The PVP is dead because it's shallow as fuck and unbalanced. You get a samurai with LB and the parry to just walk forward and he deletes the entire enemy team because nobody can see what the fuck is going on. I do like Crystalline Conflict a lot because the matches are 5 minutes tops, so if your teammates are a bunch of Pippas, you'll be out of there in about a minute thirty.FFIV is so full of degeneracy. It has some pretty hard core/dedicated dungeon people, but man, the pvp is dead. Not to mention the amount of public ERP is so fucking cringe.
Thing is, A Realm Reborn isn't bad, it's just really fucking slow and you're just being an adventure wagie until level 30-ish, at which point you get one of the worst fetch quest chains I've ever seen in a game, only for the game to go "the fetch quests were AIDS on purpose lmao" and then the game speeds up.I kind of get the feeling. I've started FF XIV twice in the last couple years and basically reached the point after you save the pixie thing in the woods and start running around the world to deliver letters to guys in random lodges and quit around the same point both times. Not that the game was bad, I actually liked it, but I think I'm just less committed to continuing the same game as much lately.
Only for you to finish ARR's second half which is pretty good and have to slog through ARR's postgame quests.