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Nene's Pet Latinx
Sep 16, 2022
My thoughts?We're about 24 hours away from the first round of debuts, what are everyone's thoughts, concerns, hopes, dreams? With the sheer amount of anticipation riding on EN3 after so many years, how nervous do you think they are, and will that nervousness translate to their debut? It almost always does, so be sure to give each of them your love and support through these trying times.
And be sure to clip things you want them to be reminded of on their anniversaries, so that they die of cringe - it's content all the way down
It was damn time for this, I think EN3 should've come a year ago but I guess late is better than never, I have definitely felt this sense of wonder and childlike excitement from a lot of fan spaces that I hadn't felt since 2020, like everyone's ready to burst into raucous partying because they are just so pumped, I honestly feel the same.
Most of my concerns were banished quickly enough tbh, they didn't get horribly sub-culled, none of them has been found to have some controversial history for shitstirrers to exploit, all of them have been quite fun to see interact without anyone having any super annoying quirks and the models are all up to par. My only remaining worry is the twins not being GGN and the poor saps who got the models getting bombarded with hate, but that worry is quite small.
Hopes and dreams?
That they will bring a breath of fresh air to EN and quickly become vtubing staples, I personally hope that I find at least one of them interesting enough to force myself to watch streams.
I think they are quite fucking nervous, though Shiori seems oddly confident and composed by her interactions, she seems to fit the leader role a lot better than Ame or Bae ever did, I think they will be nervous but Holo has improved on many fronts in this round, from shorter debuts, to watchalongs, to two days instead of a marathon. to more promotional material, to simply a tighter and better executed protocol so I think internally these girls are in a much better place support-wise than council and myth were, they also have their senpai to rely on for advice and technical assistance.
Both Bae and Mumei implied to have met them physically (weird choice of wording if they just meant seeing each other via video call), so highly likely all of them traveled to Japan at the same time for, err.... on-boarding purpose? I remember ID1 mentioned something similar too, back then the pandemic hasn't really started so they got to travel to Japan.
Nothing in the clip implies they met physically, I think they just meant met as in they know them already unlike the audience and probably the other branches. Idk it just seems weird to meet these people whom you barely know.
I am unable to answer that tbh, both are likely but neither is decisive enough, as for my preference I think momoki has the better pedigree and would be the better is nerissa limeor momoki
? what is everyones final answer