So, by now everyone should've noticed this thing;

This is part of my new scheme to appropriately monetize this forum in a way that is relevant to its audience.
Specifically, this is a simple widget that can be easily edited from the admin panel. All it does is show off a selected YouTube video. Autoplay is enabled by default, but I can disable it (no, audio will never be enabled by defaultexcept for mobile users and Nolan). Twitch integration is possible as well. Since absolutely nobody has reported any horrific glitches or eldritch occurrences associated with it up till now, I feel secure about pushing forwards.
I'm going to allow people who donate to our primary support mechanism to link a vtuber of their choice in this space for three days. Prices are as follows;
2view, aka averages below 100 CCV: $5 per 3 days.
Non-corporate channels below 500 CCV: $10 for the first 3 days, + $5 for the next 3 days.
Corporate channels or channels above 500 CCV: $10 per 3 days.
No channel may be featured for more than 12 days in a row.
The way it works is very simple; you send me a DM with the link to the vtuber you want me to display, then pay me the money on my BMAC account. If you don't use the same name on your donation, add a random string of characters to both the donation message and the DM (I.E: 43194) so I know there is a connection between the two.
I will change the title of the widget to reflect the name of the streamer and link it with their channel.
I reserve the right to refuse any talents whose behaviours and ethical values I possess a visceral dislike for or whose activities would violate the core principles illustrated in our rules. In other words; no lolibait streamers, no degenerate streamers, no Yuko Urine, etc. If you think I wouldn't feature a talent, confirm my willingness before you donate. If you donate without confirmation and I refuse to feature a talent, that's your own damn fault.
If this proves a success I will likely expand this form of monetization, possibly with similar banner widgets or other elements non-intrusively placed around the forum's layout. We are now big enough that we urgently need to either upgrade our cloudhosting plan or consider moving to a dedicated server, both of which are not cheap. My RL situation is also unstable; I need to move my elderly family out of their 20+ year home within the next 6 months, and while I'm not desperate for cash, I'm not in a position to let potential revenue go unexploited either. I consider this a reasonable way to both make money and also highlight talents who may not be well-known to the core audience here.
If anyone has comments or suggestions, feel free to make them now.
Edit: To clarify; the 3-day timer begins when I first update the link, not when you donate. If the slot is already occupied, your request will become the next in line after the timer for the donator in front of you expires.

This is part of my new scheme to appropriately monetize this forum in a way that is relevant to its audience.
Specifically, this is a simple widget that can be easily edited from the admin panel. All it does is show off a selected YouTube video. Autoplay is enabled by default, but I can disable it (no, audio will never be enabled by default
I'm going to allow people who donate to our primary support mechanism to link a vtuber of their choice in this space for three days. Prices are as follows;
2view, aka averages below 100 CCV: $5 per 3 days.
Non-corporate channels below 500 CCV: $10 for the first 3 days, + $5 for the next 3 days.
Corporate channels or channels above 500 CCV: $10 per 3 days.
No channel may be featured for more than 12 days in a row.
The way it works is very simple; you send me a DM with the link to the vtuber you want me to display, then pay me the money on my BMAC account. If you don't use the same name on your donation, add a random string of characters to both the donation message and the DM (I.E: 43194) so I know there is a connection between the two.
I will change the title of the widget to reflect the name of the streamer and link it with their channel.
I reserve the right to refuse any talents whose behaviours and ethical values I possess a visceral dislike for or whose activities would violate the core principles illustrated in our rules. In other words; no lolibait streamers, no degenerate streamers, no Yuko Urine, etc. If you think I wouldn't feature a talent, confirm my willingness before you donate. If you donate without confirmation and I refuse to feature a talent, that's your own damn fault.
If this proves a success I will likely expand this form of monetization, possibly with similar banner widgets or other elements non-intrusively placed around the forum's layout. We are now big enough that we urgently need to either upgrade our cloudhosting plan or consider moving to a dedicated server, both of which are not cheap. My RL situation is also unstable; I need to move my elderly family out of their 20+ year home within the next 6 months, and while I'm not desperate for cash, I'm not in a position to let potential revenue go unexploited either. I consider this a reasonable way to both make money and also highlight talents who may not be well-known to the core audience here.
If anyone has comments or suggestions, feel free to make them now.
Edit: To clarify; the 3-day timer begins when I first update the link, not when you donate. If the slot is already occupied, your request will become the next in line after the timer for the donator in front of you expires.
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