Never forget that even 3 years into the company, after collabing with Pekora multiple times, Kiara still spilled all her spaghetti when meeting Pekora irl. Kiara RAN AWAY after stuttering a greeting to her when casually meeting her and Marine in the studio. She later claimed that she wasn't ready yet to face her, and she had to run away because Kiara felt like her make-up wasn't
on fleek and she was sweaty and stinky after a dance lesson and those are in no way the circumstances to meet your oshi.
But after this meeting, she is even more afraid to ever meet Pekora again because Kiara left such a terrible first impression.

It's not even the first time Kiara runs away. One time she told a story, how she met a cosplayer girl she looked up to and admired at a convention. The girl was so cute and pretty, Kiaras brain short-circuited in a gay panic and was not able to hold a basic conversation and ran away crying.