
Scarle = AmiYoshiko = (Has a sub button) (She was an IRL creator, so face reveal warning)
Maria = Himechin = (Has a sub button and a dono link) (She did a lot of IRL stuff, so face reveal)
Aia = LaDeathMachine = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwG60McbuKGsj53_JLoY-9Q (IRL creator, so face reveal warning. Channel is empty, but searching the name on YT should prove this is in fact, who you are looking for)
Aster = Xigneon = https://twitter.com/XigneoN (Protected. All I could find connected directly to him. Dude basically doesn't exist, outside of clips of him from third parties with no links to anything.)
Doppio = Seikyuu = https://www.youtube.com/@SeikyuuVA2Reborn
Meloco = Shirahari Uni = https://twitter.com/shirahariuni (Protected. All I could find connected directly to her. Search her on youtube to find clips.)
Kotoka = Yuri = https://twitter.com/_namaehamadanai (All I can find connected directly to her. I can't access, because Elon is an idiot) a video with her voice = (Face reveal warning)
Hex = KyrioCifer = (Has a sub button and a dono link)
Ver = Nuka = https://www.youtube.com/@nukademy + (Has a dono link)
Zaion = Sayu = (Has a sub button and a dono link)
Zali = Issei Kai = https://www.youtube.com/@isseikaich +
Wilson = Kooji = (Has a sub button and a dono link)
Vanta = Mellolux = (Has a sub button)
Kunai = SunnySplosion = https://www.youtube.com/user/SunnySplosion + (Has a sub button and a Patreon linked)
Victoria = Mogu = https://www.youtube.com/@MoguGhost + (Has a sub button and a dono link)
Claude = Arakita Seigi = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7BO4FfXbaFRzoit9EQ-1WA + (Has a sub button and a dono link)

Of note, Meloco used to be Fubuki's sister! I saw videos of her so long ago!


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I think, more specifically, that the issue was that management was claiming a policy regarding ex-members that had not existed previously, and appears to be overlooked or breached subsequently, to can her video at the last minute, after she'd put all her time and money into it. Said policy also seems to serve no purpose given the context, and it should have been within management's power to simply give their approval in a prompt manner.
I think the number one thing people are missing is that perms are something that are made to protect the livers from lawsuit/DMCA by other companies. Having exliver as perms made no sense because the copyrights belong to Nijisanji. Hololive used to let people play games without perms. They got hard cracked down, mio almost banned off YouTube forever. That's why they started looking for game perms.
Anycolor is literally abusing something that were supposed to protect their talent to lord over them.
It really is worse :depressedtako:. Because unless it's a Riro Ron situation where there is obvious bad behavior a termination is a sad affair, but at least the person behind the avatar is able to go and do other things, try to move on with their lives. But the fact that elira participated in a video like this is so bad and damaging it can't be just simply excused, it speaks badly of the person behind the avatar. My heart goes to anyone who oshi'ed Elira, I really, really hope it was management who insisted on doing a video like this and not her, that's the only cope I can muster.

Also I've been thinking of stopping posting here for a while because I think I might have a curse just like Proctor. It's a dumb idea but after seeing things just continuously go in the worst path possible I don't know what else to do but start believing in curses
How about you start posting about pippa
One was comparing this situation to the Meiro v Roa.. :NOWWELAUGH: It's true insanity the amount of cope these jpbros are sniffing to defend their precious black company.
I actually saw it getting compared alot but used against nijisanji.
"Now the world start to see how delusional Nijirisu are. We japanese have known it for years" is 2chan sentiment.
Any japanese can tell me what Nijirisu is. Google translate went for nijisquirrels.
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