"If you have a big nose, you're going to be rich"Jelly Hoshiumi

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Hololive Thread Announcements [Note: All entries are links]


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Gods Strongest Subatomo
Joined:  Oct 22, 2022
Over the week, Subaru's album reached #1 on Recochoku (JP music service) and Billboard Japan's downloaded album list:



She mentioned in a members stream a while ago that if we see something that could hint at a sololive, she really hopes that we buy it. I'm certain she was referring to this album, so it's a nice sign to see it doing this well. Not too bad for someone that doesn't consider herself an artist.

If I may recommend a song besides Hoshi Akari, she did a banger song for Oozora Police, featuring Bae doing a godlike rap and Marine, Fubuki and Noel yelling for no reason:

But give the whole album a listen! It's full of cheerful, heartfelt bangers and it'll move her one step closer to her sololive.

She also talked about Shion during her watchalong stream and her morning stream:
  • Subaru's known about Shion's decision for about 3 months or so.
  • Rather than sad, she was more so genuinely concerned about Shion's health and wanted her to get a ton of rest.
  • Ultimately, she has to go on her own road so Subaru wants to support her as her friend and her comrade.
  • They've been talking a lot behind the scenes, including making plans to going fishing together.
  • They were both kinda sad about the 6th Fes split. Shion was on Stage 2 while Subaru and the other Gen 2 girls are on Stage 3.
    • But she decided she wanted to cheer her on as much as she could. (And she did so yesterday)
    • She hoped for Shion's final Fes to be a wonderful, happy memory and that Shion's fans could enjoy themselves to the fullest.
  • While working on her 6th anniversary live, Subaru realized that while she was doing it for us, she was also doing it for Shion.
  • Everything Subaru wanted to say to Shion was packed into her last performance: "A future full of blessing for me and you."
  • Subaru came up with this mid-stream but on Shion's graduation day, she plans to give her the Exodia cards. Like what Yugi did to Jaden in the first episode of GX.
    • She almost has the complete set so she's gonna put them into a bouquet and give it to Shion.
    • She's hoping for Shion to smile until the end, so she wants to make her laugh and go "what the hell" with this

The only thing I can say is that I'm so proud of her and how much better she's handling this graduation :pomuLove:


Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
True & Honest Holofan
Joined:  Sep 23, 2023
Fourth hololive Minecraft Server - Highlights 15
Previous - Next

Compilation of holoJP members visiting Gigi's house and the railways. (Days 4 to 21)

Day 15:
Biboo grinded resources in the Nether and tells her results to Kaela.

Kaela wanted a woodland explorer map but got a trial explorer map.

Kaela goes through the trial chamber.

Kanata, Pekora, and Vivi went to find an elytra.

Vivi tries her elytra and gets congratuled by Pekora by having Vivi's song cover blasted over voice chat. [Pekora's POV, animation]

(Taken from here.)
Morning (JST) Hours:
  • Riona starts off with some building nearby her own auto farm. She also does some terraform clean up (its a bit of a mess from people taking dirt around here). There's a golem stuck in the water where Riona is cleaning up so she just.... covers the problem with dirt like he's not even there. Riona looks to be building something large, so she needs more dirt to give her the space she needs to build on top. The thing Riona is making is another autofarm. This one is bigger and will handle potatoes (her first one handles wheat).
  • Riona started writing her own fanfiction within the Minecraft chat. Her own chat was a bit unnerved by this.
  • Biboo's plan for today is to prepare for the Ender Dragon fight with Advent. Since they'll need to ressurecct the dragon, Biboo is going to need to get some ghast tears to make End Crystals. (She'll need to make 4 of them).
  • Biboo needs to get some EXP levels to enchant some items so she heads to ID's skeleton and spider farms. But chat tells her to instead go to Miko's TTT instead, so she does so. When she arrives she spies a creeper and immediately asks for sleep. Biboo escapes through the backway and sees the TTT. She heads up and waits for the mobs to spawn so she can get EXP.
  • Biboo goes to pick up a Panda to gift to Miko. Biboo said she gave one to Miko because she personally asked for one.
  • Riona now has the base for the auto farm, so next she has to transfer her villagers from their sleeping place into the farms nearby.
  • After much preparation (from the Pebbles who keep making Biboo overprepare) she heads into the nether. She goes looking for ghast tear. The first ghast she gets has a tear but the others have gunpowder. Biboo ends up falling into the lava lake but quickly drinks a fire resistance potion and is okay.
  • Riona partakes in some fishing for a little while as she waits for night to pass. Once its day again, she gets back to work on the auto-farm.
  • Kaela logs into the server. She's in the middle of the ocean. She was trying to make a nether portal here in the middle of the ocean but not enough obsidian for one. Apparently last night when she dug deep down she found the deep dark and met the warden (but she's ok). KAela starts travelling back home, and then suddenly she finds a pool of lava "Pemaole's luck lets go I was spending hours last night finding lava". Kaela makes obisidan with the pool of lava and mines it out.
  • Kaela then makes a portal to the nether. She goes in, adjusted it, and then goes back out only to enter a cave. Next to the cave was some diamonds so no real complaints. She goes back into the nether and is able to get back home (apparently Kaela made her own creeper farm in a faraway location).
  • Biboo did some upward digging in the nether and found ancient debris. She moves foward (I think trying to get back home), but only to realize she was reading the wrong numbers, and has to backtrack. Eventually Biboo gets back to the main HQ nether portal.
  • At the auto-farm Riona adds an auto smelter for the potatoes so they'll cook automatically. She then writes a sign at the front of the auto-farm.
  • Kaela's basement home has two armor stands which each display a wither skeleton head. Within Kaela's basement, one of the lava waterfalls also act as a door to an additional room (its lava, space, and a waterfall to get rid of the fire), like a room to special treasures (diamonds, smiting template) "I trust 6900 people." The secret room with the treasure serves as Kaela's bedroom, when she wants to meditate. She wants to have another room behind this bedroom.
  • Kaela also shows us her auto brewery machine, but remarks she'll probably be the only one using it.
  • Biboo gets all 4 ghast tears. Next Biboo needs to get Ender Eyes. She didn't know about this step. She asks chat where to get blaze rods and make blaze powder. Chat tells her to go ask Kaela. Kaela tells Biboo about her Blaze Rod Farm. Kaela we'll help take Biboo to where it is.
  • Kaela changes the Jorse name to Dinnerbone so now its upside down.
  • Biboo gives Kaela her valentine's day gift. She gave an ominous trial key "Its the key to your heart". Kaela: GSH. The golden melon is a bitter melon, bamboo is a toothpick, amethyst is Biboo "you kill the family for giving this to me", cocoa beans cause they're bitter. Kaela wants to display Biboo's gift with an item frame.
  • Biboo learned that the reason Kaela wanted the orange fox was to help at the berry farm. Kaela's quest for today is to make a railway to her blaze rod (its like 1000 blocks away). They arrive at the Blaze Rod farm. The Blaze Rod farm can also works as a good EXP farm as well. After getting the Blaze Rods and getting some EXP, they head back home and Biboo makes the End Crystals.
  • Biboo learns about using Ender Pearls and what Eye of Enders are used for. Biboo has fun throwing the Ender Pearls. Biboo then heads to Advent's Clubhouse and starts preparing items for Advent's Ender Dragon Fight. She will prepare some diamond armor for advent.
  • Riona has been busy with the autofarm. Though right now its all about decorating the area so it looks nicer when people arrive.
  • Kaela goes into the nether in search for gold to make the rails for her road. Biboo also goes in the nether but to get ancient debris. She'll grab gold too for Kaela. While Kaela was in the nether, she ended up hitting a zombie piglin and suddenly the Zombie piglins just keep running towards her non stop. Kaela uses this as an opportunity to grab any gold that they drop.
  • Matsuri logs onto the server. Today Matsuri will be making a house for Polka. She logs in near Riona and they chat. Riona tells Matsuri what she's been up to today.
  • Riona builds a bridge from her autofarm across the river to Flow Glow's area. She then does more decorating around the auto farm area.
  • Biboo walks by and sees Matsuri starting work on Polka's house. It'll be right on the edge of the river, near Marine's house, and in front of Ina's Tako House. Matsuri explains to Biboo that it'll be a water-house, and it'll be stylish looking. Matsuri then takes Biboo and shows her Marine's treasure room. She then shows Biboo Nene's house (the new Seal one she just made earlier). Biboo then wishes Matsuri good luck on her work today.
  • Biboo then meets up with Riona. She tells her that she has a nice looking bridge. Biboo asks Riona what she's been doing. Riona shows Biboo her autofarm. Biboo takes some of the baked potatoes from the farm (they both speak while jumping). Afterwards she finds a nearby cave and goes exploring inside.

Afternoon (JST) Hours:
  • Kaela realized how much in demand her villager traders are, they're in so much demand that they seem to often raise the prices, she's thinking of expanding the villager trading post to include even more blacksmiths for more iron trading for emeralds.
  • Suisei shortly after she log on off-stream suffered a zenloss. She is not daijoubu.
  • Koyori logs on and tells about the building she made last time. She has a plan to get an elytra today. She starts off by getting obsidian to make an ender chest.
  • Vivi is planning on setting up a trap. The trap is being built at Suisei and Fubuki's area. Vivi then gets chased by a baby zombie and a creeper. The creepers seem to despawn but the baby zombie was relentless in chase. Vivi was eventually able to defeat the baby zombie.
  • Kaela heads to a nearby pillager outpost and steals their pumpkin heads. She also goes to a nearby village to steal their glass pane windows. She's looking to get a cartographer to make some maps. She realized that she needs to get some redstone to make a compass to buy a map (which she didn't want to mine for but has to anyway). Kaela eventually makes a compass (shes looking for a woodland map from a villager).
  • Koyori heads to Vivi's place to pick up food and meets up with Vivi at the farm. She also saw that the farm got turned into an automatic one.
  • Koyori is also planning on bringing some gold to Gigi so she can make powered rails for her railway (about 7 blocks of gold, she also writes a sign). She also makes a poll to see if she'll get an elytra today. She only has a limited time to do so (About 2 hours). Just as Koyori enters the Outer End Islands, she dies to an enderman (must've looked by mistake). She is able to get her items.
  • Kaela is able to get a woodland map but she wonders if it leads to the same woodland that had already been looted by others.
  • Suisei works on continuing the building of a house in her city. She talks bout how she zenlossed off stream before this.
  • Pekora wants to revive the ender dragon and take it on solo.
  • Chihaya tells Vivi that she got stuck inside Vivi's autofarm system. Pekora reading the chat messages goes to investigate. Vivi heads on over from her trap building to help Chihaya out. Vivi arrrives and shows Chihaya the way out. Vivi then shows Pekora how she made her autofarm system.
  • Kaela finds a large mooshroom island (unknown if its the same one that Noel had found previously or not).
  • Koyori finds an End City. She goes looking to get some shulkers for shulker boxes. She is able to get some shulker boxes and leave the End City. Koyori cames across another End City but wonders if it has a ship, as its a larger city than the one she just found.
  • Kaela thinking after she finds a woodland mansion, she'll find a stronghold and then enter the end city through there get some shulkers, and use that to get home. With how far away this mansion is, KAela reaches another village and tries to get another map from another cartographer.
  • Pekora makes a gift for Vivi inside of her home. Vivi gets some diamond horse armor and puts it on one of her horses.
  • Miko comes by to visit Suisei. She gift Suisei some diamond tools and armor for her to use. She also gives Suisei a shulker box to help carry her blocks around.
  • Pekora on stream shows a clip of her prank to Kanata; from her setup to the execution of the prank itself. She realizes that with the golden helmet, Kanata looks like a gundam so she makes a gundam shield to complete the cosplay look.
  • Kaela ends up getting a map from another villager that instead leads to a trial chamber. She goes down to investigate the trial chamber. Kaela eventually finds a trial chamber (underneath an underwater lake) and heads down to partake in the trial. She gets one key and uses it to get some items (not the best things for Kaela). She finds a deep dark biome next to the trial chamber (And yes it can spawn darkness at the same time she's in there). Kaela breaks the pots to get any treasure inside. Because of her being next to a deep dark biome, she gets the achievement of killing an enemy while next to a skulk catalyst.
  • Suisei finds Vivi nearby and goes to see what shes up to. Vivi tells her she's planning to prank Fubuki.
  • Since its raining, Pekora takes a flight around the server using her trident and elytra. She ends up flying too fast and crashing hard into a nearby tree, killing her. Fortunately she landed very close to spawn point and was able to get her items back.
  • Suisei finds Miko's TTT and heads up to mend her shovel and axe.
  • Koyori finally finds an End Ship. And with 15 minutes left on her timer too. She makes some water pools, climbs up to the ship, and grabs the elytra. Mission success! Koyori wants to take a picture but she's close to an Enderman and doesn't want to trigger it.
  • Kaela realizes due to tech issues she might end up dying in the Trial Chamber (and she may have not touched the bed she placed earlier). When she lots back online. No enemies show up immediately and Kaela can eat a golden apple and live.

Evening (JST) Hours:
  • Pekora goes flying around on her elytra. She's looking for jungle temples and ruins to find a trim specific to that area. While flying she finds a mesa biome, and she finds a jungle temple. She goes to check out the Jungle Ruins and get its treasure, but no trim. She keeps on flying around. She finds a jungle biome thats surrounded by mountains. Pekora then goes back to the mesa biome that she found and mines some of the Terracotta there. Pekora on her way back home she runs out of fireworks. Fortunately she was able to make it back safely.
  • Vivi writes in a book for Fubuki as part of her prank. While setting up her book and prank she ends up suffocating to a wall and dying. She is able to go and grab her items back, thankfully.
  • Kaela ends her stream after being stuck in the Trial Chamber for a while (she did say she finished the railway to the blaze rod farm so thats a win at least). She'll most likely respawn back in the trial chamber when she logs back online again.
  • Miko has been helping out Suisei in gathering materials. She went and gathered Mangroves.
  • Vivi wants to go find an Elytra with Pekora. She agrees to it. Vivi begins preparations for The End travel.
  • Kanata logs online. Pekora gives her the Gundam shield.
  • Chihaya today wants to go into the Nether and look for Quartz. When she logged on, she saw Koyo's house and thought for a second it was actually set on lava. Then, she heads into and meets up with Su who is working on her own thing. She wishes Chihaya luck on Quartz hunting. Chihaya ends up at the bastion fortress. She passes by and continues on her search.
  • Kanata and Pekora are spying on each other with the spyglass. Pekora goes to Kanata and tells her about the elytra hunt she's going to have with Vivi. Kanata may be dragged into it. Pekora starts attacking Kanata, but she's fine. Pekora, Kanata, and Vivi will take a trip to The End and go Elytra hunting together. Vivi ended up killing Kanata, removing her of her cursed armor. Kanata can go back to wearing diamond armor now.
  • Su ends up entering into Europe/Stylish City area. She takes a look around. She finds TTT and takes a boat towards it. She heads up and starts killing the mobs there for EXP. Su heads on back, and Suisei helps to show her where the nether portal is, kind of. She gets lots a bit trying to find the nether portal.
  • Chihaya while in the nether gets attacked by a piglin. She blocks the Piglin from entering and then attacks it from a hidden spot, keeping her safe. She heads back out into the main area. While there she checks out the new Holonium Tower that was built.
  • Pekora, Kanata, and Vivi go to The End to go Elytra hunting. They start by taking the railway road to Gigi's Village. When they reach the village, Kanata gets lost and needs to be found. Pekora and Vivi try to search for where Kanata could be. They eventually find Kanata after searching around. They reach the end portal, and do any last minute prepwork. The girls start exploring The End. Pekora teaches Vivi about Chorus Fruit and the effects of eating them. They make Vivi build a bridge across the void with slabs, which makes her very nervous in doing so. Shes eventually able to do it successfully. They find a portal and take note of its coords if they need to head back home.
  • Iroha meets up with Suisei. Apparently Iroha brought a village over to the village and she asks wheres a safe place for it. Susiei says there isn't one. (I think) Iroha will go and get some quartz for Suisei. Suisei continues her housing builds.
  • By coincidence, Su and Chihaya both meet up at the Villager Trading Center. Chihaya tells Su about her recent adventure. The two chat or a bit.

Late Night (JST) Hours:
  • Suisei plays her music as BGM while she continues work on her houses.
  • Su has been doing some solo exploration. She was previously in the swamp area hunting down slimes. Su then heads into the nether. She finds a Warped Forest and gather its materials.
  • Vivi, Pekora, Kanata are continuing their End City search. They take turns placing blocks for pathways. After much travelling they find an End City, but its ship has already been claimed. They still go in and take some of the building blocks. They find another End City and explore the place, taking its treasures and shulkers.
  • Chihaya continues her quartz search. She heads back and sees shes collected a lot of netherrack. She learns how to make quartz blocks with simply using her inventory instead of a crafting table. She's collected 24 blocks of quartz.
  • Kaela off stream has been searching for the Woodland mansion but no luck so far, even 8k blocks later.
  • Su back at home does construction work inside her house. Looks like she's making a new room in the basement.
  • While Chihaya was in the nether, a ghast ended up blasting a part of the tunnel, making the wooden floor catch fire would need to check but probably what happened is lava got spilled which cause the wooden floor to catch fire. Plus Chiahaya also died from the ghast itself, though her items are ok. Chihaya tries to fix the lava blocks the doorway to outside. Though Chihaya isn't sure of what to do. She makes a bucket to pick up the lava. (would need to double check the vod later on what happened).
  • A creeper spawned at the top of Suisei's house, and then another one showed up nearby. Suisei was able to take out both, but one of them blew up damaging the ground. (Nothing bad, just a bit of an annoyance).
  • Kanata, Pekora, and Vivi have been exploring a large End City. This End City has a ship. They encourage Vivi to make a path to the ship (After Pekora takes care of the shulkers outside). Inside they take care of the Shulker and Enderman, and Vivi gets her first Elytra! Su and Chihaya write their congrats in the chat. Vivi puts it in the ender chest for safety. She and Kanata go and get the Dragon Head. Pekora meanwhile is scouting ahead on her elytra to see if she can find an unexplored End City and Ship for Kanata to get her own Elytra, she is able to find one and sends the coords over, though they decide it be best for Pekora to pick it up for the girls instead. So now Kanata has one too. All the girls make it back home safely with their items (Pekora punched them into the void after everything was put away, and Suisei saw and responded).
  • After what happened in the Nether, Chihaya changes the floor to all stone instead of all wood.
  • Back home, Kanata puts back on her Detective Conan outfit and shield. She also puts her elytra on a wooden frame on a chest.
  • 13k blocks away later, Kaela finally founds the woodland mansion that the map she bought lead her to (Using a ruined portal by the sea helped with some travel time). She went to the Woodland mansion to get a trim from there.
  • Pekora back at her home does some work on the armadillo/silverfish EXP farm she was developing. Apparently she only had 1 armadillo left for it, so she had to make more for the farm.
  • Su continues construction of the new room in her house. She's using the green wood from the nether to decorate and design it.
  • Through a current unknown cause (Speculation seems to be a tree that grew too close to the lava farm, or a spark from the dripstone landed on a tree or a vine), the trees nearby Vivi's lava farm caught on fire and spread. The fire reached Haachama's coaster and it burned a part of it down. Vivi during this was in a pure panicked state, very unsure of what to do and running around. She did eventually asked the MC chat to help out and Chihaya and Pekora came by to check out what had happened. Vivi explains this to Chihaya, who kind of laughs at the situation (Also cause Vivi is saying this all while wearing a dragon head). Besides a bit of Haachama's coaster and some of the trees from the tree farm nearby, there wasn't huge significant damage. Vivi does notice she has the railings that fell off from the coaster.
  • Su and Riona go up from the water to investigate and check out the Haachama coaster. They walk through from where the expansion is. The next Minecraft Morning they meet up with Vivi and head up to get a better look. Riona and Vivi fix up the coaster itself as best as they can. The tree that was on the side here has been burned however. It may be something Haachama would need to fix up later (or keep it). After fixing up the main coaster part, Vivi goes for a test run. The coaster does work normally. She gets off the coaster however before moving on (since the coaster has a chance of death).
  • Pekora builds and sets up her own Villager Trading Post in the Pekomid. She sets up a rail cart system to easily transport villagers over to their work stations. She might doing the trick of turning them into Zombie villagers and then turning them all back so the prices will permanently be lowered for her.
  • Vivi replants the trees that burned down due the fire. making sure its not too close to the lava farm. She then leaves a chest and sign for Haachama explaining what had happened to her coaster.
  • Chihaya moves a villager into Flow Glow castle. She puts a stonecutter so the villager would get the mason job. (to help get blocks to help with construction of the castle). After one, Chihaya brings more villagers to Flow Glow Castle. She tries to get the 2nd villager but it ends up escaping from Chihaya. She tries to find a way to bring it to a boat and bring it back to where she previously had it. Chihaya was able to bring the villager back.
  • Vivi goes to get enchantments for her Elytra. She asks chat for name suggestions for her Elytra. While Vivi figures out the name of her Elytra, Chihaya whos shearing sheep overhears her and goes to see. Chihaya wishes her luck. She names it: Legendary Farmer Vivi's Furoshiki. She takes a test flight around the server. She then asks Pekora to watch her fly. Pekora claps, says she did a good job, just needs to practice taking off properly. The two fly around together. Back at Vivi's house, they chat and Pekora plays Vivi's cover in front of her.
  • Su goes to collect moss for hew new room she's designing. The room has an axolotl pond. It looks like a lush cave.
  • Pekora gets to work converting her villagers into zombies. Not all get the zombie treatment, some do perish (she'll have to make more for those). Pekora gives congrats to those who turned into zombies, which looks to be at least more than half.
  • Vivi meets up with Chihaya and shows Chihaya her flying skills.
  • Pekora hears that theres a thunderstorm outside. She immediately grabs her Trident and heads outside. She finds a Creeper and shoots it down, making it charged (this is how you get creeper heads). Pekora does end up dying to a charged creeper while doing this attempt. When she gets back she realizes that some of her zombie villagers ended up despawning. She takes the remaining ones and reconverts them back to normal villagers. The first villager is fully converted and Pekora gets the achievement (And a discounted price). Pekora then waits for the other zombie villagers to get converted. She wraps it up from here after they're done converting.
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La+ de Central Norte

General of the second army commanded by Gozaru
Joined:  Apr 23, 2023

Shion has been streaming about FES for more than 7 hours


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
Over the week, Subaru's album reached #1 on Recochoku (JP music service) and Billboard Japan's downloaded album list:

View attachment 92102

View attachment 92103

She mentioned in a members stream a while ago that if we see something that could hint at a sololive, she really hopes that we buy it. I'm certain she was referring to this album, so it's a nice sign to see it doing this well. Not too bad for someone that doesn't consider herself an artist.

If I may recommend a song besides Hoshi Akari, she did a banger song for Oozora Police, featuring Bae doing a godlike rap and Marine, Fubuki and Noel yelling for no reason:

But give the whole album a listen! It's full of cheerful, heartfelt bangers and it'll move her one step closer to her sololive.

She also talked about Shion during her watchalong stream and her morning stream:
  • Subaru's known about Shion's decision for about 3 months or so.
  • Rather than sad, she was more so genuinely concerned about Shion's health and wanted her to get a ton of rest.
  • Ultimately, she has to go on her own road so Subaru wants to support her as her friend and her comrade.
  • They've been talking a lot behind the scenes, including making plans to going fishing together.
  • They were both kinda sad about the 6th Fes split. Shion was on Stage 2 while Subaru and the other Gen 2 girls are on Stage 3.
    • But she decided she wanted to cheer her on as much as she could. (And she did so yesterday)
    • She hoped for Shion's final Fes to be a wonderful, happy memory and that Shion's fans could enjoy themselves to the fullest.
  • While working on her 6th anniversary live, Subaru realized that while she was doing it for us, she was also doing it for Shion.
  • Everything Subaru wanted to say to Shion was packed into her last performance: "A future full of blessing for me and you."
  • Subaru came up with this mid-stream but on Shion's graduation day, she plans to give her the Exodia cards. Like what Yugi did to Jaden in the first episode of GX.
    • She almost has the complete set so she's gonna put them into a bouquet and give it to Shion.
    • She's hoping for Shion to smile until the end, so she wants to make her laugh and go "what the hell" with this

The only thing I can say is that I'm so proud of her and how much better she's handling this graduation :pomuLove:

I'm happy to see her taking Shion's graduation so well, and her thoughts/tributes for Shion are incredibly sweet and very on-point for Subaru. I obviously can't speak for Shion, but I imagine this probably means a lot to her. I don't think it's possible for a soul to exist in this world that couldn't be uplifted by Subaru's support and upbeat, positive personality.

As for her album, I gave it a listen to. Twice, actually, while I was playing a game. Very nice. I'm only a filthy EN speaker, so I can't understand the lyrics and can only go off the sound/"vibes", but there was a good mix of upbeat, happy songs and some emotional, more "epic sounding" ones. I'm pretty finicky with music, so it may take me a few listens to actually absorb and get attached to songs, but there were definitely a few stand-out tracks for me with just one listen, and I've been listening to those on repeat already, and the others all sounded nice too. Very fun album as a whole.

As of right now, the one I've been enjoying the most is the opening track. Really went strong with the opening to this album. Same can be said for all of the songs, but her singing was so good in this one.

She really sounds amazing on this album, and I'm happy to see that her work on this is being recognized to the extent it has been. I've said it many times before, but I don't pay as much attention to the music side of vtubing, so I skip out on a lot of it, but I will check some out when it's recommended and it's from vtubers I really enjoy. Not only do I enjoy this as a Subaru fan, but this is a damn good album that I know I'll be putting on beyond this initial listening, and I'm sure I'll be putting it on often for the foreseeable future.

Here's to that inevitable sololive! I can't wait.


I love my dumb dorky nephilim
Namirin's Husband
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Aka Split

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I notice that at least for talents living in oversea, you don't have to travel to Japan to take part in HoloFes. I don't know how they do it (especially for group songs), but somehow they can. Last year Fauna didn't travel for 5th Fes and BD, and it seems like Shiori and Gura aren't currently in Japan either. The only act they won't be able to do is the MC section I believe.

I think they have to go to JP to the studio some time before the show, at least to record their singing and dancing parts. I think only the MC portions are live during Fes though, so they don't have to be in JP for Fes directly unless they are a part of doing an MC live talk. At least that is always the way I understood it to be.

Aka Split

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I think they have to go to JP to the studio some time before the show, at least to record their singing and dancing parts. I think only the MC portions are live during Fes though, so they don't have to be in JP for Fes directly unless they are a part of doing an MC live talk. At least that is always the way I understood it to be.
Yeah, any ~4 day break within several months before Fes could have been a covert trip to Japan for recording.
This is corroborated by things like the signatures and stuff that are not actually written on the walls or standees. Maybe the standees were not printed yet at the time they went, and the wall had not been quarried and chiseled yet.


in a toxic relationship with IRyS
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I'm partly wondering if a lot of it is actually done live this year mainly due to all the awkward filling time until they get the signal to wrap it up MC segments they're doing.


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Shiori, what the fuck are you talking about?
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Uiu saw Kronii's Ui Beam and approves. She is also aware of Ina's beam.



Shiori, what the fuck are you talking about?
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Animators are fast, fes just ended..



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I'm sure we'll see the release of the gacha game right after we get Hololive Alternative.

When Alternative was announced, we still had Coco as an active talent. I wouldn't hold my breath.


in a toxic relationship with IRyS
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